NIH-Sponsored Trial of Lassa Vaccine Opens

Fabiano Oliveira, M.D., Ph.D.

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Vector Molecular Biology Section


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Our research focuses on the complex interactions between the human immune system and insect-derived molecules, and how these interactions can influence the outcomes of vector-borne diseases such as dengue, Zika, Chikungunya, and leishmaniasis. When an insect bites, it injects hundreds of arthropod molecules into the host's skin, alerting our immune system to these foreign agents. If the insect is infected with a pathogen, the microorganism is delivered along with these insect-derived molecules. Our immune response to these molecules over time can either help or hinder pathogen establishment, ultimately affecting the disease outcome.

Our work is conducted at two primary locations: the Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research (LMVR) in Rockville, which is equipped with cutting-edge technologies, and the NIAID International Center of Excellence in Research (ICER) in Cambodia, where we conduct field observations and studies.

At LMVR-Rockville, we use advanced technologies and methodologies to explore the molecular and immunological mechanisms underlying the human response to arthropod bites and the pathogens they transmit. In Cambodia, at the NIAID ICER, we engage in extensive fieldwork to gather critical data and observations directly from affected populations. By integrating field data with laboratory findings, we aim to develop robust hypotheses that can lead to effective strategies for disease mitigation and control.

Our multidisciplinary approach allows us to bridge the gap between laboratory research and field applications. By understanding how the human immune system responds to arthropod molecules, we can identify potential targets for vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostic tools. Additionally, our research contributes to the development of innovative vector control strategies that can reduce the incidence of these debilitating diseases.

Through collaboration with local communities, healthcare providers, and international partners, we strive to translate our scientific discoveries into practical solutions that can improve public health outcomes. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the burden of vector-borne diseases and enhance the quality of life for people living in endemic regions.

Our research aims to improve dengue prevention and treatment strategies for U.S. travelers, personnel in endemic areas, and regions with reported dengue cases, such as Hawaii, Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. Enhanced predictive, management, diagnostic, and preventive measures for dengue outbreaks are particularly crucial for these at-risk regions. The development and use of prophylactic therapeutics targeting specific immune responses to mosquito bites could reduce the transmission of arboviruses, including eastern equine encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon, La Crosse, Powassan, St. Louis encephalitis, and West Nile viruses. Improved diagnostic capabilities for vector-borne diseases and emerging infections will lead to better patient outcomes. 

Selected Publications

Manning JE, Chea S, Parker DM, Bohl JA, Lay S, Mateja A, Man S, Nhek S, Ponce A, Sreng S, Kong D, Kimsan S, Meneses C, Fay MP, Suon S, Huy R, Lon C, Leang R, Oliveira F. Development of Inapparent Dengue Associated With Increased Antibody Levels to Aedes aegypti Salivary Proteins: A Longitudinal Dengue Cohort in Cambodia. J Infect Dis. 2022 Oct 17;226(8):1327-1337.

Guerrero D, Vo HTM, Lon C, Bohl JA, Nhik S, Chea S, Man S, Sreng S, Pacheco AR, Ly S, Sath R, Lay S, Missé D, Huy R, Leang R, Kry H, Valenzuela JG, Oliveira F, Cantaert T, Manning JE. Evaluation of cutaneous immune response in a controlled human in vivo model of mosquito bites. Nat Commun. 2022 Nov 17;13(1):7036.

Chea S, Willen L, Nhek S, Ly P, Tang K, Oristian J, Salas-Carrillo R, Ponce A, Leon PCV, Kong D, Ly S, Sath R, Lon C, Leang R, Huy R, Yek C, Valenzuela JG, Calvo E, Manning JE, Oliveira F. Antibodies to Aedes aegypti D7L salivary proteins as a new serological tool to estimate human exposure to Aedes mosquitoes. Front Immunol. 2024 May 1;15:1368066.

Guimaraes-Costa AB, Shannon JP, Waclawiak I, Oliveira J, Meneses C, de Castro W, Wen X, Brzostowski J, Serafim TD, Andersen JF, Hickman HD, Kamhawi S, Valenzuela JG, Oliveira F. A sand fly salivary protein acts as a neutrophil chemoattractant. Nat Commun. 2021 May 28;12(1):3213.

Oliveira F, Rowton E, Aslan H, Gomes R, Castrovinci PA, Alvarenga PH, Abdeladhim M, Teixeira C, Meneses C, Kleeman LT, Guimarães-Costa AB, Rowland TE, Gilmore D, Doumbia S, Reed SG, Lawyer PG, Andersen JF, Kamhawi S, Valenzuela JG. A sand fly salivary protein vaccine shows efficacy against vector-transmitted cutaneous leishmaniasis in nonhuman primates. Sci Transl Med. 2015 Jun 3;7(290):290ra90.

Manning JE, Oliveira F, Coutinho-Abreu IV, Herbert S, Meneses C, Kamhawi S, Baus HA, Han A, Czajkowski L, Rosas LA, Cervantes-Medina A, Athota R, Reed S, Mateja A, Hunsberger S, James E, Pleguezuelos O, Stoloff G, Valenzuela JG, Memoli MJ. Safety and immunogenicity of a mosquito saliva peptide-based vaccine: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, phase 1 trial. Lancet. 2020 Jun 27;395(10242):1998-2007.

Visit PubMed for a complete publication listing.

Major Areas of Research
  • Characterization of human immune response to ticks, mosquito, and sand fly saliva in the context of medically significant vector-borne diseases (Lyme disease, Powassan, dengue, malaria, and leishmaniasis)
  • Clinical and field epidemiology of the impact of mosquito saliva immunity on the outcome of dengue, Zika, and other diseases carried by mosquitos
  • Strategies to block vector-borne diseases by targeting the arthropod vector and interruption transmission to the human host

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), such as dengue, lymphatic filariasis, trachoma, and leishmaniasis, are called "neglected," because they generally afflict the world's poor and historically have not received as much attention as other diseases. NTDs tend to thrive in developing regions of the world, where water quality, sanitation, and access to health care are substandard. However, some of these diseases also are found in areas of the United States with high rates of poverty.

Why Is the Study of Neglected Tropical Diseases a Priority for NIAID?

Neglected tropical diseases, take a tremendous toll on global health. The World Health Organization estimates that more than one billion people — approximately one-sixth of the world's population — suffer from at least one NTD. While NTDs rarely lead to death, they can cause significant disability that persists for a lifetime, including fatigue, blindness, and disfigurement. Sufferers miss school, are unable to work, or are too embarrassed to seek medical care. By diminishing quality of life and opportunities to succeed, NTDs can reinforce the cycle of poverty among the world's disadvantaged populations.

How Is NIAID Addressing This Critical Topic?

NIAID has a robust program of research devoted to better understanding, preventing, and treating NTDs. Studies conducted and supported by NIAID have led to important new discoveries about the microbes that cause NTDs, the identification of targets for potential new drugs and vaccines, and the development of strategies for controlling the organisms that transmit NTD-causing agents to humans. Learn more about the NIAID role in neglected tropical disease research.

Aedes mosquito larvae.
detailed photo of an aedes mosquito on a colorful background

Colorized image of an Aedes mosquito

Credit: NIAID
Neglected Tropical Diseases
Page Summary
Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), such as dengue, lymphatic filariasis, trachoma, and leishmaniasis, are called "neglected," because they generally afflict the world's poor and historically have not received as much attention as other diseases.
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Natural History of Treated Neurocysticercosis and Long-Term Outcomes

The purpose of this protocol is to follow participants with cysticercosis during and after completion of treatment, to characterize the disease course during both short- and long-term follow-up, assess biomarkers associated with infection and response to treatment, improve diagnostic assays, and explore host-parasite interactions.

Sequencing of Congo Mpox Reports Highlights New Transmission Patterns in Country


Country-led genetic analysis of samples collected through the Republic of Congo (RoC) epidemiologic surveillance system in early 2024 showed that mpox was affecting people in parts of the country where it has not been historically reported, and point to increases in human-to-human transmission across the border with the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where a large outbreak was declared a public health emergency of international concern in August of the same year. The analysis was conducted by the RoC Laboratoire National de Santé Publique (LNSP) in Brazzaville with support and scientific partnership from NIAID and was published in The Lancet

There are two known types or “clades” of monkeypox virus (MPXV), which causes mpox clinical disease. Clade I is endemic in Central Africa and can cause severe illness. Clade II, endemic in West Africa, caused the global mpox outbreak that began in 2022 and tends to result in milder illness. Each clade has two known subtypes referred to as “a” and “b.” Clade Ia has been identified in RoC and DRC intermittently for decades and Clade Ib was first identified during the active DRC outbreak. Mpox is a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be spread between animals and people. MPXV has been detected in rodents that live in areas historically affected by mpox. 

Genetic sequencing of MPXV can help determine the transmission dynamics and guide the public health response to mpox, but until recently most sequencing of MPXV was done outside of affected countries like RoC, requiring costly sample transport and delaying decision-making by local health authorities. 

To better understand whether mpox in RoC was driven by spillover from local animal hosts or cross-border human-to-human transmission from DRC, a team led by the RoC LNSP analyzed 31 samples of laboratory-confirmed MPXV collected through the country’s routine epidemiologic surveillance system between January and April of 2024. Using new in-country sequencing technology, the team determined that there were diverse circulating strains of MPXV in the country, all of the Clade Ia subtype, and some showed up to 99.9% genetic similarity to MPXV sequenced from the DRC. Moreover, MPXV samples came from provinces without historical reports of mpox. 

According to the authors, the diversity of identified stains suggest MPXV has been introduced to the human population in RoC through multiple distinct events, which could be a combination of direct zoonotic transmission from local animals as well as human-to-human transmission within and across the country’s borders. They state that current epidemiological data are insufficient to definitively confirm the directionality of MPXV transmission and that further epidemiological research is needed to understand local transmission patterns and inform the public health response in RoC. Finally, they highlight that while only 31 samples met criteria for analysis in the study, it is likely these cases represent only a fraction of the RoC mpox burden at the time of collection.

This research informed the RoC’s decision to declare a national mpox epidemic in April 2024. It is part of a longstanding scientific collaboration between NIAID’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories and the Congolese government. The U.S. Embassy in RoC, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization also provided technical and laboratory support for this study. 

Learn more about NIAID’s mpox research priorities. Play a video of NIAID Director Jeanne Marrazzo discussing these priorities. 


CK Yinda, et al. Genetic sequencing analysis of monkeypox virus clade I in Republic of the Congo: a cross-sectional, descriptive study. The Lancet DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)02188-3 (2024)

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New Tool Identifies Aedes Mosquito Exposure in People


NIAID-developed Test Could Be Used to Find Hot Spots for Disease-spreading Mosquitoes

Not all mosquitoes are the same. Some carry pathogens that cause diseases in the people they bite. Scientists at NIAID developed a new tool to help identify geographic hot spots for Aedes mosquitoes, a type of mosquito that can spread diseases such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya. The tool uses a marker from blood serum to identify people bitten by Aedes mosquitoes. Monitoring for this marker in blood samples could help find sites where disease-carrying mosquitoes live, allowing for targeted interventions against dengue and other diseases.

Nearly half of the world’s population lives in areas affected by dengue, a viral disease spread by Aedes mosquitoes, primarily of the species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. The disease symptoms include fever, head and body aches, nausea and rash, and severe cases of dengue can be fatal. Each year, between 100 and 400 million people develop the disease, resulting in approximately 40,000 deaths. In places where dengue is common, it is often a major cause of illness. However, vaccines against dengue are not widely available throughout the world. For these reasons, mosquito control is an important strategy for preventing the disease in these regions.

When a person or animal is bitten by a mosquito, saliva from the mosquito is injected into the skin. The saliva is what causes the bite to itch—and it can also contain pathogens such as viruses and parasites that cause disease. The immune system reacts to a mosquito bite, producing antibodies against the proteins contained in mosquito saliva. People who have been bitten by Aedes mosquitoes carry antibodies against these proteins in their blood. Although a mixture of mosquito salivary gland proteins can be used in the lab to test whether a person has been bitten by Aedes mosquitoes, the test can be expensive, time-consuming, and difficult to standardize among different labs.

A team of researchers led by Dr. Fabiano Oliveira in NIAID’s Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research aimed to develop a test suitable for large-scale monitoring of Aedes mosquito exposure in people. The researchers tested blood serum from children in Cambodia who had enrolled in a study conducted by the NIAID International Center for Excellence in Research, Cambodia. The researchers compared the levels of several mosquito saliva proteins in the blood of children who had and had not developed dengue. They found that most of the children who had developed the mosquito-borne disease had higher levels of antibodies against two proteins, AeD7L1 and AeD7L2, which are from the saliva of the Ae. aegypti mosquito. Based on these findings, the scientists developed a test that uses lab-produced versions of the proteins. They found that the test could detect antibodies produced by Aedes mosquito bites without detecting exposure to other types of mosquitoes, such as some Culex and Anopheles species.

The researchers note that the new test could be a valuable tool for public health programs, such as for identifying where mosquito control measures could have the greatest effect in areas with limited access to resources. However, they say that additional development is needed to ensure that the test produces consistent results in different populations, including adults. They note that the test uses reagents that are inexpensive, could be standardized among different labs, and would need only a drop of blood for analysis, making it a promising means to help prevent the spread of dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases.


S. Chea and L. Willen, et al., “Antibodies to Aedes aegypti D7L salivary proteins as a new serological tool to estimate human exposure to Aedes mosquitoes.” Frontiers in Immunology, May 1, 2024. [DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1368066]

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World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day – Focus on Leishmaniasis


World Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) Day offers an opportunity to reflect on recent strides in tropical disease research and the work that remains. NIAID conducts and supports work on a wide variety of diseases—some of which rarely make headlines but cause immense suffering. An example of this is leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease that sickens hundreds of thousands of people each year, mostly in equatorial regions of the globe. In recent years, NIAID has made significant efforts to study the parasite that causes the disease and find new ways to battle it.

The single-celled Leishmania parasite, which is spread by the bites of infected sand flies, can cause a wide array of symptoms. Cutaneous leishmaniasis, the most common form of the disease, is a skin infection.  It manifests as skin ulcers, which may lead to lifelong scarring. The World Health Organization estimates that between 600,000 and 1 million people get cutaneous leishmaniasis each year. A rarer form, mucosal leishmaniasis, attacks the membranes in the nose and mouth and results in painful ulcers, nosebleeds, and related symptoms.

The most severe form is visceral leishmaniasis (also known as kala-azar), in which the Leishmania parasites attack the patient’s internal organs, such as the spleen, liver and bone marrow. This leads to organ dysfunction that is usually fatal if left untreated. Sick patients with visceral leishmaniasis often have fevers, anemia, weight loss and severe fatigue. While a wide array of therapeutics can be used to treat leishmaniasis, not all therapeutics work equally well for different forms of Leishmania parasites.

This diversity of treatment options poses a serious problem for healthcare providers because there are at least 20 species of Leishmania. Studying each individual strain and how they differ from one another will be key in developing therapeutics and preventive measures. NIAID supports a Tropical Medicine Research Center (TMRC) in Sri Lanka, which has conducted epidemiological and molecular studies on locally occurring types of Leishmania, comparing it with strains from India.

Unfortunately, recent research has suggested that different strains of Leishmania are capable of hybridizing with each other, potentially creating offspring resistant to multiple kinds of drugs. How this occurs is largely a mystery, given that Leishmania are single-celled protozoa, and when observed in the lab setting, largely reproduce by cloning themselves. A recent paper from researchers at NIAID explores how their hybridization works. By analyzing the whole genomes of Leishmania parasites, the researchers identified several genes which could allow the parasites to perform meiosis-like gene recombination. In other words, they have the necessary genes to perform a genetic recombination and exchange process similar to sexual reproduction in animals and plants. Understanding how these hybrids arise could be key to understanding how the different strains evolve and change in the future.

To better prepare for these changes, other NIAID-supported researchers are investigating new therapeutics for leishmaniasis and finding better uses for existing therapeutics. In 2021, a team investigating oral antifungal agents for leishmaniasis found that a miltefosine/posaconazole combination worked well together ex vivoand could be very effective against the most common Leishmania species in Colombia. This year, a different group of scientists found a new therapeutic agent that seems to harm several different species of Leishmania parasites during the part of their life cycle when they are infecting human cells. This agent could be, in theory, both easy and cheap to produce, making it an appealing prospect as a treatment if proven safe and effective in later studies. A third group with NIAID support has been doing early work to optimize a series of imidazopyridine drugs, which pharmacokinetic surveys hint might be effective against visceral Leishmania speciesThis process attempts to increase the agent’s potency against Leishmania while also making it more tolerable for mammalian cells.  

As with many neglected tropical diseases, researching the parasite’s vector is also key to understanding this disease. The sand flies that carry the Leishmania parasite are tiny—smaller than mosquitoes—and transmit the parasites when they bite people and take a blood meal. Another NIAID TMRC, based in East Africa, conducts research on the ecology and behavior of sand flies, in the hopes of finding ways to control the disease by controlling the flies. In the United States, NIAID supports the Sand Fly Repository at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, the largest sand fly repository in the world. Through the repository, researchers can access flies from 15 different colonies for use in their own work.

Leishmaniasis remains challenging to prevent and treat—and like all neglected tropical diseases, its impact on people in affected areas is significant. NIAID’s efforts to study Leishmania and its hosts will continue in the years to come in the hopes of finding new and improved ways to combat this disease

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Oyebola Oyesola, DVM, Ph.D

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Immune Priming Unit
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The Immune Priming Unit is focused on understanding how previous infection and exposure to environmental antigens can reprogram the immune system to influence outcomes to subsequent insults and injury.

Helminths infections are widespread and affect over a billion people worldwide. These worms have co-evolved with their vertebrate host for hundreds of millions of years before recent regional efforts aimed at eradication. Some of these worms can migrate through different tissue sites, such as the lungs, to induce a Type 2 inflammatory and regulatory response. This response can persist even after worm clearance and may influence responses to subsequent immunological challenges.

Furthermore, humans are constantly exposed to various antigens and microbes in their immediate environment. These microbes can play important roles in shaping immune response and contributing to immune variation within a population. However, use of mice in specific pathogen free (SPF) facilities has not favored an understanding of the contribution of an individual environmental history in responses to subsequent insults.

Our unit is focused on understanding how helminth infection and exposure to environmental antigens can reprogram the immune system to influence outcomes to other insults. To answer this question, we use various murine models, infection models, environmental models, multicolor flow cytometry and other single cell approaches to dissect the contributions of reprogrammed innate cells to the development of host resistance and/or susceptibility to other insults.

Selected Publications

Oyesola OO, Hilligan KL, Namasivayam S, Howard N, Clancy CS, Zhao M, Oland SD, Kiwanuka KN, Garza NL, Lafont BAP, Johnson RF, Mayer-Barber KD, Sher A, Loke P. Exposure to lung-migrating helminth protects against murine SARS-CoV-2 infection through macrophage-dependent T cell activation. Sci Immunol. 2023 Aug 18;8(86):eadf8161. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.adf8161. Epub 2023 Aug 11. PMID: 37566678.

Oyesola O, Downie AE, Howard N, Barre RS, Kiwanuka K, Zaldana K, Chen YH, Menezes A, Lee SC, Devlin J, Mondragón-Palomino O, Silva Souza CO, Herrmann C, Koralov S, Cadwell K, Graham AL, Loke P. Genetic and Environmental interactions contribute to immune variation in rewilded mice. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 May 2:2023.03.17.533121. doi: 10.1101/2023.03.17.533121. PMID: 36993484; PMCID: PMC10055251.

Oyesola OO, Shanahan MT, Kanke M, Mooney BM, Webb LM, Smita S, Matheson MK, Campioli P, Pham D, Früh SP, McGinty JW, Churchill MJ, Cahoon JL, Sundaravaradan P, Flitter BA, Mouli K, Nadjsombati MS, Kamynina E, Peng SA, Cubitt RL, Gronert K, Lord JD, Rauch I, von Moltke J, Sethupathy P, Tait Wojno ED. PGD2 and CRTH2 counteract Type 2 cytokine-elicited intestinal epithelial responses during helminth infection. J Exp Med. 2021 Sep 6;218(9):e20202178. doi: 10.1084/jem.20202178. Epub 2021 Jul 20. PMID: 34283207; PMCID: PMC8294949.

Oyesola OO, Duque C, Huang LC, Larson EM, Früh SP, Webb LM, Peng SA, Tait Wojno ED. The Prostaglandin D2 Receptor CRTH2 Promotes IL-33-Induced ILC2 Accumulation in the Lung. J Immunol. 2020 Feb 15;204(4):1001-1011. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1900745. Epub 2020 Jan 3. PMID: 31900341; PMCID: PMC6994842.

Douglas B, Oyesola O, Cooper MM, Posey A, Tait Wojno E, Giacomin PR, Herbert DR. Immune System Investigation Using Parasitic Helminths. Annu Rev Immunol. 2021 Apr 26;39:639-665. doi: 10.1146/annurev-immunol-093019-122827. Epub 2021 Mar 1. PMID: 33646858; PMCID: PMC8162934.

Oyesola OO, Souza COS, Loke P. The Influence of Genetic and Environmental Factors and Their Interactions on Immune Response to Helminth Infections. Front Immunol. 2022 Apr 29;13:869163. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.869163. PMID: 35572520; PMCID: PMC9103684.

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Professor Awarded over $180,000 in Grants to Study Parasites that Cause Neglected Tropical Diseases

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Professor Awarded over $180,000 in Grants to Study Parasites that Cause Neglected Tropical Diseases
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The STOMP Trial Evaluates an Antiviral for Mpox


Following a peak in the summer of 2022, new infections in the mpox clade IIb outbreak have decreased, due in part to the rapid availability and uptake of vaccines and other preventive measures. However, mpox remains a health threat, and no treatment has been proven safe and effective for people experiencing mpox disease.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, launched the STOMP trial to determine whether the antiviral drug tecovirimat can safely and effectively treat mpox. Tecovirimat, also known as TPOXX, was initially developed and approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat smallpox—a species of virus closely related to mpox—but the drug’s safety and efficacy as an mpox treatment has not been established. The STOMP trial is a phase 3 study that aims to enroll about 500 people—a process that may require considerable time while mpox burden is low in study countries. NIAID continues to prioritize this study even while case counts are low.

VIDEO: Cyrus Javan of NIAID’s Division of AIDS explains the importance of the STOMP trial (audio description version here):

The STOMP trial was designed to be as inclusive as possible to ensure study results provide information on how tecovirimat works in the diverse populations affected by mpox. The trial is enrolling adults and children of all races and sexes, people with HIV, and pregnant and lactating people across 60 sites in the United States and Mexico, with an option for remote enrollment from other U.S. locations. More sites are expected to open in East Asia and South America.

The mpox virus has been endemic—occurring regularly—in west, central and east Africa since the first case of human mpox disease was identified in 1970. Mpox can cause flu-like symptoms and painful blisters or sores on the skin. People who acquire mpox tend to clear the infection on their own, but the virus can cause serious disease in children, pregnant people, and other people with compromised immune systems, including individuals with advanced HIV disease. Rare but serious complications of mpox include dehydration, bacterial infections, pneumonia, brain inflammation, sepsis, eye infections and death.

Completing the STOMP trial is essential, not only to evaluate a therapeutic option for the current mpox outbreak, but also to guide preparation for future outbreaks and provide evidence that could inform medical practice in historically endemic countries. The STOMP trial is sponsored by NIAID and led by the NIAID-funded Advancing Clinical Therapeutics Globally for HIV/AIDS and Other Infections (ACTG).

Beyond STOMP, NIAID is co-sponsoring the PALM007 trial of tecovirimat as treatment for clade I mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) with the DRC’s National Institute of Biomedical Research. PALM007 is actively enrolling. In addition, NIAID is sponsoring an immunogenicity study of the JYNNEOS preventive vaccine, which has completed enrollment and is expected to report initial results in 2024. More information about these studies, including enrollment in STOMP and PALM007, is available here:

STOMP tecovirimat treatment study 
PALM007 tecovirimat treatment study
JYNNEOS vaccine study

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