NIH, NSF Fund UAMS Study of Rapid Genomic Testing to Aid Treatment of Dangerous Antibiotic-Resistant Infections

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University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
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NIH, NSF Fund UAMS Study of Rapid Genomic Testing to Aid Treatment of Dangerous Antibiotic-Resistant Infections
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How Do Bacteria Survive Antibiotics?

Study Reveals How Drug Resistant Bacteria Secrete Toxins, Suggesting Targets to Reduce Virulence

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University of Maryland
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Study Reveals How Drug Resistant Bacteria Secrete Toxins, Suggesting Targets to Reduce Virulence
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NIAID-led Work Identifies Bacteria Signaling for Nerve Repair in Mice


NIAID-led Work Identifies Bacteria Signaling for Nerve Repair in Mice 

A team of NIAID-led researchers has identified a mechanism in mice in which the immune system and commensal bacteria – microbes that naturally colonize tissues – help repair damaged sensory neurons within the skin. They hope their findings, published in Cell, could lead to therapies that stimulate recovery in people following skin injury and limit damage from chemotherapy and chronic diseases, such as diabetes.

When commensal bacteria colonize the skin, they fine-tune the immune response – known as adaptive immunity – without representing any threat. This study found that when an injury occurs to a colonized surface, say a skin puncture, the preemptive immunity established from the commensal bacteria can help the host recover damaged sensory neurons. That means recovering awareness to touch, temperature, pain and itch.

The mechanism involves a protein, known as interleukin-17A (IL-17A), found in immune cells, and in particular T cells that recognize commensals. When these cells sense an injury, they release IL-17A that is sensed by the damaged nerves and coordinate neuronal repair. Researchers from NIAID’s Laboratory of Host Immunity and Microbiome led the work in collaboration with NIH’s National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Researchers from Harvard Medical School also collaborated.

The findings add to the growing knowledge of how the microbiota – the trillions of beneficial microbes living harmoniously on our skin and inside our gut – bridge biological systems to benefit living beings. The group plans to continue its exploration of exactly how IL-17A communicates with the nervous system to repair damaged tissue and how these findings could lead to novel therapeutic approaches.


M. Enamorado et al. Immunity to the microbiota promotes sensory neuron regeneration. Cell. DOI: (2023).

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Probiotic Markedly Reduces S. aureus Colonization in Phase 2 Trial

A promising approach to control Staphylococcus aureus bacterial colonization in people—using a probiotic instead of antibiotics—was safe and highly effective in a Phase 2 clinical trial. The new study, reported in The Lancet Microbe, found that the probiotic Bacillus subtilis markedly reduced S. aureus colonization in trial participants without harming the gut microbiota, which includes bacteria that can benefit people.


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Fernanda D. Young, M.D.

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Food Allergy Research Section
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Program Description

Food allergy is a significant health problem in the United States, affecting children and adults, both immune competent and immune compromised. The overall goal of the Food Allergy Research Section (FARS) is to understand the genetic, immunologic, and biochemical pathways that lead to the development of food allergy and how they can be modified for therapeutic benefit. We aim to achieve this goal using a multifaceted approach with studies involving both patients and animal models of their diseases.

Our team in particular is studying why only some patients who have detectable IgE to specific foods experience an allergic reaction when they eat the food, and we are working to identify immunologic markers that can predict the severity and persistence of food allergy.

By achieving a greater understanding of the key environmental, immunologic, and biochemical pathways that drive the development of food allergy, we will be able to develop novel interventions that are based on a advanced understanding of disease pathogenesis.

Selected Publications

Tsao LR, Young FD, Otani IM, Castells MC. Hypersensitivity Reactions to Platinum Agents and Taxanes. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2022 Jun;62(3):432-448.

Hubbard TP, Billings G, Dörr T, Sit B, Warr AR, Kuehl CJ, Kim M, Delgado F, Mekalanos JJ, Lewnard JA, Waldor MK. A live vaccine rapidly protects against cholera in an infant rabbit model. Sci Transl Med. 2018 Jun 13;10(445):eaap8423.

Dörr T, Delgado F, Umans BD, Gerding MA, Davis BM, Waldor MK. A Transposon Screen Identifies Genetic Determinants of Vibrio cholerae Resistance to High-Molecular-Weight Antibiotics. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016 Jul 22;60(8):4757-63.

Dörr T, Alvarez L, Delgado F, Davis BM, Cava F, Waldor MK. A cell wall damage response mediated by a sensor kinase/response regulator pair enables beta-lactam tolerance. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Jan 12;113(2):404-9.

Malen R, Knerr S, Delgado F, Fullerton SM, Thompson B. Rural Mexican-Americans' perceptions of family health history, genetics, and disease risk: implications for disparities-focused research dissemination. J Community Genet. 2016 Jan;7(1):91-6.

Delgado F, Tabor HK, Chow PM, Conta JH, Feldman KW, Tsuchiya KD, Beck AE. Single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays and unexpected consanguinity: considerations for clinicians when returning results to families. Genet Med. 2015 May;17(5):400-4.

Visit PubMed for a complete publication listing.

Additional Information
Major Areas of Research

Dr. Young’s work places an emphasis on clinical research to identify contributory factors to:

  • food allergy and allergic disease
  • transplant associated food allergy
  • drug allergy and drug reactions

Fernanda D. Young, M.D.

Contact: For contact information, search the NIH Enterprise Directory.

Specialty(s): Allergy and Immunology, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Provides direct clinical care to patients at NIH Clinical Center


M.D., University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA

Languages Spoken: Spanish
Fern Young Headshot

Vaginal Immune System May Hint at Prime Vaccine Timing

Researchers Identify Flu-Fighting Pathways and Genes Essential for Influenza A Immune Defense

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Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
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Researchers Identify Flu-Fighting Pathways and Genes Essential for Influenza A Immune Defense
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Intravacc Awarded US$14.6 Million NIH/NIAID Contract to Develop Intranasal Gonorrhea Vaccine

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Intravacc Awarded US$14.6 Million NIH/NIAID Contract Develop Intranasal Gonorrhea Vaccine
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