Microbiome Program - Selected Publications

Liu Z, Gerner MY, Van Panhuys N, Levine AG, Rudensky AY, Germain RN. Immune homeostasis enforced by co-localized effector and regulatory T cells. Nature. 2015 Dec 10; 528(7581):225-30.

Fonseca DM, Hand TW, Han SJ, Gerner MY, Glatman Zaretsky A, Byrd AL, Harrison OJ, Ortiz AM, Quinones M, Trinchieri G, Brenchley JM, Brodsky IE, Germain RN, Randolph GJ, Belkaid Y. Microbiota-dependent sequelae of acute infection compromise tissue-specific immunity. Cell. 2015 Oct 8;163(2):354-66.

Scholz F, Naik S, Sutterwala FS, Kaplan DH. Langerhans cells suppress CD49a+ NK cell-mediated skin inflammation. J Immunol. 2015 Sep 1;195(5):2335-42.

Naik S, Bouladoux N, Linehan JL, Han SJ, Harrison OJ, Wilhelm C, Conlan S, Himmelfarb S, Byrd AL, Deming C, Quinones M, Brenchley JM, Kong HH, Tussiwand R, Murphy KM, Merad M, Segre JA, Belkaid Y. Commensal-dendritic-cell interaction specifies a unique protective skin immune signature. Nature. 2015 Apr 2;520(7545):104-8.

Shen W, Li W, Hixon JA, Bouladoux N, Belkaid Y, Dzutzev A, Durum SK. Adaptive immunity to murine skin commensals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Jul 22;111(29):E2977-86.

Spencer SP, Wilhelm C, Yang Q, Hall JA, Bouladoux N, Boyd A, Nutman TB, Urban JF Jr, Wang J, Ramalingam TR, Bhandoola A, Wynn TA, Belkaid Y. Adaptation of innate lymphoid cells to a micronutrient deficiency promotes type 2 barrier immunity. Science. 2014 Jan 24;343(6169):432-7.

Iida N, Dzutsev A, Stewart CA, Smith L, Bouladoux N, Weingarten RA, Molina DA, Salcedo R, Back T, Cramer S, Dai RM, Kiu H, Cardone M, Naik S, Patri AK, Wang E, Marincola FM, Frank KM, Belkaid Y, Trinchieri G, Goldszmid RS. Commensal bacteria control cancer response to therapy by modulating the tumor microenvironment. Science. 2013 Nov 22;342(6161):967-70.

Molloy MJ, Grainger JR, Bouladoux N, Hand TW, Koo LY, Naik S, Quinones M, Dzutsev AK, Gao JL, Trinchieri G, Murphy PM, Belkaid Y. Commensal bacteria control cancer response to therapy by modulating the tumor microenvironment. Cell Host Microbe. 2013 Sep 11;14(3):318-28.

Chappert P, Bouladoux N, Naik S, Schwartz RH. Specific gut commensal flora locally alters T cell tuning to endogenous ligands. Immunity. 2013 Jun 27;38(6):1198-210.

Grainger JR, Wohlfert EA, Fuss IJ, Bouladoux N, Askenase MH, Legrand F, Koo LY, Brenchley JM, Fraser ID, Belkaid Y. Inflammatory monocytes regulate pathologic responses to commensals during acute gastrointestinal infection. Nat Med. 2013 Jun;19(6):713-21.

Mandl JN, Monteiro JP, Vrisekoop N, Germain RN. T cell-positive selection uses self-ligand binding strength to optimize repertoire recognition of foreign antigens. Immunity. 2013 Feb 21;38(2):263-74.

Kastenmüller W, Torabi-Parizi P, Subramanian N, Lämmermann T, Germain RN. A spatially-organized multicellular innate immune response in lymph nodes limits systemic pathogen spread. Cell. 2012 Sep 14;150(6):1235-48.

Naik S, Bouladoux N, Wilhelm C, Molloy MJ, Salcedo R, Kastenmuller W, Deming C, Quinones M, Koo L, Conlan S, Spencer S, Hall JA, Dzutsev A, Kong H, Campbell DJ, Trinchieri G, Segre JA, Belkaid Y. Compartmentalized control of skin immunity by resident commensals. Science. 2012 Aug 31;337(6098):1115-9.

Rivollier A, He J, Kole A, Valatas V, Kelsall BL. Inflammation switches the differentiation program of Ly6Chi monocytes from antiinflammatory macrophages to inflammatory dendritic cells in the colon. J Exp Med. 2012 Jan 16;209(1):139-55.

For more information on the NIAID Microbiome Program, contact Jacqueline Kehr.

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