3D Printing and Biovisualization at BCBB

The NIAID 3D Printing and Biovisualization program includes a broad portfolio of initiatives that support NIAID scientists, staff, and the public by helping them to better visualize, understand, and communicate complex data through interactive and immersive experiences.

Major Areas of Focus

3D Modeling and Printing Services

In our 3D Printing Lab, we fabricate custom models of molecular and anatomical data, and custom lab equipment or other hardware. The digital versions of the models can be applied in a range of other 3D modalities, including interactive PowerPoint, 3D PDFs, browser-based 3D, virtual reality, and even augmented reality using a smartphone or tablet. 3D modeling and printing services are available to NIAID researchers and staff at no cost. Contact niaid3Dservices@nih.gov for information.

The NIAID Biovisualization (“BioViz”) Lab

Step into the future of data visualization, where cutting-edge technology meets research innovation. We combine hardware, software, technical support, and scientific subject matter expertise to provide the NIAID community with an array of technologies for advanced visualization and collaboration.

Twelve high-performance workstations are outfitted with the latest VR/AR headsets to explore 3D data ranging from molecular structures to medical images to large, multi-dimensional datasets. With this central resource, we aim to eliminate barriers in learning curves, procurement, and cyberinfrastructure, so that NIAID researchers can focus on their science and immerse themselves in their data like never before.

Designed to be a collaboration space, the lab features expansive high-resolution displays, including a state-of-the-art 16’ x 4.5’ touch-enabled video wall, delivering an unparalleled canvas for exploration and discovery. Smart whiteboards and technologies support ideation and collaboration, and integrated cameras, speakers, and microphones provide an enhanced hybrid meeting experience. The technologies and versatility of the room enable teams to capitalize on time spent in the workplace with more interactive and engaging sessions.

The BioViz Lab is available to anyone across the institute and is located at the NIAID offices at 5601 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD. For information, contact bioviz@nih.gov. Reservations can be made at https://bit.ly/NIAIDBioViz.



Buyego et al. Feasibility of virtual reality based training for optimising COVID-19 case handling in Uganda.  BMC Medical Education. 22, 274 (2022). DOI: 10.1056/CAT.21.0321

McCarthy et al. Trust in the Time of Covid-19: 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing (3DP/AM) as a Solution to Supply Chain Gaps. NEJM Catalyst. 2021 Nov 10. https://catalyst.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/CAT.21.0321

Armani et al. Low-tech solutions for the COVID-19 supply chain crisis. Nat Rev Mat. 5, 403–406 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41578-020-0205-1

Bramlet and Coakley. Ed. K. Farooqi. Utility of a 3D File Database. Chapter in Rapid Prototyping in Cardiac Disease: 3D Printing the Heart. Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-53523-4.

Bramlet et al. Impact of 3D Printing on the Study and Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease. Circ Res. 2017 Mar 17. PMC5439501.

Beltrame et al. 3D Printing of Biomolecular Models for Research and Pedagogy. J Vis Exp. 2017 Mar 13. PMC5408980.

Coakley MF and Hurt DE. 3D Printing in the Laboratory: Maximize Time and Funds with Customized and Open-Source Labware. J Lab Autom. 2016 Aug 2. PMC5380887.

Coakley MF, et al. The NIH 3D Print Exchange: A Public Resource for Bioscientific and Biomedical 3D Prints. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing. 2014 Sept 1. PMC4981148.

Research Team

Team Lead

Meghan C. McCarthy, M.S., Ph.D.


Contact: meghan.mccarthy@nih.gov


Ph.D., 2014, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

M.S., 2007, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

B.S., 2003, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Dr. Meghan McCarthy manages a portfolio dedicated to advanced data visualization and training in immersive environments. Projects include NIH 3D and PathogenAR, and services for 3D printing. The NIAID Biovisualization Lab provides hardware, support, and scientific expertise for visualization of multi-dimensional datasets and 3D molecular and medical imaging data in virtual/augmented reality.

Learn more about Meghan C. McCarthy, M.S., Ph.D.

headshot of Meghan C. McCarthy

Team Members

Kristen Browne M.Sc., M.Sc., B.M.C.


Contact: kristen.browne@nih.gov


M.Sc., Biomedical Communications, 2015, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

M.Sc., Zoology, 2009, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

B.Sc., Biochemistry, 2005, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada

Languages Spoken: French

Kristen’s time is distributed between the management, analysis, design, and development of software products, and the design and construction of 3D objects from scientific data sources (medical imaging, molecular structures, etc.). She is involved with the management, product design, and development of NIH 3D, PathogenAR, TB in 3D, and PaVE 3D. She was also involved in the analysis and product...

Learn more about Kristen Browne M.Sc., M.Sc., B.M.C.

Phillip Cruz, Ph.D.


Contact: phil.cruz@nih.gov


Ph.D., 1983, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA

B.S., 1977, California State University Fresno, Fresno, CA

As a research scientist at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Phil performs structural biology computations in collaboration with NIH intramural researchers. Before joining the NIH, he was on the faculty of Wright State University School of Medicine, and then worked in industry at the molecular modeling company Tripos. His research utilizes molecular modeling, simulation, and advanced...

Learn more about Phillip Cruz, Ph.D.

Headshot of Phil Cruz

Victor Starr Kramer


Contact: victor.starrkramer@nih.gov


A.A., 2018, Montgomery College Rockville, MD

Victor Starr Kramer is a visualization technology specialist that supports the Biovisualization and 3D printing services. Interests include Virtual Reality, 3D Printing, Augmented reality, high performance computing hardware design, and 3D modeling.

Learn more about Victor Starr Kramer

Headshot of Victor Kramer
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