stage indicator - find a funding opportunity

Some Deadlines Are Before the Application Due Date

If you plan to apply for a grant, your opportunity’s due date may not be the only one you need to know. You may also have special institutional and NIH deadlines in the weeks or months before you apply.

Your Institution’s Internal Deadlines

Long before you Find a Funding Opportunity or start to Apply for a Grant, you should touch base with staff in your university or institution’s business office. They can inform you about their required approvals, preparation steps, and internal deadlines.

Most organizations have at least one internal deadline before the NIH funding opportunity’s due date. That’s because it can take days, weeks, or even months for your business officials to process and submit your application.

It’s also a good idea to check early whether you are properly registered in the eRA Commons and able to log in. If not, ask your institution’s eRA account administrator for help.

Timed Steps for NIH and NIAID Requirements

Far in advance of your application due date, you may need to seek NIAID’s prior approval, contact a program officer for prior consultation, or take other timed steps.

We advise you to Contact a NIAID Program Officer early for advice on your planned science, notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), and how to meet special requirements.

Here are some example scenarios with steps before your application’s due date:

Beyond those examples, your application may have different or additional requirements. Check the instructions for your chosen NOFO, NIH Policy and Compliance, NIAID Grants Rules and Policies, and NIAID rules for Research With Special Considerations.

Based on your internal deadline and accounting for preapproval steps, we recommend that you allow at least this much time to Prepare Your Application and Apply for a Grant:

  • Two months: Planning and writing.
  • One month: Getting feedback.
  • Two weeks: Checks and edits.

Learn more about timelines, preparation time, and review cycles at Timelines & Due Dates.

Have Questions?

A program officer in your area of science can give you application advice, NIAID's perspective on your research, and confirmation that your proposed research fits within NIAID’s mission.

Find contacts and instructions at When to Contact an NIAID Program Officer.

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