By Megan Bohn, Ph.D., NIAID Predoctoral/Postdoctoral/Visiting Fellow Program Coordinator
NIAID fellows now have two new representatives to the NIH Fellows Committee, better known as FelCom. Vaccine Research Center postdoc Sila Ataca, Ph.D., will now represent the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) and the Maryland campuses of the Division of Intramural Research (DIR). Postdoc Arthur Wickenhagen, Ph.D., will represent the fellows at Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML) located in Hamilton, Montana. Since 2020, Dr. Ataca has conducted research in the Molecular Immunoengineering Section under the mentorship of Masaru Kanekiyo, D.V.M., Ph.D. Dr. Wickenhagen will soon complete one year of postdoctoral training in the Innate Virus Ecology Section of the Laboratory of Virology, mentored by Vincent Munster, Ph.D. Both Drs. Ataca and Wickenhagen have prior NIAID leadership experience with the NIAID Fellows Advisory Committee (FAC) and the Rocky Mountain Fellows Organization (RFO), respectively, and have demonstrated remarkable commitment to the training and professional development of NIAID fellows. Upon reflecting on her decision to become a FelCom rep, Dr. Ataca shared, “I have the mentality that if you want things to change or improve, you need to get involved and shoulder responsibility. This is also a great way for me to get out of my comfort zone (and enter my "growth zone"), meet with new people and experience new things.”
About FelCom
FelCom is an NIH-wide assembly of basic science postdocs and clinical fellows who meet monthly to discuss the experience of advanced trainees at the NIH. Comprised of eight subcommittees, FelCom focuses on matters related to the training, mentoring, and professional development of NIH fellows. From hosting professional development and networking events to participating in larger conversations with the NIH training community, FelCom runs annual programs such as the NIH FARE Award, an annual contest that provides travel awards to winning abstracts, and the Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series (WALS).
Getting Involved
Several fellows’ groups, including the NIAID FAC, the RML RFO, and NIH FelCom, provide opportunities for nascent scholars to gain leadership experience through service and are always looking for new members. Participation in these groups also provides avenues for fellows to develop skills in networking, event planning, and project management. To contact Drs. Ataca and Wickenhagen or to learn about joining the NIAID FAC or RML RFO activities, interested fellows should contact