Information for Interested Applicants
For applicants interested in applying for a CFAR or Developmental CFAR (D-CFAR), please review the current CFAR program announcement, PAR-23-116, and D-CFAR program announcement, PAR-23-117, in the NIH Guide.
After reading the CFAR program announcement, please contact the individuals listed under the Contact Us page prior to preparing your application. If you have general questions about the CFAR Program or CFAR Program Announcement, please contact the CFAR Program Officer, Dr. Eric Refsland.
A listing of individual National Institutes of Health AIDS funded grants with number, title, and project investigator for your institution(s) can be obtained by sending an email request to Elaine Wong.
As stated in the CFAR program announcement, the following tables can assist you in providing the information needed by reviewers to evaluate your application: