NIH-FDA Immunology Interest Group (IIG)

Micrograph of MRSA

Scanning electron micrograph of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and a dead human neutrophil.

Credit: NIAID

The NIH-FDA Immunology Interest Group (IIG) organizes activities designed to promote information exchange and interactions among NIH and FDA scientists interested in the field of immunology. Interactions are facilitated via weekly meetings on current topics as well as an Annual Immunology Workshop. The IIG of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a voluntary organization of investigators and trainees who are members of the intramural research community of the NIH, FDA, and affiliated research and teaching organizations that promotes the mission of the NIH and FDA in research and training in the areas of immunology and infectious diseases. The IIG serves as the organizational structure for intramural researchers to promote high academic standards of research and training and foster the development of new biomedical knowledge and the translation of research knowledge into new preventive measures and therapies for human diseases by facilitating interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. The IIG was instituted in 1993. The IIG is the largest interest group on campus with over 500 active members in 19 different institutes and over 1000 subscribers to the list-serve.

Major Areas of Focus

The IIG sponsors two primary activities that are crucial to fostering interactions and promoting scientific communication among the NIH-FDA Immunology Community:

2025 NIH- and FDA-wide Immunology Workshop


All IIG activities are organized by the Steering Committee, whose members are elected annually by the entire IIG community. Steering Committee members comprise senior investigators, tenure track investigators, Staff scientists, Postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. See the current IIG Steering Committee members.


The NIH-FDA Immunology Interest Group (IIG) organizes activities designed to promote information exchange and interactions among NIH and FDA scientists interested in the field of immunology. Interactions are facilitated via weekly meetings on current topics as well as an Annual Immunology Workshop.

Read more about IIG Seminars Series and other related events

2024-2025 Seminar Series

  • Lipsett Auditorium @ 4:00 ET
  • January 8: Dusan Bogunovic (Columbia)
  • January 15: Jakob von Moltke (UW)
  • January 22: Andrea Ablasser (EPFL)
  • January 29: Lisa Coussens (OHSU)

Also check out upcoming or past seminars

Immunologists and IIG Members

Contact Information

To join or leave the IIG listserv, IMMUNI-L, follow the instructions on the NIH Listserv. For the listserv, you must use the same email address that is listed in the NIH Enterprise Directory.

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