National and Regional Biocontainment Research Facilities

The National Biocontainment Laboratories (NBLs) and Regional Biocontainment Laboratories (RBLs) provide BSL4/3/2 and BSL3/2 biocontainment facilities, respectively, for research on biodefense and emerging infectious disease agents.  

Main Areas of Focus

  • To conduct research on biodefense and emerging infectious disease agents
  • To be available and prepared to assist national, state, and local public health efforts in the event of a bioterrorism or infectious disease emergency

Support Services

Each NBL and RBL offers distinct resources for the research community. These include animal models, imaging services, and specialized equipment. 

The links below include more information about specific services offered at each site, as well as contact information for each laboratory.

Eligibility Criteria

Investigators in academia, not-for-profit organizations, industry, and government studying biodefense and emerging infectious diseases may request the use of biocontainment laboratories.


National Biocontainment Laboratories

Boston University

University of Texas

Regional Biocontainment Laboratories

Colorado State University

Duke University

George Mason University

Rutgers University

Tufts University

Tulane University

University of Alabama

University of Chicago

University of Louisville

University of Missouri

University of Texas

University of Pittsburgh

University of Tennessee

Contact Information

Nancy Boyd, Section Chief, Extramural Biodefense Facilities, Office of Biodefense, Research Resources and Translational Research

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