$18.5 Million U19 Grant Will Study B and T Memory Cells in transplanted Lungs, Uteruses and Kidneys

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$18.5 Million U19 Grant Will Study B and T Memory Cells in transplanted Lungs, Uteruses and Kidneys
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Thorsten Prüstel, Ph.D.

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Computational Systems Biology Section
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A major focus of our research is on developing computational modeling approaches that are not only able to predict the behavior of complex biological systems, such as the human immune system, but that also provide insights into the mechanisms that underlie the systems’ behavior. Such a mechanistic understanding of those cellular processes that play key roles in health and disease is critical in the search of novel treatment strategies. It requires simulation methods that can describe the intricate interactions of the systems’ components on a variety of biological scales, ranging from single molecules, over individual cells and multicellular structures to whole organisms.

On the most fundamental biological scale that our research covers, the level of single molecules and reaction-diffusion driven interactions of molecular complexes, subcellular processes behave in a stochastic fashion. Therefore, an important research objective has been the development of high-resolution single-particle stochastic simulation methods that can correctly and efficiently capture reaction-diffusion processes in the context of cellular biochemistry, for instance at and adjacent to cell surfaces, where many of the cellular signaling processes are initiated. Accordingly, a further major research goal has been the development of computational representations of arbitrarily shaped geometries. Here, a focus has been on models that are flexible enough to not only represent the shape of separate cells, but also interfaces between two cells. Such interfaces form, for instance, when two immune system cells exchange information on pathogens (see figure below).

The availability of efficient and detailed stochastic simulations is a prerequisite for establishing a bridge between the stochastic events of cellular biochemistry on the molecular scale and the higher-level cellular behavior that underlies health and disease.

A blue-colored model representing a single-particle stochastic simulation of a T-cell and an antigen-presenting cell interacting with each other via a T-cell protrusion contact.

Snapshot of a high-resolution single-particle stochastic simulation of a T-cell (blue-colored model) and an antigen-presenting cell interacting with each other via a T-cell protrusion contact. Bright dots represent single T-cell receptors and peptide: MHC complexes.

Selected Publications

Prüstel T, Meier-Schellersheim M. Space-time histories approach to fast stochastic simulation of bimolecular reactions. J Chem Phys. 2021 Apr 28;154(16):164111.

Johnson ME, Chen A, Faeder JR, Henning P, Moraru II, Meier-Schellersheim M, Murphy RF, Prüstel T, Theriot JA, Uhrmacher AM. Quantifying the roles of space and stochasticity in computer simulations for cell biology and cellular biochemistry. Mol Biol Cell. 2021 Jan 15;32(2):186-210.

Prüstel T, Meier-Schellersheim M. Unified path integral approach to theories of diffusion-influenced reactions. Phys Rev E. 2017 Aug;96(2-1):022151.

Prüstel T, Tachiya M. Reversible diffusion-influenced reactions of an isolated pair on some two dimensional surfaces. J Chem Phys. 2013 Nov 21;139(19):194103.

Prüstel T, Meier-Schellersheim M. Exact Green's function of the reversible diffusion-influenced reaction for an isolated pair in two dimensions. J Chem Phys. 2012 Aug 7;137(5):054104.

Angermann BR, Klauschen F, Garcia AD, Prüstel T, Zhang F, Germain RN, Meier-Schellersheim M. Computational modeling of cellular signaling processes embedded into dynamic spatial contexts. Nat Methods. 2012 Jan 29;9(3):283-9.

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Simmune Project

Major Areas of Research
  • Stochastic simulation approaches to cellular signaling
  • Computational models of cellular morphology 
  • Interplay between stochastic and spatial aspects of cellular signaling at cell-cell contacts (example: T-cell receptor activation)
  • Interactions between migrating cells and their environment

NIH Awards $2.3 Million to Arkansas Children’s Research Institute, Continuing Discoveries of the Arkansas Center for Food Allergy Research

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NIH Awards $2.3 Million to Arkansas Children’s Research Institute, Continuing Discoveries of the Arkansas Center for Food Allergy Research
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Fortress Biotech Announces First Patient Dosed in Multi-Center Phase 2 Study of Triplex for Control of CMV in Patients Undergoing Liver Transplantation

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Fortress Biotech
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Fortress Biotech Announces First Patient Dosed in Multi-Center Phase 2 Study of Triplex for Control of CMV in Patients Undergoing Liver Transplantation
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New Study Discovers Tiny Target on RNA to Short-Circuit Inflammation

Antiretroviral Drug Improves Kidney Function After Transplant in People with HIV


An HIV drug that suppresses the activity of the CCR5 receptor—a collection of proteins on the surface of certain immune cells—was associated with better renal function in kidney transplant recipients with HIV compared to people who took a placebo in a randomized trial. Study participants taking the drug, called maraviroc, also experienced lower rates of transplant rejection than those taking placebo, but the difference was not statistically significant due to lower-than-expected rejection rates across the entire study population. The findings of the NIAID-sponsored trial were presented today at the 2024 American Transplant Congress in Philadelphia. 

The CCR5 receptor helps HIV enter CD4+ T cells. Some people have a genetic mutation that prevents the CCR5 receptor from working, and either cannot acquire HIV or experience slower HIV-related disease progression if living with the virus. It has separately been observed that people with the same CCR5 genetic mutation have better outcomes following kidney and liver transplantation. The CCR5 antagonist class of antiretroviral drugs was developed to mimic the naturally occurring CCR5 mutation and is a well tolerated component of HIV treatment, but the drugs have not been evaluated as an intervention to improve transplantation outcomes in people. Furthermore, transplant recipients with HIV more frequently experience transplant rejection and elevated CCR5 activity than transplant recipients without HIV.

A research team led by the University of California San Francisco conducted a U.S.-based Phase 2 trial to assess the safety and tolerability of the CCR5 antagonist maraviroc given daily from the time of transplant onward among kidney transplant recipients, and to compare renal function of people taking daily maraviroc to those taking a placebo one year (52 weeks) post-transplant. All study participants were living with HIV and were virally suppressed on antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens. The study randomized 97 participants to receive maraviroc or a placebo in addition to their continued ART regimens post-transplant. Of them, only 27 participants were able to complete all necessary study examinations through 52 weeks due to logistical complications from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. At one-year post-transplant, the mean estimated glomerular filtration rate—a measure of how well kidneys were working—was significantly higher in participants receiving maraviroc in addition to their ART regimen compared with participants receiving ART and placebo (59.2 versus 49.3 mL/min/1.73m2). The drug was safe and well tolerated. 

Four of the 49 participants taking maraviroc and 6 of the 48 participants taking placebo experienced transplant rejection, but this difference was not statistically significant given the relatively small sample size. Transplant rejection rates were lower than expected across both study groups, which the study team suggests may be a favorable outcome of the ART regimens most participants were taking. 

The addition of maraviroc significantly improved renal function in kidney transplant recipients with HIV compared to placebo. According to the authors, these findings warrant further exploration of the benefit of CCR5 antagonists in all kidney transplant recipients regardless of HIV status.

For more information about this study, please visit ClinicalTrials.gov and use the identifier NCT02741323.


Brown et al. Beneficial Impact of CCR5 Blockade in Kidney Transplant Recipients with HIV. American Transplant Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

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Unpacking the Interplay between Autoimmunity and Immunodeficiency


The presence of antibodies that target one of the body’s own proteins was associated with severe infections that typically only occur when a person’s immune system is suppressed, based on a multi-cohort study of blood samples from more than 1,000 people. This study suggests autoimmune processes could be involved in the development of immunodeficiency in adulthood. The research was led by scientists in the Immunopathogenesis Section of NIAID’s Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology (LCIM) and published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Antibodies play a critical role in the body’s response to infection and injury, but some people have “autoantibodies” that target the body’s own cells and organs, resulting in autoimmune diseases and conditions. This study centered on the role of antibodies that target the body’s own inflammatory cytokines, proteins that communicate with other cells to prompt the body to fight infection. Only a few anti-cytokine autoantibodies have previously been implicated in promoting enhanced susceptibility to certain severe infections. Interleukin-12 and interleukin-23 are related cytokines that share a common structural feature and function similarly to influence the generation of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), a protein involved in immune system responses. Interleukin-23 is known to control inflammation in tissues such as the skin, lung, gastrointestinal tract, joints, and brain. Prompted by an observation that a person with Burkholderia gladioli—a rare bacterial infectionhad detectable antibodies to both interleukin-12 and interleukin-23, scientists investigated the prevalence of anti-interleukin-23 antibodies in people with known anti-interleukin-12 antibodies, only half of whom experienced opportunistic infections, meaning infections that tend to affect only compromised immune systems. They found anti-interleukin-23 antibodies among the half that experienced opportunistic infections.

Subsequently the team examined the blood from people participating in several cohort studies for the presence of anti-interleukin-23 antibodies, examining its association with thymoma (a tumor in the thymus associated with autoimmunity and immune deficiency), rare mycobacterial, bacterial and fungal infections versus common viral infections. The presence of anti-interleukin-23 antibodies was associated with severe, persistent opportunistic mycobacterial, bacterial, and fungal infections, but not with COVID-19. The strongest association to such infections was found in people who also had thymoma.

According to the authors, a comprehensive approach to autoantibodies against cytokines is needed to understand their role in both the source and the severity of infections. An editorial accompanying the publication suggests that these findings should prompt the design of new diagnostic tests and therapeutic approaches based on anti-interleukin-23 antibodies for people with rare and severe infections of unknown cause. This research represents an advance in the core mission of the LCIM Immunopathogenesis Section, which has contributed key evidence about the role of IFN-gamma in human immunity for decades.


Cheng, A et al. Anti–Interleukin-23 Autoantibodies in Adult-Onset Immunodeficiency. New England Journal of Medicine. DOI 10.1056/NEJMoa2210665 (2024).

Netea, MG et al. Anti–Interleukin-23 Autoantibodies and Severe Infections. New England Journal of Medicine. DOI 10.1056/NEJMe2400475 (2024)

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Lucas Dos Santos Dias, Ph.D.

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Fungal Pathogenesis Section
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In the Fungal Pathogenesis Section, we use an integrated bench-to-bedside multidisciplinary approach encompassing immunology, mycology, and genetics to investigate protection against and susceptibility to pathogenic fungi. We evaluate large cohorts of patients with inherited or acquired susceptibility to fungal disease and study antifungal immune responses in vitro and in vivo in a variety of clinically relevant mouse models of fungal disease. Thus, we employ various immunological, biological, and imaging approaches to measure biological determinants of disease outcomes in humans and mice. Our research directly informs clinically actionable interventions, including developing targeted preventive and therapeutic interventions in at-risk patients.

Selected Publications

Woodring T, Dewey CN, Santos Dias LD, He X, Dobson HE, Wüthrich M, Klein B. Distinctive populations of CD4+T cells associated with vaccine efficacy. iScience. 2022 Aug 13;25(9):104934.

Kohn EM, Taira C, Dobson H, Dias LDS, Okaa U, Wiesner DL, Wüthrich M, Klein BS. Variation in Host Resistance to Blastomyces dermatitidis: Potential Use of Genetic Reference Panels and Advances in Immunophenotyping of Diverse Mouse Strains. mBio. 2022 Feb 22;13(1):e0340021.

Dos Santos Dias L, Dobson HE, Bakke BK, Kujoth GC, Huang J, Kohn EM, Taira CL, Wang H, Supekar NT, Fites JS, Gates D, Gomez CL, Specht CA, Levitz SM, Azadi P, Li L, Suresh M, Klein BS, Wüthrich M. Structural basis of Blastomyces Endoglucanase-2 adjuvancy in anti-fungal and -viral immunity. PLoS Pathog. 2021 Mar 18;17(3):e1009324.

Dobson HE, Dias LDS, Kohn EM, Fites S, Wiesner DL, Dileepan T, Kujoth GC, Abraham A, Ostroff GR, Klein BS, Wüthrich M. Antigen discovery unveils resident memory and migratory cell roles in antifungal resistance. Mucosal Immunol. 2020 May;13(3):518-529.

Rocke TE, Kingstad-Bakke B, Wüthrich M, Stading B, Abbott RC, Isidoro-Ayza M, Dobson HE, Dos Santos Dias L, Galles K, Lankton JS, Falendysz EA, Lorch JM, Fites JS, Lopera-Madrid J, White JP, Klein B, Osorio JE. Virally-vectored vaccine candidates against white-nose syndrome induce anti-fungal immune response in little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus). Sci Rep. 2019 May 1;9(1):6788.

Holanda RA, Muñoz JE, Dias LS, Silva LBR, Santos JRA, Pagliari S, Vieira ÉLM, Paixão TA, Taborda CP, Santos DA, Bruña-Romero O. Recombinant vaccines of a CD4+ T-cell epitope promote efficient control of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis burden by restraining primary organ infection. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 Sep 22;11(9):e0005927.

Visit PubMed for a complete publication list.

Major Areas of Research
  • AIRE-dependent mechanisms of antifungal immunity and protection from autoimmunity in mouse models of AIRE deficiency and in APECED patients 
  • Novel mechanism-based strategies to treat fungal disease and autoimmunity in APECED and STAT1 gain-of-function patients
  • Experimental models (mice) for the study of the mechanism of vaccine-induced immunity to Blastomyces and other fungal pathogens (Coccidioides, Candida, Histoplasma)
  • Cellular immunology
  • Fungal immunology

First-of-its-Kind Clinical Trial Aims to Improve Outcomes in Pediatric Transplant Patients

Machine Learning Tool Identifies Rare, Undiagnosed Immune Disorders Through Patients’ Electronic Health Records

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UCLA Health
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Machine Learning Tool Identifies Rare, Undiagnosed Immune Disorders Through Patients’ Electronic Health Records
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