The Colorado State University Regional Biocontainment Laboratory is one of the NIAID-supported Regional Biocontainment Laboratories. The Center provides a safe, secure, state of art facility for research, service, and training in pathogens that cause human and animal diseases.
Main Areas of Focus
- The study of pathogens that cause human and animal diseases.
- Viruses, in particular arboviruses and respiratory viruses that are risk group 3 or higher
- Bacteria, in particular risk group 3 and / or antimicrobial resistant
- Emerging pathogen threats to human and / or animal health
- Sponsor driven (Agnostic to Federal, Government, Industry)
- Training, service, and other collaborations to further best practices for safely and efficiently working with risk group 3 pathogens
- Training, service, and other collaborations to further mission specific research programs and contribute to the next generation of responsive, trained scientists.
Who Can Use This Resource
- Internal and/or CSU hosted scientists and/or staff fully trained for working with risk group 3 pathogens and additionally cleared for the conduct of work based on federal, state, and institutional policies required for research scope.
- External academic, government and/or industry scientists and staff through formal agreement.
- This is a regional, nationally supported resource. It is understood by all using this resource that it may be unavailable for any use in response to regional/national need.
How To Get Started
- Internal CSU persons should contact the Director of Biosafety.
- External persons should directly contact the internal research team for which the collaboration is intended.
- Potential collaborations include:
- Burkholderia spp. and related pathogens studies: Dr. Brad Borlee
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vivo drug studies: Dr. Gregory Robertson
- Co-infection of risk group 3 pathogens studies (in vitro and in vivo): Dr. Richard Slayden
- Clinical research programs / biomarker discovery: Dr. John Belisle
- Vaccine studies using UV radiation of risk group 3 pathogens: Dr. Ray Goodrich
- Broad-scope animal modeling studies for risk group 3 pathogens: Dr. Angela Bosco-Lauth
- Surveillance and spread of emerging or pandemic potential pathogens harbored in Chiroptera reservoirs: Dr. Rebekah Kading
- Training in Chiroptera manipulation / studies in Chiroptera immunology: Dr. Tony Schountz
- General inquiries regarding vector-borne disease collaborative opportunities: Dr. Greg Ebel
- Potential collaborations include:
Services Offered
- cGMP and GLP biopharmaceutical contractual services: Bio-pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Academic Resource Center
- Research and development to advance discovery to scale-up
- Cell, bacterial, viral cell banking
- Stability testing, monitoring, and storage of bio-pharmaceuticals
- Aseptic final fill of bio-pharmaceuticals
- Training and workshops in Biosafety Best Practices: Office of Biosafety
- Rocky Mountain Regional Biocontainment Laboratory Technical Core: Eric Osei, Project Manager
- Development of targeted mass spectrometry for proteomics / metabolomics targeted assays
- Inactivation, processing and shipment of risk group 3 pathogens and clinical samples for multiple down stream use in lower-level laboratories
- Training and walk-up use of LC-tandem MS for analysis of samples
- Training and walk-up use of confocal microscopy
- Development and training in Mass Spectrometry Imaging methods and analysis including processing of live risk group 3 pathogens
- Development and training in Laser-capture Microdissection methods, processing, and analysis of live risk group 3 pathogens
- Collaborative animal imaging studies (ABSL3; risk group 3 pathogens)
- Animal Disease Laboratory: Dr. Angela Bosco-Lauth or Dr. Richard Bowen
- Development and establishment of novel animal models for emerging pathogens
- Spill-over studies in multiple in vivo models
- Natural transmission studies and modeling
Contact Information
All other inquiries, please contact the Scientific Director: Dr. Karen Dobos