
pink and red oval shapes over a yellow background

Illustration depicting a chlamydia-infected cell (pink and red oval shape). 

Credit: NIAID and CDC

Chlamydia is a common STI caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. It can cause cervicitis in women and urethritis and proctitis in both men and women. Chlamydial infections in women can lead to serious consequences including pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal factor infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pelvic pain. NIAID and NIAID-supported researchers are studying how C. trachomatis causes disease and developing a vaccine to prevent Chlamydia trachomatis infection.


Study Supports Expanded Testing for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia

A study from the NIAID-funded Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group (ARLG) found that two diagnostic tests accurately detected gonorrhea and chlamydia in samples from the pharynx (throat) and rectum.

Related Public Health and Government Information

Read the Chlamydia Fact Sheet the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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