Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research

Carolina Barillas-Mury, M.D., Ph.D., Chief

Jesus G. Valenzuela, Ph.D., Deputy Chief

The Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research (LMVR) is dedicated to studies of malaria and insect vectors of infectious diseases. Research groups in the laboratory maintain an array of on-campus and overseas activities investigating disease-transmitting insects and broad areas of malaria biology and pathogenesis. Basic discoveries from these investigations support searches for new drug treatments, diagnostic tools, and vaccines. The LMVR environment is highly collaborative and is organized to foster research teamwork by experts in various disciplines of the biological, physical, and medical sciences. 

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Major Areas of Research

  • Malaria biology and pathogenesis
  • Insect vectors of infectious diseases
  • New drug treatments, diagnostic tools, and vaccines


The Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research includes the following principal investigators, staff scientists, and/or staff clinicians:

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