NIAID has awarded multiple projects for data science research, training, and technology development. Awarded projects from across NIAID will be added on an ongoing basis. The list is coordinated by the Office of Data Science and Emerging Technologies (ODSET).
ODSET-Funded Publications
Software, Methods, and Technology Development
Early-Stage Development of Data Science Technologies for Infectious and Immune-mediated Diseases (U01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed; RFA-AI-21-020)
- Semantic integration of protein epitopes and functional features for infectious and autoimmune disease knowledge discovery (1U01AI169243-01)
- Antibiotic Resistance Determination Utilizing Machine Learning (1U01AI169298-01, 5U01AI169298-02, 5U01AI169298-03)
- Connecting the universe of proteins to address annotation inequality in the microbial proteome (1U01AI176418-01, 5U01AI176418-02)
- Developing TranStat: A user-friendly R package for the analysis of infectious disease transmission and control among close contacts (5U01AI169375-03, 5U01AI169375-02, 1U01AI169375-01A1)
- iSCREEN: An Integrative Data and Annotation Platform of Gene Regulation for Immune-mediated Disease Research (1U01AI173584-01, 5U01AI173584-02, 5U01AI173584-03)
- Leveraging evolutionary analyses and machine learning to discover multiscale molecular features associated with antibiotic resistance (1U01AI176414-01, 5U01AI176414-02)
Exploratory Data Science Methods and Algorithm Development in Infectious and Immune-mediated Diseases (R21 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed; RFA-AI-21-035)
- Computational framework for analyzing and annotating single bacterium RNA-Seq data (1R21AI169350-01)
- Coupling Machine Learning with Agent-Based Modeling to Design a Universal Influenza Vaccine (1R21AI169364-01)
- Mechanism-guided drug repurposing for host-directed therapy of infectious diseases using interpretable and integrative ML (1R21AI169301-01)
- Real-Time High Resolution Method for Genomic Surveillance of ESKAPE pathogens (1R21AI169138-01)
- Computer Vision for Malaria Microscopy: Automated Detection and Classification of Plasmodium for Basic Science and Pre-Clinical Applications (1R21AI169363-01A1, 5R21AI169363-02)
- Informatics Approach to Identification and Deep Phenotyping of PASC Cases (5R21AI169139-02, 1R21AI169139-01A1)
- Serocalculator: Estimating Incidence Rates from Serological Data (1R21AI176416-01, 5R21AI176416-02)
- Tensor decomposition methods for multi-omics immunology data analysis (5R21AI176204-02, 1R21AI176204-01)
- Where there is no death certificate: Using artificial intelligence to detect high-casualty epidemics from satellite imagery of burial sites (5R21AI169362-02, 1R21AI169362-01A1)
Administrative Supplements to Prepare Data Assets for Infectious and Immune-mediated Diseases for Inclusion into the NIAID Data Ecosystem (NOT-AI-23-009)
- AI-driven Structure-enabled Antiviral Platform (ASAP) (1U19AI171399-01, 3U19AI171399-01S1)
Development of Software for Data Science in Infectious and Immune-Mediated Diseases Research (U01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed; RFA-AI-23-038)
- Data and analysis ecosystem for eukaryotic pathogen targeted sequencing (1U01AI184646-01)
- Methods and tools to integrate multi-omics datasets to understand preclinical autoimmune and immune-mediated diseases (1U01AI185638-01)
- Large-scale integrated data analysis of lymphocyte receptor repertoires with workflows (1U01AI184647-01)
Harnessing Big Data to Halt HIV (PA 15-273, PAR 18-764, NOT 21-054)
- Mining Social Media Messages for HIV Testing and Prevention Communication (R01MH114847)
- Combined phylogenetic and epidemiological analysis to identify HIV transmission sources in Seattle WA (R01AI127232)
- Big Data Analysis of HIV Risk and Epidemiology in Sub-Saharan Africa (R01AI127250)
- Big Data analytics of HIV treatment gaps in South Carolina: Identification and prediction (R01AI127203)
- Tuning big data analysis infrastructure for HIV research (R01AI134384)
- Leveraging Big Data to understand and improve continuity of care among HIV-positive jail inmates (R01AI129731)
- Mining real-time social media big data to monitor HIV: Development and Ethical Issues (R01AI132030)
- Data Science for Decision Support in the HIV Care Cascade (R01AI167694)
- STI Response and Recommendations Under PrEP (STIRRUP) (R01MH128130)
- Quantification of HIV burden and the biomedical, structural, and behavioral factors influencing HIV/AIDS among children and young adolescents (R01AI152721)
- The impact of social determinants, conditional cash transfers and primary health care on HIV/AIDS: an integrated retrospective and forecasting approach based on a cohort of 100 million Brazilians (R01AI152938)
- Patterns and predictors of viral suppression: A Big Data approach (R01AI164947)
- Leveraging Big Data Science to Focus the HIV Response in Countries with Generalized HIV Epidemics (R01AI170249)
- Rapid Tests for Recent Infection (RTRI) for Precision Public Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: Next-Generation Strategies Amid Changing HIV Epidemiology (R01AI174932)
- Understand and mitigating the influence of extreme weather events on HIV outcomes: A global investigation (R01AI179420)
- Harnessing big data to arrest the HIV/HCV/opioid syndemic in the rural and urban South (R01DA057129)
- Developing causal inference methods to evaluate and leverage spillover effects through social Interactions for designing improved HIV prevention interventions (R01MH134715)
- Understand and mitigating the influence of extreme weather events on HIV outcomes: A global investigation (R01AI179420)
- A secure analytics platform to study the prognosis of people with HIV in the USA, Canada and Europe and comparative effectiveness of treatment regimens: the Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration (R01AI181733)
National Science Foundation - National Institutes of Health NSF-NIH Interagency Initiative: Smart and Connected Health (NOT-OD-18-149)
- SCH: Machine LEarning & MicrofluiDics for Multimodal Sensing of TiCk-bOrne Diseases (MEDICO) (5R01AI174300-03, 3R01AI174300-01S1, 5R01AI174300-02, 1R01AI174300-01)
- SCH: Improving Early Prediction and Decision-Making for Sepsis with Human-AI Collaboration (1R01AI188576-01)
Secondary Use of Existing Data
Secondary Analysis of Existing Datasets for Advancing Infectious Disease Research (R21 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed; PA-19-068)
- Multi-scale analysis of single cell sequencing data to dissect the complexity of influenza infections (1R21AI149013-01A1, 5R21AI149013-02)
- Delivering FAIR Datasets for the Neglected Parasite Trichomonas vaginalis and Studies in Comparative Genomics (1R21AI149449-01, 5R21AI149449-02)
- Finishing multiple genomes in EupathDB using Oxford Nanopore Single Molecule sequencing (1R21AI154386-01, (5R21AI154386-02)
- Signature of profiling and staging the progression of TB from infection to disease (1R21AI154387-01, 5R21AI154387-02)
- Intelligently predicting viral spillover risks from bats and other wild mammals (1R21AI164268-01, 5R21AI164268-02)
Biomedical Repositories and Knowledgebases
Biomedical Data Repository (U24 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed; PAR-20-089, PAR-23-079, NOT-AI-20-044)
- Southern HIV and Alcohol Research Consortium Biomedical Data Repository (1U24AA029959-01)
- Children's Allergy and Asthma Data Repository (CADRE) (1U24AI179612-01)
- HIV Pharmacology Data Repository (1U24AI181685-01)
Biomedical Knowledgebase - (U24 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed; PAR-20-097, NOT-AI-20-044)
- UniProt: A Protein Sequence and Function Resource for Biomedical Science (2U24HG007822-08)
- Virus Taxonomy: A Community Knowledgebase Supporting Virus Research (1U24AI162625-01, 5U24AI162625-02)
- From RRID to Resource Watch: A Knowledgebase of Biomedical Research Resources (3R24GM144308-02S1, 5R24GM144308-03, 5R24GM144308-02, 1R24GM144308-01)
- i-AKC: Integrated AIRR Knowledge Commons (1U24AI177622-01, 5U24AI177622-02)
- VIOLIN 2.0: Vaccine Information and Ontology LInked kNowledgebase (5U24AI171008-03, 5U24AI171008-02, 1U24AI171008-01)
Training and Education
Summer Institute for Research Education in Biostatistics and Data Science (R25 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed; RFA-HL-22-009)
- BU Summer Institute for Research Education in Biostatistics and Data Science (1R25AI166897-01)
- Irvine Summer Institute in Biostatistics and Data Science (1R25AI170491-01)
Training Modules to Enhance the Rigor, Reproducibility and Responsible Conduct of Biomedical Data Science Research (R25 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed; RFA-GM-20-001)
- R3EASONING (5R25AI159447-03)