Microbial Genomics at BCBB

Genomics has become a mainstream tool, yet the amount of data produced by sequencing instruments or available on public databases presents challenges and opportunities for discovery. Bioinformatics and Computational Biosciences Branch (BCBB) has expertise in many types of genomics methods applied to metagenomics, microbial genomics, transcriptomics, phylogenomics and others. Areas of collaboration include:

  • Assembly of viral, bacterial and eukaryotic genomes
  • Structural and functional annotation of genomic and transcriptomics datasets
  • Comparative genomics, identification and characterization of gene families and mobile genetic elements
  • Genome diversity studies, including identification, annotation, and analysis of single and multiple nucleotide polymorphisms
  • Phylogenetic analysis and molecular evolution
  • Single-cell and bulk RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and ATAC-seq analysis and integration using longitudinal and cross-sectional experimental designs
  • Gene ontology and gene enrichment analyses, functional gene clustering and network studies
  • Host-pathogen interaction studies
  • Development of custom bioinformatic analysis pipelines



Beare, P. A., Jeffrey, B. M., Long, C. M., Martens, C. M. and Heinzen, R. A. Genetic mechanisms of Coxiella burnetii lipopolysaccharide phase variation. PLoS Pathog, 14, 3 (Mar 2018), e1006922. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006922. PMID: 29481553 

Cooper, K. G., Chong, A., Kari, L., Jeffrey, B., Starr, T., Martens, C., McClurg, M., Posada, V. R., Laughlin, R. C., Whitfield-Cargile, C., Garry Adams, L., Bryan, L. K., Little, S. V., Krath, M., Lawhon, S. D. and Steele-Mortimer, O. Regulatory protein HilD stimulates Salmonella Typhimurium invasiveness by promoting smooth swimming via the methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein McpC. Nat Commun, 12, 1 (Jan 13 2021), 348. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20558-6. PMID: 33441540.

Larson, C. L., Martinez, E., Beare, P. A., Jeffrey, B. M., Heinzen, R. A. and Bonazzi, M. Right on Q: genetics begin to unravel Coxiella burnetii host cell interactions. Future Microbiol, 11 (Jul 2016), 919-939. https://doi.org/10.2217/fmb-2016-0044. PMID: 27418426

Schureck, M. A., Darling, J. E., Merk, A., Shao, J., Daggupati, G., Srinivasan, P., Olinares, P. D. B., Rout, M. P., Chait, B. T., Wollenberg, K., Subramaniam, S. and Desai, S. A. Malaria parasites use a soluble RhopH complex for erythrocyte invasion and an integral form for nutrient uptake. Elife, 10 (Jan 4 2021). https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.65282. PMID: 33393463

Srivastava, K., Wollenberg, K. R. and Flegel, W. A. The phylogeny of 48 alleles, experimentally verified at 21 kb, and its application to clinical allele detection. J Transl Med, 17, 1 (Feb 11 2019), 43. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12967-019-1791-9. PMID: 30744658.

Wollenberg, K., Harris, M., Gabrielian, A., Ciobanu, N., Chesov, D., Long, A., Taaffe, J., Hurt, D., Rosenthal, A., Tartakovsky, M. and Crudu, V. A retrospective genomic analysis of drug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis in a high-burden setting, with an emphasis on comparative diagnostics and reactivation and reinfection status. BMC Infect Dis, 20, 1 (Jan 7 2020), 17. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-019-4739-z. PMID: 31910804.

Research Team

Team Lead

Kurt R. Wollenberg, Ph.D.


Contact: wollenbergk@niaid.nih.gov


Ph.D., 1997, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

M.E.A., 1986, George Washington University, Washington, DC

B.S., 1981, Washington University, St. Louis, MO

Dr. Wollenberg has been a member of Bioinformatics and Computational Bioscience Branch (BCBB) since 2006, serving as the phylogenetics subject matter expert. He has provided evolutionary analysis of genomic sequence data from various pathogens (e.g., hepatitis C, hepatitis D, Ebola virus, Guaroa virus, Cryptococcus sp., Plasmodium spp, M. tuberculosis) and sequence data for host proteins which...

Learn more about Kurt R. Wollenberg, Ph.D.

headshot of Kurt R. Wollenberg

Team Members

Madeline R. Galac, Ph.D.


Contact: madeline.galac@nih.gov


B.S., 2004, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY

Ph.D, 2012, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Dr. Madeline R. Galac started her career doing molecular biology research of microbes at the bench before adding more bioinformatic questions to her interests. She has been involved in many genomic projects examining the ways that bacterial genomes evolve and how they are related to one another. Additionally, she has experience with genome assemblies using a variety of sequencing technologies.

Learn more about Madeline R. Galac, Ph.D.

headshot of Madeline R. Galac

Brendan M. Jeffrey, Ph.D.


Contact: brendan.jeffrey@nih.gov


B.S., 1998, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Ph.D., 2011, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

Brendan is a microbial genomics specialist within the Science Support Section of Bioinformatics and Computational Bioscience Branch (BCBB), where he provides expertise in genome sequencing, comparative genomics, and analysis of other ‘omics data. He was trained as a Cell Biologist with a focus in computational biology.

Learn more about Brendan M. Jeffrey, Ph.D.

Colton M. McNinch, Ph.D.


Contact: colton.mcninch@nih.gov


B.S., 2014, Southwestern College, Winfield, KS

Ph.D, 2020, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Colton McNinch is a transcriptomics specialist within the Science Support Section of Bioinformatics and Computational Bioscience Branch (BCBB). He provides analytical, consultative, and training support to NIAID researchers on projects involving RNA-Sequencing data (e.g. Bulk RNA-Seq, scRNA-Seq, and spatial transcriptomics). He was trained as a molecular biologist and currently leverages that...

Learn more about Colton M. McNinch, Ph.D.

headshot of Colton M. McNinch

Margaret C.W. Ho, Ph.D.


Contact: margaret.ho@nih.gov


B.S., 2008, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA

Ph.D., 2015, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Languages Spoken: Cantonese

Margaret is a functional genomics specialist on the Microbial Genomics team at Bioinformatics and Computational Bioscience Branch (BCBB), providing expertise in analyzing ‘omics data from diverse eukaryotic organisms. Her scientific training includes research in genetics, cis-regulatory elements, noncoding DNA and functional genomics.

Learn more about Margaret C.W. Ho, Ph.D.

headshot of Margaret C.W. Ho
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