Martha Nason, Ph.D.

Mathematical Statistician, Biostatistics Research Branch

Martha Nason, Ph.D. Mathematical Statistician, Biostatistics Research Branch, DCR, NIAID, NIH

Martha Nason, Ph.D.

Credit: NIAID


Methodology for HIV Vaccine Trials, Statistics for Flow Cytometry, Statistical Consulting, Exploratory Data Analysis, Visualization of complex models, Statistics Education, Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials; Data Mining, Classification and Regression Trees, Experimental Design, Statistical Computing.

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Selected Publications

Nason M and Follmann D. Crossover trial designs for absorbing binary endpoints. Under revision at Biometrics.

Proschan M. and Nason M. A Note on Correction of Information Time in a Survival Trial Using a Spending Function. Submitted to Statistics in Medicine.

Cheng C, Gall JGD, Nason M, King CR, Koup RA, Roederer M, McElrath MJ, Morgan CA, Churchyard G, Keefer MC, Graham BS, Nabel JG. Differential specificity and immunogenicity of adenovirus 5 neutralizing antibodies elicited by natural infection or immunization. Submitted to Nature Medicine

Doria-Rose N, Klein R, Manion M, O’Dell S, Phogat A, Chakrabarti B, Hallahan C, Migueles S, Wrammert J, Ahmed R, Nason M, Wyatt R, Mascola J, and Connors M. Frequency and Phenotype of HIV Envelope-specific B Cells From Patients With Broadly Cross-Neutralizing Antibodies. J Virol. 2008 Oct 15. [Epub ahead of print]

Martin JE, Louder MK, Holman LA, Gordon IJ, Enama ME, Larkin BD, Andrews CA, Vogel L, Koup RA, Roederer M, Bailer RT, Gomez PL, Nason M, Mascola JR, Nabel GJ, Graham BS; the VRC 301 Study Team. A SARS DNA vaccine induces neutralizing antibody and cellular immune responses in healthy adults in a Phase I clinical trial. Vaccine. 2008 Nov 25;26(50):6338-6343

Proschan M and Nason M. Conditioning in 2x2 Tables. Biometrics, 23 May 2008.

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