Biocontainment Laboratory—University of Louisville Center for Predictive Medicine (CPM)

Biocontainment Laboratory—University of Chicago Howard T. Ricketts Laboratory

Biocontainment Laboratory—University of Alabama at Birmingham Southeastern Biosafety Laboratory Alabama Birmingham (SEBLAB)

Southeastern Biosafety Laboratory Alabama Birmingham (SEBLAB), located at The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), is one of the 12 NIAID-funded Regional Biocontainment Laboratories (RBL). Construction of this 43,500 square foot research building was completed in 2008 and SEBLAB was fully operational in 2009. Laboratory space includes one BSL-2 suite, six BSL-3 suites for in vitro research, four ABSL-3 labs for small animal studies, and an in vivo imaging suite.

Biocontainment Laboratory—Tulane University

The Regional Biocontainment Laboratory (RBL) at the Tulane National Primate Research Center stands at the forefront of critical infectious disease research. As one of the select NIAID-supported Biocontainment Laboratories, its work focuses on two vital missions: developing cutting-edge treatments, vaccines, and diagnostics for naturally occurring emerging infectious diseases, while also advancing countermeasures against potential bioterrorism agents.

Biocontainment Laboratory—Tufts University

Biocontainment Laboratory—Rutgers University

Biocontainment Laboratory—Duke University School of Medicine, Duke Human Vaccine Institute

Rocky Mountain Regional Biocontainment Laboratory—Colorado State University

Biocontainment Laboratory—University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston National Laboratory

Biocontainment Laboratory—Boston University National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory

The National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL) is one of two National Biocontainment Laboratories constructed under a grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The mission of the NEIDL is to generate and translate fundamental knowledge on high priority emerging infectious diseases for the benefit of the public health, locally, nationally and globally.