Malian collaborators draw blood from participants of malaria clinical trials in Kalifaboubou, Mali.
The International Centers for Excellence in Research (ICER) program was launched in 2002 by the Division of Intramural Research (DIR) to develop and sustain research programs in disease-endemic countries through partnerships with local scientists. While the ICER program is focused on infectious disease clinical research, each center is enabled to address the research and training needs of greatest relevance to the local population. Thus, long-term collaborations with colleagues in country, DIR has developed at each ICER site a core research program and, over time, has provided opportunities to expand the research capabilities and programs. The improvement of laboratory and clinical field site infrastructure and the enhancement of information technology capability have been critical components of this effort. In addition to DIR, other NIAID intramural and extramural divisions also have provided support to investigators at these sites and aim to continue to support ICER programs through the engagement of the extramural scientific community.
The current ICER sites are located in
Read more about the ICERs in the NIH Record.
Other International Programs and Sites

A picture of a PAGODAs recruitment day in the Kampong Speu Province of Cambodia.
In addition to its ICER sites, DIR has collaborative research programs underway at several international sites, including the following:
- Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo – filoviruses, monkeypox
- Maferinyah, Guinea – malaria
- Monrovia, Margibi and Bong Counties, Liberia – malaria
- Sabou, Burkina Faso – malaria
- Zhengzhou, China – tuberculosis
- Cape Town, South Africa – tuberculosis, HIV, HIV positive organ transplantation research
- Cameroon- filariasis (lyphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, and loiasis)
- Ghanna- lassa, CoVID-19
- Brazil- dengue
- Philippines- CoVID-19
- Jordan- MERS-CoV