Financial Management Plan SOP

This standard operating procedure (SOP) includes the following sections: PurposeProcedureContacts, and Links.

Some links will work for NIAID staff only.


To provide a basis for managing the budget for a fiscal year and projecting costs for managing future budgets.


The NIAID financial management plan specifies

  • Programmatic reductions to new awards.
  • Maximum increases for renewal grants and noncompeting nonmodular grants.
  • Funds set aside for programmatic initiatives.
  • Other items, such as funding levels and caps for renewal application budgets.

The NIAID financial management plan enables the Institute to balance investigator-initiated research and initiatives, maintain grant numbers for the long term, keep consistency in the payline, and anticipate budget needs for future years. Go to Paylines and Funding to find the Financial Management Plan.

It is based on the NIH cost management plan which sets general policies for NIH that lay out the parameters of our financial management plan.

NIAID bases funding levels and grant numbers on our budget allocation from Congress and the costs of new and continuing awards. NIAID also has to balance congressionally mandated grant numbers with numbers of new awards and its ability to pay continuing awards. Refer to the Grant Duration Policy SOP.

After receiving a budget allocation for a new fiscal year, NIH and NIAID establish their financial management plans. NIH establishes policies on caps for renewal grants and small business set-asides, while the Institute sets paylines and any other set-asides.

During its planning meetings, Institute management reviews Institute-funded research in the context of the financial management plan and may modify the plan during a fiscal year. Institute planning for initiatives is accomplished with its advisory Council's advice for science and dollar levels.

Investigators and NIAID Staff

Contacts—DEA Office of Knowledge and Educational Resources

Use the contacts listed above for questions about your specific situation. If you have a general question or a suggestion to improve this page, email the Office of Knowledge and Educational Resources at


Early Funding of September Council Applications SOP 

NIAID Funding Policy and Process SOP

End-of-Year Funding Timelines and Processes SOP

Renewal Funding SOP

NIAID Paylines

NIAID R56-Bridge Award SOP

Repooling and Reprogramming SOP

Select Pays (R01s)

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