Single Dose of Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Protects Macaques from H5N1 Influenza

A single dose of a broadly neutralizing antibody given prior to virus exposure protects macaques from severe H5N1 avian influenza, NIH scientists report.


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Study of a Human Bispecific HIV Antibody (CAP256J3LS) in Healthy Adults

This is a study of an experimental product called CAP256J3LS. This study will provide more information about prevention or treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The main purpose of this study is to see if the experimental drug called the CAP256J3LS is safe, and to determine how your body responds to it.

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Happenings from the September Meeting of NIAID’s Advisory Council

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NIAID Director Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo opened the 208th meeting of NIAID’s Advisory Council by greeting Council members, as well as public representatives from professional and lay organizations who share interests and activities in common with our mission.

You can watch a recording of the Spetember 9, 2024 open session remarks at NIAID Advisory Council on NIH VideoCast.

Council Farewells and Welcomes

Dr. Marrazzo announced the end of 4-year terms for three Council members: Drs. Linda Bockenstedt, Keith Jerome, and Stephanie Taylor, and she presented them with plaques to recognize their service. She then welcomed three ad hoc members to Council: Drs. Dusan Bogunovic, Joaquin Espinosa, and Bernard Khor

Read Biographical Sketches of NIAID Council Members to familiarize yourself with our Council members’ backgrounds. 

Key Staffing News and Honors

Dr. Marrazzo noted some staffing updates within NIH.

  • Dr. Caroline Hutter was named Director of the Office of Strategic Coordination.
  • Dr. Geri Donenberg was named NIH Associate Director for AIDS Research and Director of the NIH Office of AIDS Research.

Then Dr. Marrazzo invited a round of applause for Dr. Hugh Auchincloss on his upcoming retirement after 18 stellar years as NIAID Principal Deputy Director, during which time he also served as Acting NIAID Director.

As part of settling into the Office of the Director, Dr. Marrazzo has been building her staff. She introduced the following new members of her leadership team:

  • Dr. Lucas Buyon was named Health Science Policy Analyst and Scientific Special Assistant.
  • Dr. Robert Eisinger was named Senior Advisor.
  • Dr. Tara Palmore was named Senior Medical Advisor.

She noted several other staff who have joined or taken on new roles within NIAID:

  • Dr. Cesar Boggiano is the new Director of the Vaccine Research Program in the Division of AIDS.
  • Dr. Bruce Burnett is the new Chief of the Office of Regulatory Affairs in the Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation.
  • Dr. Chelsea Boyd is the new Director of the Office of Extramural Research Policy and Operations in the Division of Extramural Activities.

Meetings and Events

Dr. Marrazzo and NIH Director Dr. Monica Bertagnolli visited Whitman-Walker’s Max Robinson Center, a community-based research site in Washington, DC, in celebration of Pride Month. The Center has been a critical NIAID resource for clinical research and prevention studies, as well as training in community-based health.

Dr. Marrazzo also highlighted what she calls “scientific diplomacy,” as the Institute hosted several meetings in town over the summer. NIAID leadership met with delegates and representatives from China, Australia, Japan, South Africa, and the World Health Organization on topics related to neglected tropical diseases, basic research, and tuberculosis, among others.

Budget News

Since fiscal year (FY) 2016, NIAID’s funding has been stable, with steady increases through FY 2024. 

Looking ahead, Dr. Marrazzo noted President Biden’s FY 2025 budget request to Congress, released in March 2024, proposed an overall increase for NIH of 5.6 percent, or $2.76 billion above the FY 2024 enacted level. 

In July, the House submitted an FY 2025 budget that envisioned dividing NIAID’s budget between two new ICs: a National Institute on Infectious Diseases with a budget of $3.3 billion and a National Institute on the Immune System and Arthritis with a budget of $3.3 billion. The Senate budget submitted in August proposed that NIAID receive a $130 million increase over FY 2024, which amounts to a 2 percent increase.

[Note: While NIH has not yet received an FY 2025 appropriation, a continuing resolution enacted on September 26, 2024, keeps NIH (and NIAID) funded at the FY 2024 enacted level through December 20, 2024. Also, on October 1, 2024, NIAID posted interim paylines for FY 2025 to our NIAID Paylines page.]

Dr. Marrazzo then turned to earmarks, pointing out the limited flexibility afforded by this designation to allocate funding to competing NIAID priorities. For FY 2025, both the House and the Senate proposed a $25 million increase to the tickborne disease target, above the FY 2025 enacted amount of $100 million. The Senate also proposed $80 million in funding for Antiviral Drug Discovery Centers and $10 million more to National Biocontainment Laboratories for a total of $33 million. 

Legislative Activities

In June, Dr. Marrazzo participated, along with Dr. Bertagnolli, Dr. David Goff (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Director), Dr. Walter Koroshetz (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Director), and Dr. Joe Breen (NIAID Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation) in a “Lunch and Learn” on Long COVID for congressional staff. 

Dr. Marrazzo briefed members of the GOP Doctors Caucus on NIH/NIAID research on H5N1 as part of a larger multiagency briefing on federal efforts related to H5N1. Representatives from the Assistant Secretary for Pandemic Responses Office, the Center for the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), FDA, CDC, and USDA also participated. 

Congressional appropriations staff visited our Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML) in August, where Dr. Marshall Bloom, RML Director, led a site visit that included bipartisan Senate and minority House staff members who heard first-hand from investigators about RML’s broad range of research.

Scientific Updates

Emphasizing that we’re “not where we should be” with the global HIV pandemic, Dr. Marrazzo noted that epidemics are growing; incidence in several regions was higher than in sub-Saharan Africa for the first time in many years. She then discussed several recent research outcomes, including: 

  • Safety and efficacy of long-acting pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in studies among cisgender women and during pregnancy.
  • “The next Berlin patient,” who achieved sustained HIV remission without antiretroviral therapy after a stem cell transplant.
  • Multiple promising DoxyPrEP and DoxyPEP results.
  • Interesting sessions on broadly neutralizing antibodies.
  • Vaccine development, focusing on germline targeting.
  • Continued negative impacts of stigma, discrimination, and criminalization.

Dr. Marrazzo described increases in sexually transmitted infections as “stratospheric” and discussed innovation in new strategies for notoriously difficult syphilis diagnostics, as well as effective monitoring for effectiveness of response to vaccine candidates.

Shifting to H5N1, Dr. Marrazzo noted that NIH released the H5N1 Influenza Research Agenda on June 5, 2024, and shared an array of fantastic NIAID research results that have informed the H5N1 response. 

Dr. Marrazzo then discussed the escalation of Mpox, which has been endemic in Africa, but has mutated and spread to the point of becoming a public health emergency. She announced the imminent release of the NIAID-Sponsored Mpox Research Agenda, with a robust set of activities to include clinical studies, diagnostics, and vaccine candidates. Dr. Marrazzo acknowledged Dr. Cliff Lane and his team for their efforts in two rural areas in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Within the topic of COVID-19, Dr. Marrazzo zeroed in on the challenge of Long COVID and its complex pathophysiology. She pointed to the Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery—Treating Long COVID (RECOVER-TLC) initiative that will build on NHLBI’s RECOVER successes and lessons learned. RECOVER-TLC will be dedicated to running clinical trials to investigate and test Long COVID treatments. 

Dr. Marrazzo shared a recently published study of malaria vaccines that not only showed impressive efficacy but specifically included women in Mali who intended to get pregnant in the next year. She noted the paradigm shift of enrolling women who might get pregnant; following them is a big step forward in reproductive health and control of infections. 

Lastly, Dr. Marrazzo discussed an NIAID-funded study of a molecular basis for cognitive impairment in lupus that is potentially modifiable with anti-hypertensive medication across the blood-brain barrier, thus reducing the cascade of inflammation. 

Questions and Answers 

Turning to questions from Council, Dr. Marrazzo fielded a question about the regulatory timeline for the PrEP injectable and further NIAID involvement, saying that the results she mentioned are from the first Phase 1 trial, and they must complete at least two, but then should move forward quickly. She noted price may be an issue. NIAID continues to run studies through the HIV Prevention Trials Network.

Next, Dr. Marrazzo addressed a question about the range of activities she envisions for new antiviral research funding, saying the Antiviral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Centers will further the work they’re doing. The AViDD Centers are focused on RNA viruses, direct-acting antivirals, coronavirus targets, and at least one other RNA viral group.

Dr. Marrazzo responded to a question about a recent case of H5N1 infection, saying the threat level indicates that human-to-human transmission is not considered likely nor supported by evidence. 

Dr. Cliff Lane also answered a question about the mortality rate of the Mpox trial mentioned above, and he clarified that the trial benefited from brisk recruitment and a large study population, which is in contrast to the usual care and recording for that community.

Updates from NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center

Dr. Ted Pierson, Director of NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center (VRC), shared a high-level overview of what VRC staff do, how they work, and where they invest their efforts; recent recruiting activities; and vignettes of some of the scientific advances that he views as particularly exciting.

Portfolio Overview

VRC’s mission is to perform basic science research to make discoveries supporting development of novel vaccines and biologics targeting infectious diseases. VRC’s founding charge was to develop HIV vaccines, though its portfolio has expanded among many viruses and related activities.

Dr. Pierson gave many examples, including work to stabilize the entry protein for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) to make the antigen susceptible to vaccines; structure-guided vaccine design for a paramyxovirus called Nipah virus; and basic and translational research for viruses that have class II fusion proteins as well as non-envelope viruses that lack viral membranes entirely.

You can explore VRC’s work for yourself at Vaccine Research Center’s Key Disease Areas and Research Activities

Additions to VRC Faculty and Leadership

New hires and the specialty sections VRC launched in summer 2024 include Dr. Nicole Doria-Rose, Antibody Immunity Section; Dr. Sarah Andrews, B Cell Immunobiology Section; and Dr. Tongqing Zhou, Structural Virology and Vaccinology Section. Additionally, Dr. Jason Gall is now Chief of the Vaccine Production Program and Director of VRC’s Strategic Planning and Development.

Scientific Advances

Dr. Pierson shared four vignettes of recent emphasis within the portfolio. 

First, VRC has worked to address CAP256-VRC 26, a neutralizing HIV monoclonal antibody manufactured by VRC and tested in clinical trials in Bethesda and Africa, which is potent but lacks broad capability among various strains. The team explored building a bispecific molecule that adds new functionality to an original nanobody from a llama, which shares some binding features with human antibodies but with a smaller footprint. This model takes an antibody that is potent and adds functionality to make it broad and with better properties than the individual elements from which it’s derived. It can now neutralize 97 percent of the viruses in a panel of 208 viruses that represent the various clades of HIV. VRC will next evaluate it in clinical trials.

Second, VRC discovered a protective monoclonal antibody that binds the “dark side” of influenza neuraminidase (NA) and may inhibit infection, protect from disease, and inform potential vaccine targets. In looking back to a 2010 VRC clinical trial of an H5 DNA vaccine, B cells that made antibodies could potently neutralize contemporary influenza H5 strains. The team will test the activity of those antibodies for possible response with the avian flu circulating in cattle.

Third, while current COVID vaccines can prevent severe illness and hospitalization, they do not confer immunity to acquiring infection. VRC is exploring strategies for boosting regimens that can block infection. In primate studies, immunized chimps were boosted with either mRNA that was available to humans or mucosal delivery (intranasal or nebulizer). Intranasal antigen delivery provided profound control 4 to 5 months later; eliciting antibody response to the “right address” provided possibility of controlling virus acquisition through mucosal boosting.

Fourth, VRC is exploring antibodies that could block the malarial infection cycle by preventing parasites from getting to the liver to replicate. Preclinical studies showed that antibodies can disrupt the requisite viral proteins. One of the antibodies developed through collaborative NIAID efforts was tested (in Mali) to prevent seasonal transmission among children, and a single subcutaneous dose resulted in 77 percent protection against infection or clinical malaria. Phase 2 clinical trials are now being planned. 

Subcommittee Summaries

A regular portion of each Council meeting is for scientific subcommittees to review and approve concepts for NIAID initiatives (targeted research funding opportunities). These concepts highlight NIAID’s research interests and, although not all become funding opportunities, the topics may be of interest to researchers pursuing investigator-initiated applications.

NIAID scientific staff presented our September concepts and subcommittees discussed them in the following videocast recordings:

Find text summaries of the approved concepts on these webpages:

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Tiny Nanoparticles Could Be A Big Jump for Flu Vaccines

NIAID Begins Universal Flu Vaccine Study

SARS-CoV-2 Rapidly Evolves in People with Advanced HIV


NIAID Researchers Uncover How SARS-CoV-2 Variants May Emerge in People with Weakened Immune Systems

A NIAID study revealed how some variants of SARS-CoV-2—the virus that causes COVID-19—could evolve. The researchers used cutting-edge technology to examine genes from SARS-CoV-2 in people with and without HIV who also had COVID-19, looking at the different copies of the virus in individuals over time. They found that people with advanced HIV—as defined by reduced numbers of immune cells called CD4+ T cells—had dozens of SARS-CoV-2 variants in their bodies, compared to just one major variant in most people without HIV and people with HIV who had higher numbers of CD4+ T cells.

Like other viruses, SARS-CoV-2 evolves quickly. When the virus enters the body, it makes more copies of itself. During this process, called replication, the virus’s genetic material can change, or mutate, to arrive at new viral variants. Variants of concern (VOCs) are viral variants with traits that make them more dangerous—by causing worse disease, finding new ways to evade the immune system, or spreading more easily. It has been difficult to determine how new VOCs of SARS-CoV-2 arise. Some studies suggest that when people who are immune compromised get SARS-CoV-2, their bodies provide conditions that can promote variants by allowing the virus to linger during a weakened immune response. These prolonged infections could provide a sort of sandbox for different gene mutations to arise and test the body’s defenses, allowing for more new variants to evolve and spread. HIV can cause immune deficiency if its replication is not controlled by antiretroviral therapy (ART). ART taken as prescribed suppresses HIV viral replication and prevents or reduces immune system damage. 

To examine how VOCs may emerge, Eli Boritz, M.D., Ph.D., chief of the Virus Persistence and Dynamics Section at NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center, partnered with researchers at the South African National Institute of Communicable Diseases to conduct the study in a unique cohort of individuals with COVID-19 in South Africa. The study group included 47 people with and without HIV, 12 of whom had advanced HIV, characterized as having CD4+ T cell counts lower than 200 cells/mm3.

The research team investigated SARS-CoV-2 evolution in the study group using advanced technology developed in Dr. Boritz’s lab called high-throughput, single-genome amplification and sequencing (HT-SGS). This approach enabled them to obtain genetic information from thousands of individual SARS-CoV-2 viruses per sample, providing a snapshot of the different mutations present at a given time and allowing for analysis of viral evolution at a level of detail previously unavailable. They looked at the gene for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein—which the virus uses to enter cells—to see which variants were present throughout the course of COVID-19 and found significant differences in the SARS-CoV-2 variants between the study participants.

People with advanced HIV who had COVID-19 were found to have multiple variants of SARS-CoV-2, and the population of viruses in each person became more diverse and evolved over the course of the infection. The median number of SARS-CoV-2 variants in people with advanced HIV was 47, and some individuals had over 100 detectable variants throughout the infection. In people without advanced HIV (those either without HIV or with HIV and CD4+ T cell numbers above 200 cells/mm3), the population of viruses in each individual was generally uniform. Most of these participants had only one major variant of SARS-CoV-2 in their bodies, with little evidence that the virus evolved during infection.

The findings reveal extensive variation of SARS-CoV-2 in people with advanced HIV and provide further understanding towards how new variants arise and adapt in people with compromised immune systems. More research is needed to understand how SARS-CoV-2 infection in people with advanced HIV and other immune deficits may contribute to the emergence of new VOCs. This work additionally highlights the importance of research to understand, treat, and prevent HIV, COVID-19 and immune conditions, as well as ensuring access to treatment for people with HIV and working towards a cure.


Ko, SH, Radecki, P, et al. Rapid intra-host diversification and evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in advanced HIV infection. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51539-8 (2024).

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In Case You Missed It — Prototype Pathogen Research for Pandemic Preparedness

Research Training News |

Megan Rodgers, Postbac Fellow in the INRO Program, Molecular Immunoengineering Section, Vaccine Research Center

This summer, the NIAID Office of Research Training and Development (ORTD) hosted its annual Summer Seminar Series aimed at exposing current postbaccalaureate fellows (postbacs) to research occurring within the Institute. The final seminar in this series featured Ted Pierson, Ph.D., who serves as the director of the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) and the chief of the Arbovirus Immunity Section (AIS). In his seminar, Dr. Pierson shared his unique journey through academia and research before discussing a current objective of the VRC and how it helped shape the COVID-19 response.

Dr. Pierson began the seminar by highlighting how every pathway to becoming a scientist is unique and used his own career progression as an example. His academic career began as an undergraduate at Eckerd College, majoring in marine science. Then, during his graduate studies, he shifted his focus to immunology, studying HIV latency and persistence, which culminated in a Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In his postdoctoral studies, he became fascinated with the complex transmission cycles of flaviviruses and once again shifted his focus to the field of arboviruses. In 2005, NIAID recruited him to initiate an independent research program as tenure-track faculty in the Laboratory of Viral Diseases (LVD). Over the next 18 years, he progressed through the roles of senior investigator and LVD Laboratory Chief to ultimately be appointed as the Director of the VRC while maintaining his direct leadership of AIS. Dr. Pierson emphasized that his career trajectory demonstrates how taking risks and following your interests lead to exciting opportunities.  He reminded the postbacs that in research you can learn from failures and mistakes, and leveraging the experience of mentors and colleagues and the unique opportunities of NIH can really advance your development as early career scientists.

Dr. Pierson transitioned the rest of the seminar to discuss prototype pathogen research at the VRC. He defined the concept of prototype pathogen research as identifying and characterizing the biology, structure, and immune response to known pathogens in the hopes of applying this knowledge to related pathogens. This strategy was successfully used within the VRC during the COVID-19 response. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, in work led by Dr. Barney Graham and colleagues, the VRC was developing respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines informed by structural biology techniques. During the onset of the pandemic, antigen stabilization used in the development of the RSV vaccine and studies of related coronaviruses like SARS-1 and MERS were directly applied to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This led to the development of antigen designs that serve as the current platform for approved COVID-19 vaccines. Under Dr. Pierson’s leadership, AIS is using similar strategies to further characterize the immune response to the Zika virus and test vaccine antigens to identify a general solution for other flaviviruses.

Overall, Dr. Pierson gave an exciting and insightful seminar, providing guidance and direction to current postbacs. He encouraged persistence in the face of change and setbacks and urged postbacs to leverage the incredible resources available at NIH, including mentors and colleagues. He shared how a current objective of the VRC improved pandemic preparedness and how we can take these lessons forward into new directions. The seminar highlighted the critical work being accomplished within NIH and the endless possibilities here at NIAID. 

Learn more about postbaccalaureate training opportunities at NIAID. 

Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies Evaluated in Many HIV Cure Strategies


NIAID-supported Clinical Studies Assess Therapeutics for Clearance of HIV from the Reservoir

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been a game-changer for people with HIV. But HIV is skilled at “hiding” and can reappear in the blood stream shortly after ART is stopped. That’s why NIAID and partners are investigating strategies to completely clear HIV from a person’s body, effectively curing them, or to reduce it to levels that can be suppressed by their own immune systems. 

Many promising HIV cure strategies use broadly neutralizing antibodies, or bNAbs, which can neutralize a wide range of HIV variants, homing in on and binding to specific viral components, and then acting to destroy the virus by triggering an immune response. Several HIV bNAbs have been developed and tested to determine whether they can prevent or treat HIV. NIAID and partners are evaluating bNAb-based strategies alone and in combination with other immunity-enhancing strategies for HIV clearance in clinical trials in in Africa, North and South America, and Southeast Asia.

Finding a cure for HIV is complex, largely due to the tenacity of the virus—it can persist in some tissues or cells without being attacked by the immune system. This is even the case for people whose viral load—the amount of virus in the blood—is suppressed below a level that can be detected by routine diagnostic tools. As a result, most people who experience an interruption in treatment will experience a viral rebound, in which the previously dormant virus begins to replicate and can attack the immune system. This problem is especially urgent for people with HIV who have limited access to treatment, including those in areas with limited resources. A treatment that can be given for a limited time to stop the virus from replicating long term, or one that removes it from the body entirely, could eliminate the need for lifelong treatment, improve quality of life for people with HIV, and reduce further HIV transmission.  

Two studies beginning this summer are assessing the use of bNAbs to enable HIV remission in people with HIV in African countries. Both studies will include closely monitored ART interruption to examine whether bNAbs can lead to long-term ART-free control of HIV. One trial, called Pausing Antiretroviral Treatment Under Structured Evaluation (PAUSE), enrolled its first participant in June 2024 and continues to enroll people with HIV in Botswana, Malawi, and South Africa. Participants on ART with no detectable virus in their blood stream will receive two long-acting bNAbs (3BNC117-LS-J and 10-1074-LS-J) and then pause ART to determine whether the bNAbs are sufficient to control HIV in the body when ART is stopped. 

A second study, called Antiretrovirals Combined With Antibodies for HIV-1 Cure In Africa (ACACIA), is starting soon and will examine the bNAbs 3BNC117-LS (also known as teropavimab) and 10-1074-LS (also known as zinlirvimab) in adults living with HIV in Botswana, Malawi, South Africa and Zimbabwe who are beginning ART. The bNAbs will be given while there is still virus in the blood stream to see if they can enhance the body’s immune response to HIV, which could reduce the amount of virus that hides in viral reservoirs in the body. Once the bNAbs are no longer present in the body, ART will be interrupted for each participant, and they will be evaluated to determine how long viral suppression is maintained without ART and whether the bNAbs affect the immune response to HIV.

Researchers are also evaluating bNAb-based HIV cure strategies in children through the International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) Network. The IMPAACT P1115 study has examined very early HIV treatment strategies in infants who were exposed to or acquired HIV before birth. The study is assessing VRC01 and VRC07-523LS to see whether these bNAbs, when given with ART early in life, may enable ART-free remission in children. Another study, IMPAACT 2042, will evaluate the use of three bNAbs, VRC07-523LS, PGDM1400LS, and PGT121.414.LS, in children and young adults with HIV between the ages of 2 and 25 to determine whether the bNAbs can be part of a strategy to suppress HIV and clear the virus from the body.

Other clinical studies are combining bNAbs with therapeutic vaccines for HIV clearance. These vaccines are designed to improve the immune response to the virus in a person with HIV. ACTG A5374, which enrolled its first participant in early 2024, is evaluating the bNAbs teropavimab and zinlirvimab in combination with the therapeutic vaccines ChAdOx1.HIV cons1/62 and MVA.HIV cons3/4 and an immune booster called vesatolimod. The trial will assess the safety of the regimen in people with HIV in the U.S. and Brazil, and whether the combination can eliminate cells harboring HIV and prevent viral reservoirs from reactivating when ART is interrupted. 

The findings from these and related trials will provide researchers with new insights into how to effectively treat HIV or clear the virus from people’s bodies. This work is implemented by leveraging the strengths of all of the NIH-funded HIV clinical trials networks and collaborating institutions. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is co-funding PAUSE and ACACIA. IMPAACT P1115 and 2042 are co-funded by the NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

The bNAbs VRC01 and VRC07-523LS were developed by NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center and Division of Intramural Research. The bNAbs 3BNC117 and 10-1074 were discovered by researchers at the Rockefeller University, funded in part by NIAID. PGT121.414.LS and PGDM1400LS are being developed by NIAID and collaborators.

Additional information about the trials: 

  • ACTG A5374: ID NCT067071767.
  • ACTG A5416 (also called PAUSE): ID NCT06031272.
  • ACTG A5417 (also called ACACIA): ID NCT06205602.
  • IMPAACT P1115: ID NCT02140255. (Recent P1115 findings were presented at the 2024 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.)
  • IMPAACT 2042 (also called Tatelo Plus): ID coming soon.

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Our Words Have Power—NIAID Embraces Respectful, Inclusive, and Person-First Language


by Jeanne Marrazzo, M.D., M.P.H., NIAID Director

The power of word choice is obvious every day in my life as a researcher, clinician, colleague, patient, spouse, and friend. Language can inform, delight and inspire, but it can mislead and wound if words are not chosen carefully. At worst, language can invoke stigma, shame, and even violence, all of which undermine NIAID’s mission as part of a health agency. Our institute is responsible not only for advancing scientific knowledge, but for doing so in a way that honors the dignity, individuality, and autonomy of the people affected by the health issues we address. For this reason, I am very proud to share the updated NIAID HIV Language Guide, a thoroughly vetted resource to inform our written and verbal communications.

NIAID has long been engaged in rich and multifaceted collaborations with HIV advocates and community stakeholders—partnerships that I prize and am honored to carry forward. Among their many contributions to HIV science, our community partners ensure that our language evolves as fluidly as our knowledge of the virus itself. Through their insights, the words we choose to describe the pathogen, its effects on the body, and the people who are affected by and living with HIV, have become increasingly person-centered. This progress reflects and upholds a commitment to avoid defining people by the disease with which they live. 

Despite this progress, the scientific community often lags in adopting evolving language, and many of the terms and phrases we use today are still insensitive and disrespectful to the people we aim to serve. Harmful language undermines people’s trust in biomedical research, and language-driven stigma prevents people from seeking health services which provide benefit. Non-inclusive language perpetuates knowledge gaps, limiting our ability to fully understand the people participating in research. As scientists and public health practitioners, we cannot be cavalier about language. Our words matter.

This guide originated as a resource for the HIV field, but respectful, inclusive, and person-first language is essential in all scientific communication. To that end, I am committed to following the NIAID HIV Language Guide in my communications, and strongly encourage all NIAID staff, funded research networks, sites, centers, investigators, and partners to do the same. We will not always get it right, but we will continue to try. We must support each other in learning, hold each other accountable, and continue to adapt as terms and norms change. 

For more information about the language guide and supporting resources, please visit Spanish and Portuguese translations are coming soon.

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NIAID Marks HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 2024


Vaccines consistently transform public health, and HIV vaccine research has been a pillar of NIAID’s scientific mission since the beginning of the HIV pandemic. An HIV vaccine has proven to be among the most daunting scientific challenges, but has inspired exceptional innovation and collaboration in all aspects of our research approach. On the 27th observance of HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (Saturday, May 18), we express our gratitude to the dedicated global community of scientists, advocates, study participants, study staff, and funders working toward a safe, effective, durable, and accessible HIV vaccine. 

As the lead of the National Institutes of Health HIV vaccine research effort, NIAID conducts basic, preclinical, and clinical research to characterize the safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of promising HIV vaccine concepts. Through the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, NIAID supports clinical trials where HIV is most prevalent, including in the Global South. Over decades of research, with disappointing results from large efficacy studies, the HIV vaccine field has learned and iteratively evolved with every step. We have more knowledge now than ever before about how an HIV vaccine could work. Research teams are using discovery medicine trials and new vaccine technologies to identify and stimulate the types of immune responses that hold the most promise for preventing HIV.   

People with HIV have made priceless contributions to HIV vaccine science by participating in research that teaches us how the human immune system responds to HIV. Some people naturally keep the virus under control even without antiretroviral therapy. Through their participation in clinical research, we have identified aspects of both cellular immunity—which is driven by T cells—and humoral immunity—driven by antibody-producing B cells—that likely will need to be stimulated and substantially amplified by a safe and effective preventive vaccine. 

HIV’s genetic diversity makes it difficult to target with a vaccine, but broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) may be key to overcoming that hurdle because they bind to parts of the virus that are relatively consistent among variants. The NIAID Vaccine Research Center (VRC)—founded to accelerate HIV vaccine research on this day in 1997—isolated and then manufactured a bNAb called VRC01 that has prompted a cascade of other research, including HIV vaccine and passive antibody administration studies. 

Since the VRC’s discovery of VRC01, scientists have identified additional bNAbs that target other stable sites on HIV’s highly variable surface. This year, VRC scientists showed that a human bNAb called VRC34.01, which targets the fusion peptide on HIV’s surface, protected monkeys from acquiring simian-HIV in a proof-of-concept study that is informing human vaccine design. Researchers at the VRC and other NIAID-supported institutions are using a technique called germline targeting to closely guide naïve (new) B cells to develop into mature B cells that can produce bNAbs. Using this approach, researchers are making progress toward eliciting VRC01-like antibodies, as well as several other classes of bNAbs in human and animal studies.

Researchers also are advancing cellular immune approaches to HIV vaccines. A study conducted by NIAID’s Laboratory of Immunoregulation found that a safe and effective HIV vaccine will likely need to stimulate strong responses from CD8+ T cells. NIAID and its partners announced the launch of a clinical trial to examine the safety and immune response generated by VIR-1388, a T-cell based vaccine candidate that uses a cytomegalovirus (CMV) vector.  In this approach, a weakened version of CMV delivers HIV vaccine material to the immune system without causing disease in the study participants. The CMV vector technology has been in development with NIAID funding since 2004. 

We also are reminded how HIV vaccine research and discovery benefits the broader fields of immunology and vaccinology. In October 2023, the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Drew Weissman, M.D., Ph.D., and Katalin Karikó, Ph.D., for their work that enabled the unprecedented rapid development of the mRNA vaccines that stemmed the COVID-19 pandemic and saved millions of lives. Both Nobel laureates have connections to NIAID and NIH. This research was made possible in part by NIAID HIV vaccine research grants that enabled a major evolution in understanding how immune cells recognize and react to different forms of mRNA. mRNA-based HIV vaccine candidates are now being tested in humans in early-stage trials.

Looking ahead, NIAID has clear priorities for HIV vaccine research and development. Ongoing research is guiding the next steps in vaccine strategies to elicit bNAbs and T-cell responses, to eventually trigger both with a single vaccine regimen. To enhance the precision of this research, more information is needed to define the correlates of protection for an HIV vaccine, that is, the specific immunologic markers that translate to a protective effect. Meanwhile, as promising concepts are identified and advanced through clinical trials, the field must continue to optimize vaccine formulations and dosing, and find novel adjuvants that can prolong and amplify immune responses. HIV vaccine research findings will continue to offer valuable insight in other areas, including HIV prevention and cure research, and broader medical countermeasure development for pandemic preparedness.

The pursuit of an HIV vaccine depends on supporting next the generation of HIV clinical investigators and community leaders. NIAID is committed to fostering the professional growth of early-stage HIV investigators and to nurturing the decades-long community partnerships that make this essential research possible.  

On this HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, we remain optimistic that exciting scientific advances and the efforts of diverse partners around the world will put a safe and effective HIV vaccine within our grasp.

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