NIAID Targets Transport System as Lyme Disease Treatment


NIAID scientists and colleagues are investigating a potential treatment strategy against Lyme disease that would directly suppress Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes the disease. If successful, their idea could reduce or end aggressive broad-spectrum antibiotic treatments that can be drawn-out and destroy the body’s helpful bacteria. The study appears in Frontiers in Antibiotics from scientists at NIAID’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories and colleagues at Purdue University.

The strategy involves the oligopeptide (Opp) transport system that most bacteria use as a secondary nutrition route to move small protein-like peptides through the bacteria. But B. burgdorferi, the researchers learned in a 2017 study, depends on the Opp system for survival, growth, and replication. They subsequently hypothesized that if they could impede the Opp system, maybe the bacterium would stop growing and die.

To test their theory they developed a method to screen 2,240 chemical compounds from a commercial library used for small-molecule drug discovery. They wanted to know if any compounds would bind to a prominent transport system protein known as OppA2. The research team identified eight compounds that did so, and of those, two compounds – C2 and C7 – significantly slowed B. burgdorferi growth, making the Opp system a viable, previously unexplored treatment target.

Next the scientists plan to screen more compounds, hoping to optimize binding to different OppA proteins (there are five to investigate) while still hindering B. burgdorferi growth.

“By targeting a system that appears to be only essential to Borrelia, it is possible that we could vastly improve current treatments by replacing them with a highly specific treatment that could reduce post-treatment complications,” study senior author Ashley Groshong, Ph.D., said.


K Holly and A Kataria, et al. Unguarded Liabilities: Borrelia burgdorferi’s complex amino acid dependence exposes unique avenues of inhibition. Frontiers in Antibiotics DOI: 10.3389/frabi.2024.1395425 (2024).

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NIAID Marks HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 2024


Vaccines consistently transform public health, and HIV vaccine research has been a pillar of NIAID’s scientific mission since the beginning of the HIV pandemic. An HIV vaccine has proven to be among the most daunting scientific challenges, but has inspired exceptional innovation and collaboration in all aspects of our research approach. On the 27th observance of HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (Saturday, May 18), we express our gratitude to the dedicated global community of scientists, advocates, study participants, study staff, and funders working toward a safe, effective, durable, and accessible HIV vaccine. 

As the lead of the National Institutes of Health HIV vaccine research effort, NIAID conducts basic, preclinical, and clinical research to characterize the safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of promising HIV vaccine concepts. Through the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, NIAID supports clinical trials where HIV is most prevalent, including in the Global South. Over decades of research, with disappointing results from large efficacy studies, the HIV vaccine field has learned and iteratively evolved with every step. We have more knowledge now than ever before about how an HIV vaccine could work. Research teams are using discovery medicine trials and new vaccine technologies to identify and stimulate the types of immune responses that hold the most promise for preventing HIV.   

People with HIV have made priceless contributions to HIV vaccine science by participating in research that teaches us how the human immune system responds to HIV. Some people naturally keep the virus under control even without antiretroviral therapy. Through their participation in clinical research, we have identified aspects of both cellular immunity—which is driven by T cells—and humoral immunity—driven by antibody-producing B cells—that likely will need to be stimulated and substantially amplified by a safe and effective preventive vaccine. 

HIV’s genetic diversity makes it difficult to target with a vaccine, but broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) may be key to overcoming that hurdle because they bind to parts of the virus that are relatively consistent among variants. The NIAID Vaccine Research Center (VRC)—founded to accelerate HIV vaccine research on this day in 1997—isolated and then manufactured a bNAb called VRC01 that has prompted a cascade of other research, including HIV vaccine and passive antibody administration studies. 

Since the VRC’s discovery of VRC01, scientists have identified additional bNAbs that target other stable sites on HIV’s highly variable surface. This year, VRC scientists showed that a human bNAb called VRC34.01, which targets the fusion peptide on HIV’s surface, protected monkeys from acquiring simian-HIV in a proof-of-concept study that is informing human vaccine design. Researchers at the VRC and other NIAID-supported institutions are using a technique called germline targeting to closely guide naïve (new) B cells to develop into mature B cells that can produce bNAbs. Using this approach, researchers are making progress toward eliciting VRC01-like antibodies, as well as several other classes of bNAbs in human and animal studies.

Researchers also are advancing cellular immune approaches to HIV vaccines. A study conducted by NIAID’s Laboratory of Immunoregulation found that a safe and effective HIV vaccine will likely need to stimulate strong responses from CD8+ T cells. NIAID and its partners announced the launch of a clinical trial to examine the safety and immune response generated by VIR-1388, a T-cell based vaccine candidate that uses a cytomegalovirus (CMV) vector.  In this approach, a weakened version of CMV delivers HIV vaccine material to the immune system without causing disease in the study participants. The CMV vector technology has been in development with NIAID funding since 2004. 

We also are reminded how HIV vaccine research and discovery benefits the broader fields of immunology and vaccinology. In October 2023, the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Drew Weissman, M.D., Ph.D., and Katalin Karikó, Ph.D., for their work that enabled the unprecedented rapid development of the mRNA vaccines that stemmed the COVID-19 pandemic and saved millions of lives. Both Nobel laureates have connections to NIAID and NIH. This research was made possible in part by NIAID HIV vaccine research grants that enabled a major evolution in understanding how immune cells recognize and react to different forms of mRNA. mRNA-based HIV vaccine candidates are now being tested in humans in early-stage trials.

Looking ahead, NIAID has clear priorities for HIV vaccine research and development. Ongoing research is guiding the next steps in vaccine strategies to elicit bNAbs and T-cell responses, to eventually trigger both with a single vaccine regimen. To enhance the precision of this research, more information is needed to define the correlates of protection for an HIV vaccine, that is, the specific immunologic markers that translate to a protective effect. Meanwhile, as promising concepts are identified and advanced through clinical trials, the field must continue to optimize vaccine formulations and dosing, and find novel adjuvants that can prolong and amplify immune responses. HIV vaccine research findings will continue to offer valuable insight in other areas, including HIV prevention and cure research, and broader medical countermeasure development for pandemic preparedness.

The pursuit of an HIV vaccine depends on supporting next the generation of HIV clinical investigators and community leaders. NIAID is committed to fostering the professional growth of early-stage HIV investigators and to nurturing the decades-long community partnerships that make this essential research possible.  

On this HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, we remain optimistic that exciting scientific advances and the efforts of diverse partners around the world will put a safe and effective HIV vaccine within our grasp.

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New Tool Identifies Aedes Mosquito Exposure in People


NIAID-developed Test Could Be Used to Find Hot Spots for Disease-spreading Mosquitoes

Not all mosquitoes are the same. Some carry pathogens that cause diseases in the people they bite. Scientists at NIAID developed a new tool to help identify geographic hot spots for Aedes mosquitoes, a type of mosquito that can spread diseases such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya. The tool uses a marker from blood serum to identify people bitten by Aedes mosquitoes. Monitoring for this marker in blood samples could help find sites where disease-carrying mosquitoes live, allowing for targeted interventions against dengue and other diseases.

Nearly half of the world’s population lives in areas affected by dengue, a viral disease spread by Aedes mosquitoes, primarily of the species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. The disease symptoms include fever, head and body aches, nausea and rash, and severe cases of dengue can be fatal. Each year, between 100 and 400 million people develop the disease, resulting in approximately 40,000 deaths. In places where dengue is common, it is often a major cause of illness. However, vaccines against dengue are not widely available throughout the world. For these reasons, mosquito control is an important strategy for preventing the disease in these regions.

When a person or animal is bitten by a mosquito, saliva from the mosquito is injected into the skin. The saliva is what causes the bite to itch—and it can also contain pathogens such as viruses and parasites that cause disease. The immune system reacts to a mosquito bite, producing antibodies against the proteins contained in mosquito saliva. People who have been bitten by Aedes mosquitoes carry antibodies against these proteins in their blood. Although a mixture of mosquito salivary gland proteins can be used in the lab to test whether a person has been bitten by Aedes mosquitoes, the test can be expensive, time-consuming, and difficult to standardize among different labs.

A team of researchers led by Dr. Fabiano Oliveira in NIAID’s Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research aimed to develop a test suitable for large-scale monitoring of Aedes mosquito exposure in people. The researchers tested blood serum from children in Cambodia who had enrolled in a study conducted by the NIAID International Center for Excellence in Research, Cambodia. The researchers compared the levels of several mosquito saliva proteins in the blood of children who had and had not developed dengue. They found that most of the children who had developed the mosquito-borne disease had higher levels of antibodies against two proteins, AeD7L1 and AeD7L2, which are from the saliva of the Ae. aegypti mosquito. Based on these findings, the scientists developed a test that uses lab-produced versions of the proteins. They found that the test could detect antibodies produced by Aedes mosquito bites without detecting exposure to other types of mosquitoes, such as some Culex and Anopheles species.

The researchers note that the new test could be a valuable tool for public health programs, such as for identifying where mosquito control measures could have the greatest effect in areas with limited access to resources. However, they say that additional development is needed to ensure that the test produces consistent results in different populations, including adults. They note that the test uses reagents that are inexpensive, could be standardized among different labs, and would need only a drop of blood for analysis, making it a promising means to help prevent the spread of dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases.


S. Chea and L. Willen, et al., “Antibodies to Aedes aegypti D7L salivary proteins as a new serological tool to estimate human exposure to Aedes mosquitoes.” Frontiers in Immunology, May 1, 2024. [DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1368066]

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Research Epidemiology of HIV Transmission in Mexico, Central and South America

Funding News Edition:
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NIAID will support large, electronically generated cohorts of HIV-negative men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender women (TGW), people who inject drugs (PWID) and other groups at increased risk of HIV acquisition in Latin America through the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) Limited Interaction Targeted Epidemiology: Epidemiology of Transmission and Treatment of HIV Among People Who Are at Increased Risk for HIV Infection in Latin America (LITE-LA) (UG3/UH3, Clinical Trial Optional).

Interested researchers can apply for funding to study the epidemiology of viral HIV suppression and determine study approaches or evidence-based digital treatment interventions to reduce HIV transmission in Mexico and South and Central America.

Research Objective and Scope 

The primary goal of this NOFO is to generate information to develop health interventions to reduce HIV transmission in Mexico and South and Central America. Continued follow-up of people living with HIV (PLWH) should be conducted to study the epidemiology of viral suppression. 

This NOFO allows digital, clinical, non-investigational new drug application trials to determine optimal study approaches or pilot evidence-based digital HIV prevention and treatment interventions to reduce HIV transmission. There is increasing evidence that use of digital interventions, delivered online or through smartphones, can advance primary HIV prevention outcomes such as reduced sexual risk behavior, decreased sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and improved use of oral or long-acting pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). 

To inform the treatment of HIV in Latin American countries, include comparison of participants with HIV who become engaged in care and reach non-detectable HIV levels to those whose virus remains detectable.

Studies of interest include:

  • Identification of micro-epidemics in high HIV transmission areas (hot spots) and of key sub-populations where HIV prevention and treatment efforts in Latin America are most needed.
  • Characterization of subgroups of PWID, female sex workers, transgender persons, and MSM who could be prioritized for HIV prevention and improved treatment strategies.
  • Description of risk behaviors and risk determinants in these key populations that can inform onward interventions to reduce HIV incidence.
  • Studies using the assembled cohorts to investigate patterns of HIV testing and mechanisms to optimize testing frequency and rapid linkage to treatment.
  • Monitoring HIV PrEP or undetectable equals untransmitable (U=U) awareness, uptake, and adherence and identifying associated determinants.
  • Mental health as a determinant of HIV exposure risk and engagement in prevention and treatment of HIV.
  • Multi-level analyses of individual and social-contextual determinants of HIV risk behavior, seroconversion, or reaching viral suppression of HIV.
  • Development and testing of scalable, digitally delivered primary HIV prevention interventions that promote HIV risk reduction and may include support for PrEP use or viral suppression of HIV-positive sex partners among high-risk groups through digital clinical trials.

NIAID will consider applications including the following types of research to be nonresponsive and not review them:

  • Studies limited to studying PLWH.
  • Studies of subjects residing outside Mexico and South or Central America.
  • Studies not including a co-investigator from each country in Latin America providing participants.
  • Studies not proposing the use of technology-focused approaches to establish and follow cohorts of HIV-negatives for epidemiologic research.
  • Studies not focused on at least one of the high-incidence groups prioritized by the NOFO: MSM, female sex workers, transgender persons, or PWID.
  • Studies not including an analysis that demonstrates that the expected statistical power of their planned investigations will be adequate.
  • Studies planning to enroll fewer than 5,000 individuals without HIV during the UG3 phase.
  • Studies proposing a clinical trial that requires an investigational new drug application.
  • Studies lacking clearly described timelines for the UG3 and UH3 phases and studies lacking clearly defined and quantifiable Go/No-Go transition milestones.

UG3/UH3 Phased Innovation Awards 

Applications must be structured around two phases. The UG3 phase provides 2 years of support for enrollment of sufficient numbers of participants from high-incidence populations. The UH3 phase provides an additional 3 years of support to conduct research to advance our knowledge of when, where, why, and how HIV transmissions currently occur in Latin America. 

At the end of the UG3 phase, NIH staff will assess Go/No-Go transition milestones accomplishment, preparedness of the cohort to implement the proposed epidemiology and the optional intervention studies, programmatic priorities, and available funds to determine a transition to the UH3 award. UG3 phase funding does not guarantee support of the UH3 phase award for research implementation. 

Applicants proposing clinical trials must include the available information and describe the plan, including the timeline for developing final versions in time to implement the clinical trial within the first 12 months. For a list of the five required attachments, read Section IV. Application and Submission Information of the NOFO.

Budget Information

NIAID plans to fund one or two awards. Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The project period may be up to 5 years; up to 2 years for the UG3 phase and up to 3 years for the UH3 phase. 

Application Deadline

Applications are due on July 30, 2024, by 5 p.m. local time of the applicant organization. 

Contact Information 

Send inquiries to NIAID’s scientific/research contact, Dr. Gerald Sharp, at or 240-627-3217. Send any peer review related inquiries to NIAID’s peer review contact, Dr. Robert Unfer, at or 301-641-1981.

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Utilizing NIAID’s ClinRegs Website to Support International Clinical Research Regulatory Compliance


The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ClinRegs website provides country-specific clinical research regulatory information designed to assist in planning and implementing international clinical research. This webinar will provide background on the site’s purpose, topic areas, and how it is kept up to date. ClinRegs functionality and navigation will be covered in a live demo, and there will be an opportunity for Q&A. Participants will leave the webinar with an understanding of the information ClinRegs provides, how to use it, and how it can benefit their research.

Experimental NIH Malaria Monoclonal Antibody Protective in Malian Children

One injected dose of an experimental malaria monoclonal antibody was 77% effective against malaria disease in children in Mali during the country’s six-month malaria season, according to the results of a mid-stage clinical trial. The trial assessed an investigational monoclonal antibody developed by scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and results appear in The New England Journal of Medicine.


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Funding to Evaluate Novel Diagnostics for Tuberculosis in Endemic Countries

Funding News Edition:
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NIAID aims to advance true point-of-care (POC) diagnostics for tuberculosis (TB)—including rapid drug-susceptibility testing (DST) in decentralized settings, targeted pediatric diagnostics that include non-sputum-based diagnosis, and technologies to improve the diagnosis of TB among people living with HIV (PLWH), including disseminated and paucibacillary TB.

Through Feasibility of Novel Diagnostics for TB in Endemic Countries (FEND for TB) (R01, Clinical Trial Not Allowed), we will support proof-of-principle studies to evaluate novel, early-stage TB diagnostic tests, assays, and strategies, validate biomarkers, and provide feedback to diagnostic developers and policy makers on the performance of the technology as well as potential strategies for use of novel technologies in endemic settings.

Partnership with Existing Sites

To accomplish the goals of this initiative, applicants should propose a partnership of investigators and existing clinical study sites in TB endemic countries, coordinated and led by a leadership team, to evaluate early-stage TB diagnostics. The clinical sites must provide access to adult and pediatric study populations with drug-susceptible and drug-resistant TB, and should include populations with co-morbidities including PLWH.

The leadership team will organize, coordinate, and provide oversight for study implementation to evaluate TB diagnostics and will implement a process to identify and prioritize TB diagnostics and biomarkers to be evaluated under the grant, including a process for technology holders to submit requests for diagnostic evaluations.

Your application must include at least one foreign clinical study site located in a TB-endemic country. Study sites should have the facilities and personnel necessary to carry out study-specific laboratory testing in accordance with Good Clinical Laboratory Practice guidelines, store patient samples under appropriate conditions, and diagnose TB according to the current standard of care.

Priority Diagnostics

In your application, you must identify one or more early-stage diagnostics ready for initial testing in the first year of performance and include detailed plans to evaluate additional diagnostics in subsequent years.

NIAID has highlighted diagnostics of interest, including:

  • POC or near-to-care tests.
  • Diagnostics for use in underserved populations, including children and persons with disseminated or paucibacillary TB disease and PLWH.
  • Product candidates that identify TB using specimens other than sputum (e.g., blood, serum, urine, stool, breath, swabs) allowing identification of paucibacillary or extrapulmonary TB in adult and pediatric patients.
  • Diagnostics that may overcome limitations such as cost and infrastructure associated with current molecular diagnostic approaches.
  • Diagnostics that provide expanded rapid DST, including at the POC.
  • Studies to evaluate the performance of diagnostics or host biomarkers in PLWH and people who are not living with HIV.
  • Diagnostics that distinguish between vaccinated individuals and those who are infected with TB.

Diagnostic technologies for evaluation may detect TB across the disease spectrum, including identification of asymptomatic or subclinical disease, disseminated extra-pulmonary disease, and paucibacillary disease.

Applications may propose to conduct limited laboratory assessments of a diagnostic prototype to ensure performance and feasibility prior to conducting a clinical evaluation.

However, applications may not include any of the following activities; if an application does, we will consider it nonresponsive and not review it:

  • Establishing new clinical infrastructure.
  • Establishing a public biorepository (though samples may be stored and used in studies by the study team).
  • Developing a new diagnostic prototype.
  • Conducting a clinical trial.

In your application, describe your plans to incorporate the following elements into your FEND research program:

  • Administration and Leadership Team—to organize, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of studies to evaluate TB diagnostics.
  • Clinical Study Sites—to evaluate new TB diagnostics by leveraging established relationships with local clinicians.
  • Clinical Support Team—to coordinate procedures related to recruitment, enrollment, and data and biological sample collection at individual enrollment sites.
  • Data Stewardship and Analysis Team—to develop and implement procedures for the collection, oversight, and inventory of data and biological samples.
  • External Advisory Committee (EAC)—to review progress and share recommendations with NIAID as part of annual programmatic meetings.

FEND investigators and key personnel, NIAID staff, and EAC membership will attend the annual programmatic meetings to facilitate collaborations, provide progress reporting, seek new research directions and ideas, and update NIAID on issues of need. Further, FEND researchers will participate in quarterly virtual programmatic meetings to discuss ongoing and future activities.

Application Requirements

Your budget request should not exceed $3.5 million in annual direct costs. Your proposed project period must be 5 years.

Foreign organizations are eligible to apply.

The notice of funding opportunity has a single due date: June 28, 2024, at 5 p.m. local time of the applicant organization.

If you have questions about the NOFO, contact Dr. Karen Lacourciere at or 240-627-3297. For matters related to peer review, contact Dr. Frank DeSilva at or 240-669-5023.

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Explore Opportunities to Join Emerging Infectious Diseases Network

Funding News Edition:
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The Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases (CREID) Network works to expand knowledge of re-emerging and emerging infectious diseases (re/EIDs) around the globe where outbreaks are most likely to occur while developing expertise, capacity, and readiness to address outbreak-related research. 

Each CREID Research Center (RC) hosts multi- and interdisciplinary teams of domestic and international investigators to conduct innovative, hypothesis-driven One Health-based research, undertake outbreak-related research when necessary in its geographical area, and work across the CREID Network in a coordinated, collaborative, and cooperative fashion. Additionally, a Coordinating Center (CC) serves to lead, advance, and facilitate critical scientific, data, and resource management activities during both outbreak and non-outbreak periods among the CREID Network RCs.

There are two notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) through which you may apply, to propose either a Research Center or the Coordinating Center, respectively:

NIAID’s aim is to support six to eight RCs and a single CC.

CREID Scientific Priorities

CREID Network RCs must take a comprehensive research approach. Each RC must incorporate both animal and human subjects elements, and may include other elements such as vectors or climate and environment. The human based elements of the research may leverage human subjects cohorts, either short-term (e.g., acute febrile illness) or long-term/longitudinal cohorts, as well as archived clinical specimens. 

Examples of possible research topics include:

  • Pathogen discovery and characterization.
  • Pathogen surveillance in animals, vectors, and humans as it relates to assessment of prevalence, molecular epidemiology, or other priorities within CREID’s purview.
  • Evaluating factors related to pathogen transmission, maintenance, emergence, adaptation, and evolution as related to human infections.
  • Defining the contemporary spectrum of clinical disease presentation and progression, pathophysiology, and clinical outcomes of infection in humans (including sequelae) or determinants of disease severity.
  • Human immunologic responses to the infection.
  • Modeling emergence risk.
  • Development of reagents, diagnostic/detection tools, and critical animal models.
  • Research that is foundational or translatable to further development of medical countermeasures to important human health re/EIDs.

You may study any emerging pathogen (viral, bacterial, or eukaryotic), but your primary focus should be on viral infectious pathogens most likely to emerge or re-emerge in humans. Further, you are required to work on at least one viral pathogen from the NIAID Emerging Infectious Diseases/Pathogens list, which includes members of viral families Arenaviridae, Coronaviridae, Flaviviridae, Filoviridae, Hantaviridae, Nairoviridae, Paramyxoviridae, Peribunyaviridae, Phenuiviridae, Picornaviridae, and Togaviridae that are not already studied by other NIAID-funded networks (e.g., HIV, influenza, malaria) and for which countermeasures are not developed or are suboptimal.

We also encourage you to propose working in at least two geographic regions with at least one located within a tropical or subtropical region, with a goal of establishing research sites in targeted areas of the globe such as South and Central America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia. 

Conversely, you must not apply to conduct:

  • Genome-wide association studies
  • Projects where behavioral research is the primary focus
  • Projects that include product development research or advancement of vaccines or antivirals
  • Clinical trials

Refer to the first NOFO linked above for complete details of CREID’s scientific priorities, including a full explanation of how you can best pinpoint research topics for your proposed center that will complement existing NIAID international research efforts.

Strict on Structure

In your application, you should provide for an Administration and Leadership Team, a Data Stewardship and Analysis Team, and a Clinical Research Support Team (excepting the CC). Each of these elements are detailed in the NOFOs.

Further, you must address plans for coordination, collaboration, and cooperation within the CREID Network; strategies to strengthen the CREID Network’s research capacity; and a plan to develop and manage an Opportunity Fund, which is meant to strengthen the impact of shared or complementary topic research, preparedness and outbreak-related research and activities, and other activities or efforts that further CREID's collaborative objectives and goals.

Additionally, the CC will develop and manage a capacity strengthening and pilot research program with the goals of developing research infrastructure, scientific expertise, and the next generation of re/EID scientists and leaders globally.

Application Requirements

Review the NOFOs linked above for a complete listing of application requirements, e.g., your application budget must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. Note that, for both NOFOs, you must propose a 5-year project period. 

New and renewal applications are allowed. 

Foreign organizations are eligible to apply. 

For both NOFOs, there is a single due date on June 21, 2024, at 5 p.m. local time of the applicant organization.

Direct questions to Dr. Sara Woodson, the NOFOs’ scientific/research contact, at or 301-761-6478.

For matters related to peer review of RC applications, contact Dr. Annie Walker-Abbey at or 240-627-3390; for matters related to peer review of CC applications, contact Dr. Mairi Noverr at or 240-987-1668.

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World TB Day 2024 – Yes! We Can End TB!

In observance of World Tuberculosis Day (Sunday, March 24), NIAID joins our partners in reaffirming our commitment to ending the tuberculosis (TB) pandemic while honoring the lives lost to TB disease.


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A Change in Drug Regimen is Associated with Temporary Increases in Dormant HIV


Switching to an antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen containing the drug dolutegravir was associated with a significant temporary increase in reservoirs of latent HIV, according to a new analysis from a study in Uganda. HIV reservoirs are cells where HIV lies dormant and cannot be reached by the immune system or ART. They are central to HIV’s persistence, preventing current treatments from clearing the virus from the body. The findings were published today in eBioMedicine.

When taken as prescribed, ART can stop HIV from replicating. The different classes of available antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) interrupt different stages of HIV replication. People are often prescribed drug regimens composed of multiple drug classes to increase the likelihood that ART will fully suppress HIV replication. In 2018, many countries began using dolutegravir-based ART regimens following studies that showed the drug had higher efficacy and fewer side effects than the drugs that had been in use previously. Uganda was among these countries and recommended dolutegravir together with the ARVs tenofovir and lamivudine for all people whose HIV was treatable with those drugs.

In 2015, NIH scientists and researchers from the Rakai Health Sciences Program in Uganda began a longitudinal study of reservoirs among people with HIV in the Rakai and Kyotera Districts in Uganda. Study participants were people whose HIV was suppressed by ART and had agreed to provide blood samples and receive a routine physical examination annually. People meeting study entry criteria continued to enroll each year. As part of this study, the team examined whether the introduction of dolutegravir-based regimens in 2018 had any effect on the makeup of HIV reservoirs in study participants. At the time of the published analysis, 63% of participants were female. The study observed that HIV reservoir size was generally decreasing as participants remained virally suppressed for longer periods. In the analysis of samples provided post-dolutegravir introduction, they observed a surprising 1.7-fold average increase in HIV reservoir size above pre-dolutegravir levels, which lasted for approximately a year, then returned to normal. This effect was consistent across the majority of study participants regardless of how long they had been living with HIV. 

According to the study authors, no other study has found significant differences in HIV reservoir characteristics due to ART regimen changes, but previous research has identified changes in immune characteristics and cardiovascular disease risk, as well as other effects in the period after dolutegravir initiation, suggesting the body goes through a period of adjustment when switching to use the new drug. The authors state that it is important to explore whether other populations experience the same temporary reservoir increase post-dolutegravir initiation, and that more research is needed to understand the mechanism causing the increase, especially if it is starting dolutegravir or stopping the previous ARV. They further suggest that these findings may inform HIV cure research, including approaches referred to as “Shock and Kill” that attempt to stimulate HIV reservoirs to resume activity, then promptly remove them. The authors did not observe any negative clinical ramifications, such as loss of viral control, associated with this finding.  

Most HIV reservoir research has been conducted among predominantly male study populations in Europe and North America, unlike the primarily female participants in this study. The authors highlight the importance of exploring sex-based differences in HIV reservoir characteristics and the inclusion of representative populations in HIV studies.

This research was conducted by NIAID, Western University, and the Rakai Health Sciences Program and with co-funding from other NIH institutes, the Gilead HIV Cure Grants Program, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the Ontario Genomics-Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute.


RC Ferreira, et al., Temporary increase in circulating replication-competent latent HIV-infected resting CD4+ T cells after switch to an integrase inhibitor based antiretroviral regimen. eBioMedicine DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2024.105040 (2024)

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