Advance HIV Service Delivery Through Pharmacies and Pharmacists

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NIAID is among several NIH institutes and centers (ICs) participating in a pair of notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs)—Advancing HIV Service Delivery Through Pharmacies and Pharmacists (R01, Clinical Trial Optional) and Advancing HIV Service Delivery Through Pharmacies and Pharmacists (R21, Clinical Trial Optional)—designed to seek research to capacitate, transform, and scale the delivery of HIV testing, prevention, and care services through pharmacists and pharmacies in U.S. or global settings. This includes the advancement of training curricula to enable pharmacy students, pharmacists, pharmacies, and pharmacy systems to deliver the spectrum of needed HIV services with ease, equity, and effectiveness. 

Although pharmacies and pharmacists offer many advantages for HIV service delivery and have made significant contributions to HIV prevention and care, key challenges in pharmacy-based HIV service delivery have hindered these efforts. These NOFOs call for research that will help to address these challenges, scale pilot programs, and create innovative models of HIV service delivery through pharmacies and pharmacists.  

Areas of Research Interest 

The NOFOs provide a long list of example topics of interest, including: 

  • Research that advances pharmacy-based health screenings for HIV alongside screenings for multiple chronic illnesses and common comorbid conditions. 
  • Studies designed to create and scale models of pharmacy-based HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) delivery and adherence support. 
  • Research to improve access and use of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) through pharmacies. 
  • Studies to expand the delivery and use of long-acting injectable PrEP or antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens though pharmacists and pharmacies.

Refer to the NOFOs linked above for a longer list of possible topics. 

Key Considerations 

For these NOFOs, applicants must propose a research team that includes one or more pharmacists.

Additionally, consider the following directions when planning your project: 

  • Partner with chain, independent, or specialty pharmacies on their work, or pharmacies in diverse settings such as hospitals, correctional health, or tribal health settings. 
  • Provide letters of support from research partners that demonstrate commitment to provide pharmacists protected time for any expanded practice activities and for participation in the research activities (e.g., meetings, research documentation). 
  • Discuss potential reimbursement models for any pharmacist- or pharmacy-based services that they will advance. 
  • Describe plans for developing collaborative practice agreements that cover the scope of care described in the grant application. 
  • Describe an approach that meaningfully incorporates input from relevant community members with a diversity of perspectives, knowledge, and lived experiences. Community members may include people with HIV, people placed at risk for HIV, and representatives of pharmacy groups, public health agencies, healthcare organizations, social service agencies, faith-based communities, or other stakeholders. 
  • Employ and document implementation science frameworks, approaches, and research designs or methodologies in the proposed research. 
  • Identify policy, regulation, or other potential challenges and barriers that may exist to implementing or scaling study results. Projects proposing innovative implementation strategies designed to address these barriers, or that take advantage of new or pending regulatory or policy changes are welcome.  
  • Consider examining the resource needs or cost effectiveness of the care model being tested. 
  • Budget funds for travel to one meeting of awardees at NIH’s campus in Bethesda, Maryland. Principal investigators are expected to attend the meeting and may also budget for other key personnel to attend. 

Conversely, you must not include in your application any investigational new drug or device trials which must be registered with FDA.

NIAID’s Priority Research Areas  

NIAID is most interested in research on the implementation of evidence-based HIV interventions, including integrated health services, tailored to communities disproportionately impacted by HIV in the United States. Applicants should identify partnerships with relevant policy or program leaders with a stated commitment to evaluate and incorporate changes proven to be both successful and cost-effective. 

Below is a list of additional research areas of interest to NIAID: 

  • Research on forming or sustaining collaborative efforts between public health departments and pharmacies to achieve public health goals for HIV testing, prevention, and treatment. 
  • Studies that test integrated approaches to deliver screening, prevention, treatment, and care services for HIV and common co-infections, including interventions to address sexually transmitted (e.g., doxyPEP) and opportunistic infections. 
  • Research on pharmacy-based testing, prevention, and treatment strategies directed towards communities experiencing HIV clusters and outbreaks. 
  • Studies designed to assess or prepare for the implementation of FDA-approved ‘next generation’ HIV interventions, such as long-acting injectable ART. 
  • Research that leverages information and communication technologies in the pharmacy, including digital technology, telehealth, electronic health records, and data exchange, to facilitate response to HIV outbreaks, or engagement and retention in HIV prevention, treatment, or care services. 
  • Studies on pharmacy-centered service delivery models tailored to adolescents. 

NIAID will not support clinical trials using experimental drugs or diagnostic tools, or using existing drugs or diagnostics for new purposes in response to these NOFOs.   

Pre-Application Webinar 

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) will host a pre-application webinar for potential applicants to this initiative. The seminar will take place on June 21, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Find registration details in the May 20, 2024 Guide notice, as well as instructions to submit questions before the webinar.  

Submission Information 

In choosing between the two NOFOs, remember that the R21 grant mechanism is meant for shorter, exploratory projects without much preliminary data, while the R01 can support larger research projects that are well-supported by preliminary data.  

Budget requests for the entire project period under the R21 NOFO may not exceed $275,000 in direct costs, with no more than $200,000 requested in any single year. The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period, though it cannot exceed 2 years. 

For the R01 NOFO, application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period, though the maximum project period is 5 years. 

NIMH and its partnering ICs plan to fund 8 to 12 awards across the two NOFOs in fiscal year 2025. 

Applications are due on August 13, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. local time of the applicant organization.  

Contact Information 

Direct inquiries to NIAID’s scientific/research contact Tia Morton at or 301-222-7795.

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Antiretroviral Drug Improves Kidney Function After Transplant in People with HIV


An HIV drug that suppresses the activity of the CCR5 receptor—a collection of proteins on the surface of certain immune cells—was associated with better renal function in kidney transplant recipients with HIV compared to people who took a placebo in a randomized trial. Study participants taking the drug, called maraviroc, also experienced lower rates of transplant rejection than those taking placebo, but the difference was not statistically significant due to lower-than-expected rejection rates across the entire study population. The findings of the NIAID-sponsored trial were presented today at the 2024 American Transplant Congress in Philadelphia. 

The CCR5 receptor helps HIV enter CD4+ T cells. Some people have a genetic mutation that prevents the CCR5 receptor from working, and either cannot acquire HIV or experience slower HIV-related disease progression if living with the virus. It has separately been observed that people with the same CCR5 genetic mutation have better outcomes following kidney and liver transplantation. The CCR5 antagonist class of antiretroviral drugs was developed to mimic the naturally occurring CCR5 mutation and is a well tolerated component of HIV treatment, but the drugs have not been evaluated as an intervention to improve transplantation outcomes in people. Furthermore, transplant recipients with HIV more frequently experience transplant rejection and elevated CCR5 activity than transplant recipients without HIV.

A research team led by the University of California San Francisco conducted a U.S.-based Phase 2 trial to assess the safety and tolerability of the CCR5 antagonist maraviroc given daily from the time of transplant onward among kidney transplant recipients, and to compare renal function of people taking daily maraviroc to those taking a placebo one year (52 weeks) post-transplant. All study participants were living with HIV and were virally suppressed on antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens. The study randomized 97 participants to receive maraviroc or a placebo in addition to their continued ART regimens post-transplant. Of them, only 27 participants were able to complete all necessary study examinations through 52 weeks due to logistical complications from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. At one-year post-transplant, the mean estimated glomerular filtration rate—a measure of how well kidneys were working—was significantly higher in participants receiving maraviroc in addition to their ART regimen compared with participants receiving ART and placebo (59.2 versus 49.3 mL/min/1.73m2). The drug was safe and well tolerated. 

Four of the 49 participants taking maraviroc and 6 of the 48 participants taking placebo experienced transplant rejection, but this difference was not statistically significant given the relatively small sample size. Transplant rejection rates were lower than expected across both study groups, which the study team suggests may be a favorable outcome of the ART regimens most participants were taking. 

The addition of maraviroc significantly improved renal function in kidney transplant recipients with HIV compared to placebo. According to the authors, these findings warrant further exploration of the benefit of CCR5 antagonists in all kidney transplant recipients regardless of HIV status.

For more information about this study, please visit and use the identifier NCT02741323.


Brown et al. Beneficial Impact of CCR5 Blockade in Kidney Transplant Recipients with HIV. American Transplant Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

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Lucas Dos Santos Dias, Ph.D.

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Fungal Pathogenesis Section
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Program Description

In the Fungal Pathogenesis Section, we use an integrated bench-to-bedside multidisciplinary approach encompassing immunology, mycology, and genetics to investigate protection against and susceptibility to pathogenic fungi. We evaluate large cohorts of patients with inherited or acquired susceptibility to fungal disease and study antifungal immune responses in vitro and in vivo in a variety of clinically relevant mouse models of fungal disease. Thus, we employ various immunological, biological, and imaging approaches to measure biological determinants of disease outcomes in humans and mice. Our research directly informs clinically actionable interventions, including developing targeted preventive and therapeutic interventions in at-risk patients.

Selected Publications

Woodring T, Dewey CN, Santos Dias LD, He X, Dobson HE, Wüthrich M, Klein B. Distinctive populations of CD4+T cells associated with vaccine efficacy. iScience. 2022 Aug 13;25(9):104934.

Kohn EM, Taira C, Dobson H, Dias LDS, Okaa U, Wiesner DL, Wüthrich M, Klein BS. Variation in Host Resistance to Blastomyces dermatitidis: Potential Use of Genetic Reference Panels and Advances in Immunophenotyping of Diverse Mouse Strains. mBio. 2022 Feb 22;13(1):e0340021.

Dos Santos Dias L, Dobson HE, Bakke BK, Kujoth GC, Huang J, Kohn EM, Taira CL, Wang H, Supekar NT, Fites JS, Gates D, Gomez CL, Specht CA, Levitz SM, Azadi P, Li L, Suresh M, Klein BS, Wüthrich M. Structural basis of Blastomyces Endoglucanase-2 adjuvancy in anti-fungal and -viral immunity. PLoS Pathog. 2021 Mar 18;17(3):e1009324.

Dobson HE, Dias LDS, Kohn EM, Fites S, Wiesner DL, Dileepan T, Kujoth GC, Abraham A, Ostroff GR, Klein BS, Wüthrich M. Antigen discovery unveils resident memory and migratory cell roles in antifungal resistance. Mucosal Immunol. 2020 May;13(3):518-529.

Rocke TE, Kingstad-Bakke B, Wüthrich M, Stading B, Abbott RC, Isidoro-Ayza M, Dobson HE, Dos Santos Dias L, Galles K, Lankton JS, Falendysz EA, Lorch JM, Fites JS, Lopera-Madrid J, White JP, Klein B, Osorio JE. Virally-vectored vaccine candidates against white-nose syndrome induce anti-fungal immune response in little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus). Sci Rep. 2019 May 1;9(1):6788.

Holanda RA, Muñoz JE, Dias LS, Silva LBR, Santos JRA, Pagliari S, Vieira ÉLM, Paixão TA, Taborda CP, Santos DA, Bruña-Romero O. Recombinant vaccines of a CD4+ T-cell epitope promote efficient control of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis burden by restraining primary organ infection. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 Sep 22;11(9):e0005927.

Visit PubMed for a complete publication list.

Major Areas of Research
  • AIRE-dependent mechanisms of antifungal immunity and protection from autoimmunity in mouse models of AIRE deficiency and in APECED patients 
  • Novel mechanism-based strategies to treat fungal disease and autoimmunity in APECED and STAT1 gain-of-function patients
  • Experimental models (mice) for the study of the mechanism of vaccine-induced immunity to Blastomyces and other fungal pathogens (Coccidioides, Candida, Histoplasma)
  • Cellular immunology
  • Fungal immunology

NIAID Targets Transport System as Lyme Disease Treatment


NIAID scientists and colleagues are investigating a potential treatment strategy against Lyme disease that would directly suppress Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes the disease. If successful, their idea could reduce or end aggressive broad-spectrum antibiotic treatments that can be drawn-out and destroy the body’s helpful bacteria. The study appears in Frontiers in Antibiotics from scientists at NIAID’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories and colleagues at Purdue University.

The strategy involves the oligopeptide (Opp) transport system that most bacteria use as a secondary nutrition route to move small protein-like peptides through the bacteria. But B. burgdorferi, the researchers learned in a 2017 study, depends on the Opp system for survival, growth, and replication. They subsequently hypothesized that if they could impede the Opp system, maybe the bacterium would stop growing and die.

To test their theory they developed a method to screen 2,240 chemical compounds from a commercial library used for small-molecule drug discovery. They wanted to know if any compounds would bind to a prominent transport system protein known as OppA2. The research team identified eight compounds that did so, and of those, two compounds – C2 and C7 – significantly slowed B. burgdorferi growth, making the Opp system a viable, previously unexplored treatment target.

Next the scientists plan to screen more compounds, hoping to optimize binding to different OppA proteins (there are five to investigate) while still hindering B. burgdorferi growth.

“By targeting a system that appears to be only essential to Borrelia, it is possible that we could vastly improve current treatments by replacing them with a highly specific treatment that could reduce post-treatment complications,” study senior author Ashley Groshong, Ph.D., said.


K Holly and A Kataria, et al. Unguarded Liabilities: Borrelia burgdorferi’s complex amino acid dependence exposes unique avenues of inhibition. Frontiers in Antibiotics DOI: 10.3389/frabi.2024.1395425 (2024).

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Develop Tools to Tackle Antibiotic-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria

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In response to the alarming increase of drug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, NIAID has put out a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) Partnerships for the Development of Tools to Advance Therapeutic Discovery for Select Antibiotic-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria (R01, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Gram-negative bacterial pathogens such as carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales (CRE), and multidrug-resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa pose grave risks to public health, especially due to the lack of effective therapeutic options to treat some of these infections—an issue that’s exacerbated by the scarcity of novel compounds effective against antimicrobial resistant (AR) and MDR Gram-negative bacteria in the discovery and development pipeline.  

Research Objectives and Scope 

The objective of this NOFO is to support milestone-driven projects focused on developing and utilizing novel predictive models, assays, tools, or platforms aimed at gaining a better understanding of the rules and compound properties that govern the penetration and efflux of drug-like small molecules into Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. This NOFO also encourages the preclinical development of novel Gram-negative antibacterial therapeutics based on the tools and models hereby developed. 

Note that applications must focus on one or more of the following Gram-negative bacterial pathogens: carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter, CRE, and MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Projects should complete assay/tool/model development prior to the end of the third year of the project period and initiate discovery activities to demonstrate its utility in supporting a corresponding medicinal chemistry program to generate a lead chemical series with demonstrated activity against one or more targeted Gram-negative bacteria. This NOFO also encourages subsequent preclinical development of a promising lead antibacterial. 

Given the complex challenges of this research, this initiative encourages applications from multidisciplinary teams composed of relevant experts in areas such as bacterial physiology, microbiology, bacterial membrane biology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, computation, and specialized technologies. It also encourages close collaboration between academic and industry partners to optimally combine innovative basic science with drug discovery expertise and proper access to compound libraries more typically available from industry. In addition, we recommend collaboration with the NIAID Chemistry Center for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (CC4CARB) for completion of project relevant medicinal chemistry tasks. 

Refer to the NOFO for examples of assay and model development activities.  

NIAID will consider applications including the following to be nonresponsive and not review them: 

  • Projects that do not focus on at least one select Gram-negative pathogen (carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales, or MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa). 
  • Projects focused only on Gram-positive bacteria or Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Projects that do not focus on penetration and efflux of small molecules.
  • Applications not containing a Milestone and Timeline attachment.
  • Applications proposing clinical trials.
  • Research on HIV/AIDS. 

Award and Deadline Information 

The application due date for this NOFO is August 20, 2024. NIAID plans to fund seven to nine awards.  

Application budgets are not expected to exceed $750,000 in annual direct costs. The scope of your project should determine the requested project period, but note that the maximum project period is 5 years.  

Applications must also include a “Milestones and Timeline” attachment under “Other Attachments”. This attachment must not exceed five pages and should provide: 

  • A clear description of all interim objectives (research and/or developmental milestones) to be achieved during the project. Applicants should highlight potential impediments that could require a revision in the work plan or milestones, with a discussion of alternative approaches. 
  • Detailed quantitative criteria by which milestone achievement will be assessed. 
  • A detailed schedule or timeline for the anticipated attainment of each milestone and the overall goal(s). 

Applicant organizations may submit more than one application, provided each application is scientifically distinct.  


For questions related to your application, contact Dr. Zuoyu Xu at or 240-627-3394. For peer review questions, contact Dr. Maryam Feili-Hariri at or 240-669-5026.

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Championing Asthma Research to Reduce the Burden of Disease


Nearly 25 million people in the United States have asthma, including 4.7 million children and adolescents. Almost 10 percent of these individuals had one or more asthma attacks within the past 12 months. Asthma can cause coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. In severe cases, breathing becomes extremely difficult. Worsening asthma can lead to missed time at school and work, emergency room visits, and even death.

Today on World Asthma Day, NIAID reaffirms its commitment to reducing illness from this chronic lung syndrome and improving quality of life for people with asthma through research that informs the development of new asthma prevention and treatment strategies. NIAID-funded studies in children and adolescents recently uncovered new risk factors for asthma and a previously unreported cause of frequent, severe asthma attacks. In addition, two new NIAID-supported studies aim to further asthma therapeutics development by shedding light on the behavior of airway-cell genes and proteins involved in regulating asthma severity and by defining poorly understood causes of airway inflammation in underserved youth with the disorder. Learn more about these recent research highlights below.

Asthma Risk Factors 

Nearly a third of infants who are hospitalized with a severe form of a common childhood lung infection called bronchiolitis develop asthma later in childhood. Predicting which infants with severe bronchiolitis are at highest risk for asthma, understanding why, and developing effective interventions remain challenges. Investigators from the NIAID-supported 35th Multicenter Airway Research Collaboration (MARC-35) recently identified genetic factors that may underlie the bronchiolitis–asthma link.

  • Environmental exposures such as tobacco smoke are known to modify the function of certain genes in people, potentially resulting in long-term health effects. In one study, MARC-35 researchers examined such modifications by analyzing DNA in nasal swabs from 625 infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis. The scientists found that the genomes of some infants with severe bronchiolitis had modifications potentially caused by environmental exposures in the uterus or after birth, and these changes were associated with increased risk for asthma later in childhood. Now investigators want to identify which exposures had this detrimental effect.
  • In a second study, MARC-35 researchers focused on small molecules called microRNAs, which derive from DNA and help control the genetic information that directs the building of proteins. The scientists analyzed microRNAs in nasal-swab DNA from 575 children who were hospitalized with bronchiolitis in infancy and followed until 6 years of age. The investigators identified 23 microRNAs that were turned on or off to different extents in the children who developed asthma by age 6 compared to those who did not. Now scientists want to identify what is triggering these differences and how to block them to reduce asthma risk.

Other investigators from the NIAID-funded Urban Environment and Childhood Asthma (URECA) study linked the composition of all the microbes found in the nose—the nasal microbiota—at age 3 years to respiratory health profiles ranging from high to low risk for developing asthma by age 7 years. The scientists also found that both exposure to certain microbes in house dust during infancy and a genetic predisposition to developing allergic diseases later in childhood influence how the airway microbiota develops. 

Therapeutic Insights

Scientists in NIAID’s Laboratory of Allergic Diseases recently demonstrated that a protein called RSG4 in smooth muscle cells of airway walls affects asthma severity in part by regulating airway inflammation independent of so-called G proteins. This finding builds on the lab’s 2020 discovery that blocking RSG4 in a mouse model of asthma reduced a key feature of the disease called airway hyper-responsiveness. This is a heightened sensitivity to molecules that activate smooth muscle cells in airway walls, leading to excessive airway constriction. Together the findings suggest that RSG4 in these cells could be a therapeutic target for asthma.

NIAID-supported researchers discovered recently that structural changes to nerve-cell networks in upper-airway tissues underlie asthma attacks in children who are hospitalized due to these attacks more than once a year. This contrasts with asthma attacks in children who are hospitalized less frequently, as those attacks are characterized by immune-system activity like allergic inflammation and responses to infections. The new findings, reported by the Ohio site in the NIAID-funded Childhood Asthma in Urban Settings (CAUSE) network, suggest that preventing and treating frequent severe asthma attacks in children may require an untraditional approach that targets the nervous system.

The CAUSE network also launched a new study in April 2024 to improve understanding of how airway inflammation influences asthma severity at a cellular and molecular level in children and adolescents who live in low-income urban communities. Airway inflammation in asthma may be categorized as related to a “type 2” immune response, which also plays a role in allergic diseases, or a non-type 2 immune response. The new study aims to define the cellular and molecular mechanisms associated with each type of airway inflammation in severe asthma to identify potential targets for new therapies.

NIAID thanks the hundreds of study participants and their caregivers who made these research advances possible and who help scientists continue to illuminate the complex and varied nature of asthma to reduce the burden of this disease.

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Examine Impact of Hormone Regimens on Treatment and Prevention for HIV and Co-Infections

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NIAID, alongside several partnering NIH institutes and centers (ICs), will support studies that examine the impact of hormone therapy and antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) on treatment and prevention methods of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) through the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) Interaction Between ARVs and Hormones in HIV and Co-Infections (R01, Clinical Trial Optional).  

While data increasingly suggests that gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) may impact the effectiveness and implementation of these treatments, several factors in transgender populations such as variability in GAHT regimens, use of auxiliary drugs, and access to participants and datasets present research challenges. However, recent studies showing the recruitment and retention of participants undergoing GAHT offer a chance to expand on this research. 

NIAID Research Objectives and Scope 

NIAID will support projects investigating the following in participants 18 years of age and above: 

  • The impact of GAHT on biomedical regimens used for HIV prevention or treatment and/or co-infections with other STIs. 
  • Studies of pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, including metabolism, and drug-drug interactions between GAHT and ARVs. 
  • Development of new models (in vitro, ex vivo, in vivo, and in silico) to study the impact of GAHT on the immunology, pharmacology, and safety/efficacy of HIV prevention and treatment regimens and/or co-infections with other STIs. 
  • The impact of feminization and masculinization regimens on the gastrointestinal (GI) and urogenital mucosa and their role in HIV and STI susceptibility, infection, and acquisition. 
  • Hypothesis-driven “omic” studies (e.g., metabolomic, proteomic, transcriptomic, microbiome) and the use of systems biology tools to characterize the impact of the feminizing and masculinizing hormones on HIV susceptibility, risk, and transmission including in the GI and urogenital tracts. 
  • Studies on the determination of active levels of GAHT to address potential variations related to diverse sources of external hormones and various physiological as well as pathophysiological conditions. 

NIAID will support clinical studies to evaluate how GAHT impacts the effectiveness of biomedical HIV prevention or treatment strategies or co-infections with other STIs. Such studies should include appropriate sampling and pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis to determine potential drug-drug interactions that may alter the preventive or therapeutic threshold for treatment or prevention. 

Review the NOFO to learn more about the priority research areas of our partnering ICs.  

We will consider nonresponsive and not review applications including the following types of studies: 

  • Focused solely on prevention/treatment of STIs (do not include HIV). 
  • Do not address the intersection of GAHT on prevention or treatment of HIV. 
  • “omic” surveys of mucosal tissues in the absence of GAHT. 
  • New drugs or drug delivery systems to prevent infection of HIV or STIs. 
  • Efficacy of regimens to achieve gender reassignment. 
  • Development of new drugs or surgical processes to achieve gender reassignment. 
  • Focused solely on the role of social and behavioral factors in susceptibility to HIV and STIs. 
  • Early phase clinical trials for new prevention, therapeutic, or diagnostic products in adults (i.e., clinical studies to support a new drug application). 
  • Studies that have safety, clinical efficacy, clinical management, and/or implementation goals in adults. 

Award and Deadline Information 

The application due date is July 30, 2024.  All applications are due by 5:00 p.m. local time of applicant organization.  

While application budgets are not limited, they will need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. Similarly, scope of the project should determine the project period, but note that the maximum requested project period is 5 years.  


For questions related to your application, contact Cherlynn Mathias at For peer review questions, contact Dr. Vishakha Sharma at

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The HIV Field Needs Early-Stage Investigators (VIDEO)


by Jeanne Marrazzo, M.D., M.P.H., NIAID Director

The HIV research community is led by scientists with deep personal commitments to improving the lives of people with and affected by HIV. Some researchers, like me, have pursued this cause since the start of the HIV pandemic, growing our careers studying HIV from basic to implementation science. Our collective decades of work have generated HIV testing, prevention and treatment options beyond what we could have imagined in the 1980s. Those advances enable NIAID to explore new frontiers: expanding HIV prevention and treatment modalities, increasing understanding of the interplay between HIV and other infectious and non-communicable diseases, optimizing choice and convenience, and building on the ever-growing knowledge base that we need to develop a preventive vaccine and cure. The next generation of leaders will bring these concepts to fruition, and we need to welcome and support them into the complex and competitive field of HIV science.

Click below for a video in which NIAID grantees and I discuss the value and experience of early-stage HIV investigators (the audio described version is here):

NIAID wants to fund more new HIV scientists and we have special programs and funding approaches to meet that goal. This week, the NIH Office of AIDS Research will host a virtual workshop on early-career HIV investigators tomorrow, April 24, and NIAID will host its next grant writing Webinars in MayJune, and July.

For more information about programs and support for new and early-stage investigators as well as people starting to implement their first independent grant, visit these NIAID and NIH resources: 

Information for New Investigators (NIAID)

HIV/AIDS Information for Researchers (NIAID)

OAR Early Career Investigator Resources (NIH)

Resources of Interest to Early-Stage Investigators (NIH)

Early Career Reviewer Program (NIH)

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Sexually Transmitted Infections—A Closer Look at NIAID Research


Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. STIs have a devastating impact on adults and infants and annually affect millions of people in the United States. Certain STIs can increase a person’s risk of developing cancer and increase the likelihood of acquiring or transmitting HIV. In addition, STIs can cause long-term health complications, especially in the reproductive and central nervous systems. In rare cases, they can lead to serious illness or death. 

NIAID supports research across the spectrum from basic to clinical science to develop effective diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic approaches to STIs in alignment with the National STI Strategic Plan. In recognition of National STI Awareness Week, NIAID shares a snapshot of new projects and recent scientific advances in STI research. 

Improving treatment for syphilis and trichomoniasis

New reports of syphilis and congenital syphilis are increasing at an alarming rate in the United States. Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Benzathine penicillin G (BPG) is one of only a few antibiotics known to effectively treat syphilis. There is currently a shortage of BPG, and some people are allergic to penicillin antibiotics. In February 2024, NIAID convened a workshop with a wide range of experts on alternative therapies to BPG for the treatment of adult syphilis, neurosyphilis, and syphilis in pregnant persons and infants. The workshop addressed preclinical evaluation of candidate drugs, the potential need for studies on how candidate drugs are processed in the body during pregnancy, and how to approach clinical trials of treatment for congenital syphilis. This work is part of NIAID’s comprehensive portfolio of syphilis diagnosis, prevention, and treatment research. 

Trichomoniasis is the most common parasitic STI, caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. Trichomoniasis can increase the risk of getting or spreading other STIs, including HIV. The parasite can also cause inflammation of the cervix and the urethra. T. vaginalis is treated with an antibiotic drug class called nitroimidazoles. The currently recommended nitroimidazole, called metronidazole, cures 84-98% of T. vaginalis cases but does have high rates of breakthrough infection. A new project led by Tulane University will examine a single dose of secnidazole, a medicine in the same drug class, as a more effective and cost-effective treatment option for women and men. 

Developing a vaccine for herpes simplex virus 2

Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) is a common subtype of herpes simplex virus that is transmitted through sexual contact. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 18.6 million people aged 15 years and older United States live with HSV-2. In severe cases, HSV-2 may lead to life-threatening or long-term complications. There is no licensed preventive HSV-2 vaccine, and there is no cure. A new project led by the University of Pennsylvania seeks to define correlates of protection for HSV-2, meaning they intend to identify immune processes involved in preventing HSV-2 disease. They will do this by analyzing laboratory samples from animal studies of a promising preventive vaccine candidate that they developed with prior funding. That vaccine candidate is also now in an industry-sponsored early-stage clinical trial. The same project will expand on the HSV-2 targets in the preventive vaccine to develop a therapeutic vaccine concept to reduce recurrent outbreaks. This research responds to the scientific priorities in the NIH Strategic Plan for Herpes Simplex Virus Research.

Increasing fundamental knowledge of bacterial vaginosis 

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) results from an imbalance in the vaginal microbiome. BV can be caused by sexual activity, douches and menstrual products. BV can increase women’s biological susceptibility to HIV and other STIs and can cause premature birth or low birthweight if untreated in pregnant people. In a recent publication, NIAID-supported researchers, led by researchers at the University of Washington and University of California San Diego, shared findings on how damage to the vaginal skin barrier occurs during bacterial vaginosis. Those skin barrier cells, called epithelial cells, are covered in carbohydrate molecules called glycans. The research team found that people with BV had damaged glycans on their vaginal epithelial cells. They suggested that future work should examine the relationship between treatment and restoration of normal glycans. If an association is detected, it could help healthcare providers monitor for successful treatment outcomes to reduce the likelihood that BV will return after a course of treatment. The findings were published in Science Translational Medicine

These activities are among the research investments in NIAID’s STI portfolio. For more information on STIs, please visit:

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NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic Projects Bridge Gaps Between HIV Research and Public Health Practice (VIDEO)


The National Institutes of Health recently issued $26M in awards to HIV research institutions in its fifth year supporting implementation science under the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative. These awards are the latest investments in a program that is rapidly and rigorously generating evidence to inform the unified domestic HIV response by agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services. 

The EHE initiative aims to achieve a 90% reduction in the number of new HIV infections in the United States by 2030. Since the initiative was announced in 2019, NIH has contributed by supporting implementation science projects through its network of Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) AIDS Research Centers (ARC). CFARs are co-funded by 11 NIH institutes and centers (ICs), including the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). NIH ICs provide scientific stewardship to participating institutions in collaboration with the Fogarty International Center and the NIH Office of AIDS Research, which coordinates the NIH HIV research program across the agency. CFAR and ARC-affiliated investigators conduct research in jurisdictions that are disproportionately affected by HIV, and many of the CFAR and ARC member institutions are based in these communities. 

VIDEO: Jeanne Marrazzo, M.D., M.P.H., NIAID Director, discusses NIH’s role in the EHE (audio description version here):

NIH EHE projects enable academic institutions to partner with state and local leaders to jointly translate implementation research findings into improved delivery of HIV testing, prevention, treatment, and response services for priority populations and in priority geographic areas. Projects funded this year are designed to increase and share available knowledge on locally appropriate strategies to: 

  • detect and respond to HIV “clusters,” i.e., groups of people and communities experiencing rapid HIV transmission;
  • leverage pharmacies as HIV service locations; 
  • ensure uninterrupted HIV care for people returning to their communities following incarceration; and
  • develop approaches that address intersecting diseases and conditions that exacerbate health inequities and impact HIV outcomes, including such as viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, and substance use and mental health disorders.

Since Fiscal Year 2019, NIH has funded 253 projects across 50 geographic areas prioritized by EHE. The latest EHE awards to CFARs and ARCs support 47 projects, 8 implementation science hubs, and 1 coordinating center. Hubs provide technical support, coaching, training, and consultative services to funded EHE research teams. The coordinating center provides infrastructure for collaboration and sharing best practices in HIV implementation science. In addition to the CFAR/ARC supplements, NIH supported multiple larger research projects in 2023, including 3 R01 awards, 2 R34 awards, and 1 coordinating center. In September 2023, NIH released a Notice of Special Interest to solicit project proposals from independent investigators for Fiscal Year 2024.

EHE Project Spotlights

The knowledge generated by NIH EHE projects is reviewed with HHS EHE partners to accelerate learning and program improvement. Two projects below illustrate how EHE implementation science projects have already enhanced locally tailored HIV service delivery:

Miami, Florida

Miami-Dade County, Florida has one of the highest rates of HIV incidence in the United States, and yet use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV acquisition remains relatively low. Researchers at the University of Miami, in collaboration with the Florida Department of Health (DOH) and a local community-based organization called Prevention305, developed a process to apply real-time DOH epidemiologic data to prioritize new geographic locations for placement of their mobile PrEP clinics. In collaboration with community partners, the project developed a new outreach approach: “Test-to-PrEP,” in which people using PrEP are engaged to distribute free HIV self-tests and PrEP referrals through their social networks. They have worked with 100 current PrEP clients to engage members of their social network with information about PrEP provide them with HIV self-tests. More than one third of the 117 HIV self-test kit recipients who confirmed they used the test reported they had not previously known about PrEP. Self-reported knowledge and likelihood to use PrEP increased significantly after kit receipt. PrEP clients also reported feeling comfortable with the distribution and enthusiastic about the strategy. Their work has provided a blueprint for mobile HIV prevention and related services as a strategy to interrupt further transmission.

Group of people standing together looking at the camera, under a large tent.

Mobile clinic service team in the Liberty City neighborhood of Miami, Florida

Credit: University of Miami

Shelby County, Tennessee

Rural areas like Shelby County pose distinct challenges to HIV service delivery, including a lack of outpatient providers and fragmented health care and social services, as well as stigma and medical mistrust. To overcome these barriers, researchers from University of Massachusetts, Lowell, in collaboration with the University of Memphis and the Shelby County Health Department, used an implementation research approach to adapt and provide an evidence-based training and capacity-building program in HIV care for existing community health workers (CHWs), with input from HIV care providers, people with HIV, and CHWs. CHWs are frontline public health workers who are also members of the community they serve. The team has trained 67 CHW to support HIV care across eight agencies and has provided coaching sessions to supervisors around how to sustain this workforce. They are assessing the sustainability and effectiveness of this program in addressing service gaps and improving health outcomes through follow-up surveys with health care agency staff and county health leaders. 

A person stands next to a large paper with handwritten text that has been posted on a wall, and points to the text while speaking.

Community health worker Michelle Anderson discussing culturally relevant care HIV care with colleagues in Memphis, Tennessee.

Credit: University of Massachusetts, Lowell

In addition to NIH, HHS agencies and offices participating in EHE include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the Health Resources and Services Administration; the Indian Health Service; the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health; and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 

To view a complete list of NIH research projects supported with EHE initiative funding, please visit the awards page

To learn more about EHE, please visit



Butts, SA et al. Addressing disparities in Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) access: implementing a community-centered mobile PrEP program in South Florida. BMC Health Services Research. DOI 10.1186/s12913-023-10277-1 (2023).

Johnson, AL et al. “Test-To-PrEP”: Assessing Reach and Adoption of a New Approach to Increase HIV Testing and PrEP Knowledge Using HIV Self-Test Kit Distribution Through PrEP Clients' Social Networks. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. DOI 10.1097/QAI.0000000000003294 (2023). 

Rajabiun, S et al. Using Implementation Science to Promote Integration and Sustainability of Community Health Workers in the HIV Workforce. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. DOI 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002966 (2023).

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