Daniel Douek, M.D., Ph.D.


Daniel Douek, M.D., Ph.D.

Chief, Genome Analysis Core
Chief, Human Immunology Section 
Program Director, PREMISE

Contact: ddouek@mail.nih.gov

Daniel Douek, M.D., Ph.D.

Major Areas of Research

  • Pandemic preparedness

Program Description

At the NIAID Vaccine Research Center, the PREMISE (Pandemic REsponse REpository through Microbial and Immune Surveillance and Epidemiology) program was established to support pandemic preparedness and response. Through a network of investigators and collaborators, PREMISE conducts virologic and immunologic screening of targeted and broad cohorts to detect reactivity against pathogens of pandemic potential. PREMISE also sequences samples from animal reservoirs and symptomatic humans to identify new and re-emerging pathogens. The resulting analyses are shared to pre-emptively generate reagent and data resources for early detection and diagnosis, and to identify monoclonal antibodies and immunogens for vaccine and therapeutic discovery and development. Ultimately, PREMISE aims to serve as a translational vehicle to integrate serologic and cellular immune discovery, targeting a broad array of pathogens, into product development for pathogens with pandemic potential.

graphic showing the PREMISE initiative and its partnerships: academia, industry, NIH programs, international agencies, USG and NGOs.

The PREMISE initiative and its partnerships

Credit: NIAID



M.D., University of Oxford

Ph.D., University of London

Daniel Douek, M.D., Ph.D., is the Chief of the Genome Analysis Core (GAC). The GAC was established to develop and perform innovative sequencing techniques specifically targeted at immune respertoire analysis. These sequencing technologies are also being used to evaluate candidates for other vaccines, such as influenza and respiratory syncyticial virus, including those undertaken with VRC intra- and extramural collaborators.

Daniel Douek, M.D., Ph.D., is also the Chief of the Human Immunology Section (HIS). HIS studies the processes that determine the course of human diseases in which the immune system plays a central role in their pathogenesis and outcome. Our overriding philosophy is to address questions of human disease directly in humans. 

Selected Publications

Nguyen-Tran H, Park SW, Dominguez SR, Vogt MR, Permar S, Permaul P, Hernandez M, Douek DC, McDermott AB, Metcalf CJE, Grenfell B, Spaulding AB. Enterovirus D68: A Test Case for the Use of Immunologic Surveillance to Develop Tools to Mitigate the Pandemic Potential of Emerging Pathogens. The Lancet Microbe. 2022 Jan 7.

Mina MJ, Metcalf CJE, McDermott AB, Douek DC, Farrar J, Grenfell BT. A Global lmmunological Observatory to meet a time of pandemics. Elife. 2020 Jun 8;9:e58989.

More Information about PREMISE

Research Group

  • Senior Advisor and Team Lead: Alicen Burns Spaulding, Ph.D., M.P.H.
  • Bioinformatics: Su Godbole, M.S.
  • Protein Design and Production: Ananda Chowdhury, Ph.D.
  • Cellular and Serological Assays: Jennifer Wang, B.A.; Megan Weitner, M.S.
  • Contact: PREMISE@mail.nih.gov
Photo of PREMISE Research Group

The PREMISE research group, along with support staff and guests. Front row (left to right): Alex Mullen, Alicen Spaulding, Danny Douek, Gerald Lily, Lucio Gama. Back row (left to right): Sucheta Godbole, Jenny Wang, Karin Bok, Ananda Chowdhury, Leo Serebryannyy, Rahul Subramanian, Megan Weitner

Credit: Alex Mullen
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