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Research Career Development (K) Awards

NIAID offers a variety of individual research career development (K) awards, which enable scientists with diverse backgrounds to enhance their careers in biomedical research. Individual K awards can also have positive effects on your publication record and subsequent receipt of NIH grants (e.g., R01 Research Projects).

To help you decide which award best suits your needs, check Choose an Award by Career Stage and the K award types linked below.

Types of K Awards at NIAID

Learn about each type of career development award that NIAID supports:

NIAID also participates in the following relevant opportunities:

You can search for All NIAID Career (K) Funding Opportunities on our Opportunities list.

Except for the K99/R00 programs, all K awards require either U.S. citizenship or permanent residency status (Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551). People on temporary or student visas are not eligible.

For mentored K awards, review our advice at Know What To Look for When Choosing a Mentor.

Learn more about K applications and awards in the Career Development Grants SOP and the sections below.

Understanding Research Career Development (K) Award Specifics
Before applying for an NIAID K award, review the levels of support, funding periods, and effort requirements to ensure that the award will meet your needs. Other NIH institutes may offer different levels of support.
Application Advice for Research Career Development (K) Awards
The K category is broad and special rules may apply for your award. Before jumping in to write your application, learn how to address peer review criteria, align your career development plan to your professional goals, and adhere to the NIH public access policy.
Percent Effort and Concurrent Salary Support for Research Career Development (K) Awards
Learn our requirements for how much of your professional time must be devoted to the funded K award and get details on effort, salary supplementation, and salary sources.
Clinical Trials and NIAID Research Career Development (K) Opportunities
Before you apply for a K award involving clinical trial research, make sure you know which NIAID K funding opportunity to choose.

More Information

Email your questions to

We can also advise you on your eligibility for a particular K program and whether your proposed research aligns with NIAID if you send us your NIH-formatted biosketch and Specific Aims page. Learn more at Create Biosketches and Draft Specific Aims.

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