Key Functions
- Organizes special emphasis panels to conduct the initial peer review of grant applications and contract proposals addressing NIAID-specific needs, i.e., Solicited, NIAID-Requested Research, Research Projects (R), Program Projects (P), Cooperative Agreements (U), Research Career Development Awards (K), institutional Training Grants (T), Conference Awards (R13 and U13), and Contracts (N01). Additionally, conducts the initial peer review of applications submitted to four chartered review committees aligned separately with the Division of AIDS; Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; and Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation. Identifies and recruits a broad pool of individual experts in scientific areas relevant to the NIAID mission to perform peer review of applications and proposals.
- Formulates and guides peer review strategies.
- Documents the results of scientific peer review meetings.
- Coordinates review activities with the Office of Committee Management.
- Participates in initiative development, performing quality control from the scientific peer review perspective and advising the program divisions on NIAID funding opportunities.
- Oversees and manages development of Enterprise electronic systems used for management of the peer review process.
- Conducts grantsmanship/outreach seminars for the scientific community.
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To learn more about the rest of the Division of Extramural Activities, refer to Division of Extramural Activities.