NIAID Funding News


NIAID Funding News provides funding, policy, and other information to NIAID's extramural research community and Institute staff. You can subscribe directly by entering your email address at Email Updates and then selecting your subscription topics. Visit Stay Informed About Policy Changes and News for more opportunities to connect with us.

Changing Institutions? Steps to Take for a Grant to Go with You

If you are conducting human subjects research or research using vertebrate animals, you’ll need to begin the institutional review board or institutional animal care and use process, respectively, at the new institution.
Colorized scanning electron micrograph of red blood cell infected with malaria parasites (purple). The small bumps on the infected cell show how the parasite remodels its host cell by forming protrusions called 'knobs' on the surface, enabling it to avoid destruction and cause inflammation. Uninfected cells (orange) have smoother surfaces.

Opportunities and Resources

We aim to increase understanding of these mechanisms in order to identify candidate markers of disease progression as well as potential targets for immune-modulatory treatment to decrease TB and HBV risks in people living with HIV. 
The program provides comprehensive quality assessment evaluations for virologic assays for HIV and other viral pathogens performed on samples collected from participants enrolled in NIAID-sponsored and collaborative multisite clinical studies. 
The cohort study platform will collect and make publicly available high-quality risk factor, viral suppression, and other outcome data on HIV and associated comorbidities in middle-aged and older adults in the United States.

In The News

If you are applying to a parent Fellowship notice of funding opportunity for the April 8 or May 7, 2025 Standard Due Dates, you must use the FORMS-H application forms and instructions. 
Unsure How to Link Your ORCID iD and eRA Commons Account? Watch This Video; New NIH Policy Ensures Patient Access to Certain Licensed Products; NIH Implements New Funding Opportunity Goals Text

Advice Corner

Whether cultivating partnerships across fields and institutions resonates with your research goals, or you decide to pursue a notice of funding opportunity that requires collaborators, we suggest several resources to develop those pursuits.

Contact Us

Email us at for help navigating NIAID’s grant and contract policies and procedures.