Topical Steroid Withdrawal Diagnostic Criteria Defined by NIH Researchers

Topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) results in dermatitis that is distinct from eczema and is caused by an excess of NAD+, an essential chemical compound in the body, according to a new study from NIAID researchers.


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Omalizumab Treats Multi-Food Allergy Better than Oral Immunotherapy

The high rate of allergic reactions and other intolerable side effects of oral immunotherapy in the NIH-funded trial explained the superiority of omalizumab.


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Therapy Helps Peanut-Allergic Kids Tolerate Tablespoons of Peanut Butter

Eating slowly increasing amounts of peanut butter enabled 100% of kids with peanut allergy to consume 3 tablespoons of peanut butter without an allergic reaction.


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Measuring Innovation: Laboratory Infrastructure to Deliver Essential HIV Clinical Trial Results


This blog is the fifth in a series about the future of NIAID's HIV clinical research enterprise. For more information, please visit the HIV Clinical Research Enterprise page.

The outcomes of HIV clinical trials are often determined by precisely and accurately measuring how specific interventions work biologically in people. Whether tracking immune responses to a preventive vaccine candidate, monitoring changes to the amount of virus in the body, or screening for certain adverse events after administering a novel therapeutic, study teams routinely interact with clinical trial participants to safely obtain, store, transport, and analyze tissue and bodily fluid samples to answer important scientific questions about the impact of an HIV intervention in a laboratory. High quality, reliable laboratory infrastructure is critical to the accuracy and validity of clinical trial results. 

More than 150 NIAID-supported laboratories in 20 countries are addressing the diverse scientific programs of the four clinical trials networks in the Institute’s HIV clinical research enterprise. Since the start of HIV clinical research, laboratory capacities have grown in scope to support an increasing number of global clinical trials, emerging complexities in study protocol design and laboratory testing demands and evolving regulatory requirements for research and licensure.

NIAID is engaging research partners, community representatives, and other public health stakeholders in a multidisciplinary evaluation of its HIV clinical trials networks’ progress toward short- and long-term scientific goals. This process assesses knowledge gained since the networks were last awarded in 2020 to identify an essential path forward based on the latest laboratory and clinical evidence. Future NIAID HIV clinical research investments build on the conclusions of these discussions. 

In the next iteration of HIV clinical trials networks, laboratory functions will continue to evolve to align with scientific priorities and research approaches. Networks will support small early-phase trials, large registrational trials and implementation science research to examine preventive vaccine candidates and non-vaccine prevention interventions, antiviral treatments, HIV curative strategies, and therapies to improve the clinical outcomes of people affected by and living with HIV. Selected studies also will rely on high quality laboratory resources to examine interventions for tuberculosis, hepatitis, mpox and other infectious diseases. Clinical trial networks will need to employ a variety of laboratory types to achieve these objectives.  To increase flexibility and ensure the timeliness and the high quality standards the HIV field relies on for evidence that informs science, licensure and equitable practice, NIAID will have the ultimate authority for laboratory selection and approval.

Efficiency and Versatility 

Laboratory assays for HIV clinical trials continue to expand in quantity and complexity and require proportionate technical expertise and management. Future clinical research needs will include immunologic, microbiologic, and molecular testing, as well as standard chemistries and hematologic assays, with fluctuating volumes across a global collection of research sites. Balancing capacity, efficiency, scalability, and cost will require a mixed methods approach. These may include centralized laboratory testing where feasible and advantageous for protocol-specified tests; standardized processes for rapid assessment and approval of new network laboratories; and validated third-party outsourcing of routine assays to ensure timely turnaround when demands surge. 

Quality and Standardization

Ensuring consistent laboratory operations and high quality laboratory data will require continued compliance with the NIAID Division of AIDS Good Clinical Laboratory Practices and other applicable regulatory guidelines, ongoing external quality assurance monitoring, strong inventory management, importation and exportation expertise, and data and specimen management.

The research community plays an essential role in shaping NIAID’s scientific direction and research enterprise operations. We want to hear from you. Please share your questions and comments at

About NIAID’s HIV Clinical Trials Networks

The clinical trials networks are supported through grants from NIAID, with co-funding from and scientific partnerships with NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute on Aging, and other NIH institutes and centers. There are four networks—Advancing Clinical Therapeutics Globally for HIV/AIDS and Other Infections, the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, the HIV Prevention Trials Network, and the International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Network.

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Effects of Modified Anti-HIV Broadly Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies

Investigate Understudied Proteins Associated with Rare Diseases

Funding News Edition:
See more articles in this edition

The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) and participating NIH institutes and centers (ICs), including NIAID, seek applications for pilot projects to elucidate a role for understudied proteins in rare diseases through the Pilot Projects Investigating Understudied Proteins Associated with Rare Diseases (R03, Clinical Trial Not Allowed) notice of funding opportunity (NOFO).  

For the purpose of this NOFO, eligible proteins are those that are associated with rare disease through data mining of the NCATS Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center, considered understudied (i.e., those proteins that lack small molecule binders and have limited biological characterization and have low numbers of associated publications), and exist within a protein family that is traditionally considered druggable. 

The NOFO lists nearly 900 such proteins across the following categories:

  • Enzymes
  • Epigenetic Proteins
  • GPCRs
  • Ion Channels
  • Kinases
  • Transcription Factors
  • Transporters

Refer to the NOFO above for the full list.

Research Objective 

The NOFO’s purpose is to promote preliminary data around the role of understudied proteins associated with rare diseases. It will also support research to characterize new targets for treatment of human disease among the understudied proteins of the Druggable Proteome. 

Small Research Grant (R03) Mechanism 

Small research grants (R03) provide flexibility for initiating discrete, well-defined projects that can be finished in 1 year and only require limited levels of funding. This program supports different types of projects such as: 

  • Pilot or feasibility studies. 
  • Small, self-contained research projects. 
  • Development of research methodology. 
  • Development of assays to support compound screening projects.  
  • Development of human cell or animal-based models. 

These awards will support generating preliminary data and tools around eligible understudied protein(s) with the intent of elucidating the function of these proteins in the context of rare disease and obtaining sufficient preliminary data or research resources for subsequent grant applications and/or drug discovery projects. These grants cannot be renewed. 

Relevant Research Projects 

This NOFO accepts different types of projects with the intent of generating preliminary or validation data including: 

  • Isolation and purification of understudied proteins and initial in vitro characterization. 
  • Characterization of cell- and tissue-specific protein expression, localization, and function of understudied protein(s) in native environments. 
  • Verification or placement of understudied protein(s) in signaling cascades, including upstream signals and downstream activities. 
  • Preclinical animal studies of understudied protein(s) that help to illuminate the role of an understudied protein in the context of human disease. 
  • Use of novel tools to validate preliminary disease or physiological associations with understudied proteins in animal models, biomimetic systems, or ex vivo human samples. 
  • Development of accessory reagents (e.g., antibodies, peptide fragments, labeled versions of the protein) for use in downstream studies to generate preliminary data. 
  • Assay development, optimization, and validation with the intent of using these assays for further study of selected understudied protein(s). 
  • Use of data mining and experimental validation to analyze public data resources to identify and study protein-protein interaction networks or generate hypotheses about the function of understudied protein(s). 
  • Studies to identify endogenous ligands for understudied proteins that could lead to study of preliminary structure-activity-relationships.
  • Structure determination or preparation of understudied proteins for structure determination and characterization by x-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy, or similar approaches.

Conversely, your application will be nonresponsive if you propose the following:  

  • Projects that include clinical trials. 
  • Projects where the majority of the proposed work focuses on proteins outside of those listed in the NOFO. 
  • Applications that propose clinical drug development studies for understudied protein(s). 
  • Applications not studying a rare disease (i.e., 200,000 or fewer patients in the United States). 

Award Information and Deadline 

Application budgets are limited to $100,000 in direct costs (excluding subcontract facilities and administrative costs) for 1 year and need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The maximum project period for an application submitted under this NOFO is 1 year.  

Application deadlines follow NIH’s standard due dates, i.e., February 16, June 16, and October 16, by 5 p.m. local time of the applicant organization through 2027. 

Contact Information 

Send any inquiries to Dr. Maggie Morris Fears, NIAID’s scientific/research contact, at or 301-761-5444.

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Email us at for help navigating NIAID’s grant and contract policies and procedures.

Scientists Discover Cause, Potential Treatment for Cases of Deadly Autoimmune Disorder


NIAID-led scientists’ discovery of a hidden gene variant that causes some cases of a devastating inherited disease will enable earlier diagnosis of the disorder in people with the variant, facilitating earlier medical care that may prolong their lives. The researchers are working on a treatment for this unusual form of the rare autoimmune disease, known as APECED, and have traced its evolutionary origins. The findings are published in the journal Science Translational Medicine

APECED—short for autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy—causes multi-organ dysfunction, usually beginning in childhood, and can kill up to 30% of people with the syndrome. If diagnosed early and treated by a multidisciplinary healthcare team, however, people with APECED can survive into adulthood. Scientists in NIAID’s Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology (LCIM) have developed a world-class APECED diagnostic and treatment program, currently caring for more than 100 patients as part of an observational study and serving as a resource for clinicians across the globe.

APECED is caused by mutations in a gene called AIRE, which provides instructions for making a protein that keeps the immune system’s T cells from attacking the body’s tissues and organs. These genetic mutations reduce or eliminate the protein’s normal function, leading to autoimmunity. 

Most people with APECED are diagnosed based on their clinical signs and symptoms as well as on genetic testing that confirms they have a disease-causing mutation in the AIRE gene. However, as the LCIM team studied people who came to NIH with APECED, they found 17 study participants with clinical signs and symptoms of the disease but no detectable mutations in AIRE. These participants shared two notable characteristics. The families of 15 of the 17 participants were wholly or partly from Puerto Rico, a relatively small, self-contained geographic area, suggesting that the individuals’ disease might have the same genetic cause. In addition, all 17 participants had the same harmless mutation to a single building block, or nucleotide, in both copies of their AIRE gene (one inherited from each parent). This suggested they all might have a similar stretch of genetic material in or around AIRE. These clues led the researchers to start hunting for a unique genetic mechanism that could be causing APECED in the group. 

The Quest for a Genetic Cause

Using technologies called whole-exome sequencing and whole-genome sequencing, the scientists determined the order of all the nucleotides in the DNA of each study participant. By examining and comparing these genetic sequences, the researchers discovered that the 17 participants had the same mutation to a single nucleotide located in a different part of the AIRE gene than the mutations commonly known to cause APECED. APECED-causing mutations usually occur in parts of the AIRE gene called “exons,” which contain the DNA code for the protein. The mutations also sometimes occur at either end of the large, non-coding sections of AIRE called “introns,” which are located in-between the exons. The newly discovered mutation was in the middle of an AIRE intron rather than at either end, so how it caused disease was initially unclear.

To solve this puzzle, the researchers examined what happens when the version of AIRE with this mid-intron mutation gets transcribed into mature messenger RNA (mRNA), the protein precursor. Normally, a molecule called a spliceosome detects the boundaries between introns and exons, cuts out the exons, and “pastes” them together in order. The scientists discovered that the mid-intron AIRE mutation fools the spliceosome into “thinking” that part of the intron is an exon, leading it to cut and paste part of the intron—extraneous genetic material—into the mature mRNA. This gives cells instructions to make an AIRE protein with an incorrect amino-acid sequence at one end. The researchers predicted and then showed that this protein can’t function normally, confirming that the mid-intron AIRE mutation causes APECED in the 17 study participants who previously lacked a genetic diagnosis. 

The scientists anticipate that the newly discovered AIRE variant will be added to genetic screening panels given to people who doctors suspect have APECED or who have a family history of the disease. This could facilitate earlier diagnosis and treatment of people with the mid-intron AIRE mutation, potentially prolonging their lives. It will also enable these individuals to receive genetic counseling to inform their family planning decisions. According to the researchers, the new findings also suggest that there may be other undiscovered, mid-intron mutations that cause APECED or other inherited diseases.

A Potential Treatment in the Making

Now NIAID LCIM scientists are working on a treatment for APECED caused by the mid-intron mutation. They engineered five different strings of nucleic acids, known as antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), designed to hide the mutation from the spliceosome. Laboratory testing in cells with the mid-intron AIRE mutation showed that one ASO worked. Unable to “see” the mutation, the spliceosome cut out the correct AIRE exons and pasted them together to make mature mRNA that could be translated into a normal AIRE protein. Next, the researchers will test this mutation-masking tool in a mouse model of APECED with this specific mid-intron mutation. They expect results in two to three years. 

ASOs are an emerging form of treatment for rare genetic diseases, sometimes custom-made for just one person.

Origins of the Mutation

Through genetic and statistical analyses, the researchers estimated that the mid-intron mutation first occurred about 450 years ago. This timing coincides with when the first Europeans colonized Puerto Rico, hailing from the Cdiz province of Spain. Notably, one of the two study participants who did not have Puerto Rican ancestry also was from Cdiz and had the same set of DNA variants on one of his chromosomes as the participants with Puerto Rican ancestry. According to the researchers, these findings suggest that one or a few early Spanish colonizers of Puerto Rico carried the mid-intron AIRE mutation, and it eventually became a major cause of APECED in the Puerto Rican population. Further studies are needed to determine the prevalence of this cause of APECED among Puerto Ricans and other populations with Spanish ancestry.    

By contrast, one member of the study cohort had no known Puerto Rican or Spanish ancestry and did not share the same set of DNA variants as the other 16 participants. The investigators say this suggests that the mid-intron AIRE mutation also emerged independently in North America and will likely be found in additional Americans with APECED who do not have Puerto Rican or Spanish ancestry.

Note: APECED is also known as APS-1, short for autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1. 


S Ochoa et al. A deep intronic splice-altering AIRE variant causes APECED syndrome through antisense oligonucleotide-targetable pseudoexon inclusion. Science Translational Medicine DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adk0845 (2024).

D Karishma et al. Antisense oligonucleotides: an emerging area in drug discovery and development. Journal of Clinical Medicine DOI: 10.3390/jcm9062004 (2020).

F Collins. One little girl’s story highlights the promise of precision medicine. NIH Director’s Blog. Oct. 23, 2019. Accessed Oct. 30, 2024.

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Shaping the Next Era of HIV Therapeutics and Care


This blog is the fourth in a series about the future of NIAID's HIV clinical research enterprise. For more information, please visit the HIV Clinical Research Enterprise page.

The development of HIV therapy is one of the great success stories in modern infectious disease research, marked by rapid advances that scientists in the field could only dream of in the 1980s and 1990s. Once a handful of daily pills that only partially suppressed the virus and caused systemic adverse events, today’s antiretroviral therapy (ART) consists of highly effective, well-tolerated medications that can be taken in a single daily dose or a long-acting injection. ART not only offers individual benefits, but also suppresses viral replication to prevent onward transmission. The understanding that undetectable = untransmittable, also known as “U=U,” is based on the foundational NIAID-funded discovery that an undetectable HIV viral load makes it impossible to transmit the virus to sexual partners.

Today’s high standard of HIV care is possible because of the enduring effort of advocates and policymakers who insist that HIV science be sufficiently funded to address key evidence gaps and public health needs, as well as the research teams that propel a constant stream of discovery and the clinical trial participants who allow their lived experience to become evidence for a population-level benefit. This progress is extraordinary, but more advances are still needed to assure the long-term health and quality of life of all people with HIV. Among many persisting challenges, we must address HIV-related complications and conditions that share health determinants with HIV, including tuberculosis (TB), viral hepatitis and mpox.

NIAID supports four research networks as part of its HIV clinical research enterprise. Every seven years, the Institute engages research partners, community representatives, and other public health stakeholders in a multidisciplinary evaluation of network progress toward short- and long-term scientific goals. This process takes stock of knowledge gained since the networks were last awarded and identifies essential course corrections based on the latest laboratory and clinical evidence. Subsequent NIAID HIV research investments build on the conclusions of these discussions.

These investments are paying off. Recent scientific advances include:

  • Basic and translational research that illuminated HIV’s structure, contributing to the development of the first drug in the capsid inhibitor class of antiretroviral drugs; 
  • A U.S. clinical trial showing that long-acting injectable ART can support viral suppression in people who experience barriers to daily pill-taking;
  • A global trial that found daily statin use reduces the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in people with HIV;
  • A large international clinical trial that found a one-month course of rifapentine and isoniazid was as safe and effective as a nine-month course of isoniazid for preventing active tuberculosis in people with HIV;
  • Promising results from a hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine candidate for people with HIV who do not mount an immune response to current HBV vaccines;
  • Evidence that sustained virological response to direct-acting antiviral therapy for hepatitis C virus (HCV) is possible with minimal clinical monitoring—a strategy that could be crucial to the global HCV elimination agenda; and
  • Rapid engagement by the ACTG clinical trials network to examine antivirals for COVID-19 and mpox, demonstrating the essential role networks can—and should—play in pandemic preparedness and response.

We look forward to continuing to address the barriers that separate us from truly optimized HIV care. Our goals include fostering the next generation of discoveries that will open up possibilities for people with HIV—including people who have taken ART for decades—to experience a typical lifespan with high life quality, free from a chronic medication burden; reducing the incidence of concurrent TB and hepatitis; and ensuring scientific advances can feasibly be scaled to all who stand to benefit. 

Beyond Lifelong ART

Current therapeutic regimens are suppressive at best, meaning that if a person experiences an interruption in treatment, HIV replication will typically resume and continue to damage the immune system. Long-acting formulations are transforming quality of life for people who could not take daily ART, but their durability is measured in months, not years. While substantially extending the durability of ART is feasible, we will reach the limit of what long-acting molecules can do. Beyond the horizon of ART, we are exploring several strategies including gene therapy, administration of broadly neutralizing antibodies, and therapeutic vaccines that could either halt HIV replication for years or life or clear all HIV from the body—efforts collectively grouped under cure research. The design and development of cure strategies must advance technologies that could be implemented at scale, especially in resource-limited settings where HIV prevalence is high.

Non-HIV Pathogens 

Even when HIV replication is well-controlled with current therapy, the residual effects of infection can hamper a person’s immune responses and increase their likelihood of experiencing clinical disease from other pathogens. Several infectious diseases also share health determinants with HIV, and require researchers to consider the full constellation of biological, social, and structural factors that can threaten the health of people with HIV. Through collaboration with NIAID’s Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and other NIH Institutes and Centers, we will ensure that we avoid resolving one health condition at the expense of another. We also need to ensure that interventions for non-HIV health conditions will work for people with HIV. Scientific priorities include developing shorter, safer, and more effective treatment regimens for all forms of TB, a preventive TB vaccine, and a hepatitis B cure. 

Quality of life

Conditions associated with aging can have greater impact on people with HIV, including (but not limited to) cardiovascular disease, diabetes, perimenopause, and dementia. HIV care models and tools are no longer sufficient if they only support viral suppression. Critical research is underway to define the ways that treated HIV exacerbates or accelerates other chronic conditions seen in older people. In partnership with other NIH Institutes and Centers, we will continue working to improve the quality of life for people with HIV by supporting research to prevent and treat HIV-related coinfections, complications and comorbidities through the lifespan. Furthermore, we will ensure that person-centered HIV care incorporates health-related quality of life metrics alongside standard HIV monitoring and management in our clinical trials. 

Equitable progress

Equity remains central to NIAID’s research and development decision-making. ART, once in short supply, is now globally available to most people living with HIV, and long-acting formulations herald a future of easier adherence schedules without the constant reminder of the burden of HIV. While our science has always focused on prioritizing concepts that could be rolled out to all populations who could benefit, we must provide an evidence base to support a faster translation of discovery to equitable health care service delivery. Implementation science and social science research including behavioral research, together with medical advances, can accelerate progress toward health equity. We seek to maintain a continuous feedback channel with implementers, so that our priorities are aligned with their most pressing challenges.

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About NIAID’s HIV Clinical Trials Networks

Advancing Clinical Therapeutics Globally for HIV/AIDS and Other Infections is a global clinical trials network that conducts research to improve the management of HIV and its comorbidities; develop a cure for HIV; and innovate treatments for tuberculosis, hepatitis B, and emerging infectious diseases. The Network is supported through grants from NIAID, with co-funding and scientific partnership from the NIH National Institute of Mental Health, the NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse, the NIH National Institute on Aging, and other NIH Institutes and centers. Three other networks—the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, the HIV Prevention Trials Network, and the International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Network—generate complementary evidence on the scientific areas within their respective scopes.

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SCOPE: Observational Study of the Consequences of the Protease Inhibitor Era

The purpose of this study is to provide a specimen bank of samples with carefully characterized clinical data.

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A Novel Vaccine and Therapeutic for Hendra and Nipah Viruses

NIAID-funded researchers at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) and their collaborators at the National Cancer Institute discovered a potential antibody treatment for Nipah and Hendra virus. The researchers developed a human monoclonal antibody (mAb) known as m102.4 that targets the G glycoprotein of both viruses and found that the mAb effectively protected ferrets after exposure to Nipah or Hendra virus. The mAb was also effective in protecting nonhuman primates after exposure.