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Edition: December 20, 2023

Feature Article: Don’t Be Fazed by Phased Awards

Submitted applications contain plans for two phases of research, including milestones that the applicant believes will justify continued support into the second phase.

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Scanning electron micrograph of a human H9 T cell infected with HIV virus particles.

Edition: December 06, 2023

Feature Article: NIH or NIAID? Know the Difference

NIH is made up of 27 institutes and centers, each with a specific research agenda, often focusing on particular diseases or body systems.

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Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli became NIH Director on November 9, 2023

Edition: November 08, 2023

Feature Article: Promptly Determine Whether You’re Eligible to Apply

While a notice of special interest (NOSI) may stipulate eligibility criteria within its Purpose section, most NOSIs defer to the instructions listed in the identified notices of funding opportunities.

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NIH Researches in a lab

Edition: October 20, 2023

Feature Article: Why Criterion Scores Don’t Add Up

The criterion scores reflect the views of the assigned reviewers while your overall impact score reflects the scores of all the panel members who voted.

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NIAID researcher uses an electron microscope.

Edition: October 04, 2023

Feature Article: A Summary of Outcomes from Our September Advisory Council Meeting

NIAID Acting Director Dr. Hugh Auchincloss provided remarks on the Institute’s administrative, budget, and scientific news. He was followed by guest speaker Dr. Ted Pierson, Director of NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center, who discussed recent scientific advances and ongoing research priorities.

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Theodore (Ted) C. Pierson, Ph.D., Director of the Dale and Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center at NIAID

Edition: September 20, 2023

Feature Article: Adjustments to NIH Policy for Subawards and Implementation

This summer, NIH announced planned changes to its policy on subawards—arrangements in which a grant recipient has another organization perform grant-supported research activities as part of the federal award. We previewed those plans in our June 21, 2023 article “Prepare for October Policy Changes on Subawards, Foreign Subrecipients.”

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Edition: September 20, 2023

Feature Article: Explore NIAID Topics for Small Business Innovation Research Contract Solicitation

NIH’s Small Business Education and Entrepreneurial Development program will host an HHS SBIR Contracts Solicitation webinar to discuss the opportunity on September 27, 2023, at 1 p.m. Eastern Time.

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Creative artwork featuring colorized 3D print imagery of hepatitis B virus.

Edition: September 06, 2023

Feature Article: Inform the Center for Scientific Review of Your Assignment Preferences

By using the optional PHS Assignment Request Form, you can convey your preferences for which NIH institutes or centers and study sections are ideal to receive your next application.

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Labeled specimens for malaria and other vector research.

Edition: August 16, 2023

Feature Article: How NIAID Sets a Payline—A Conservative Approach in Light of Uncertainty

We can increase a payline and then fund applications from earlier in the fiscal year that are now within the payline, but we cannot decrease a payline and pull back funding from awards already made.

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Congressman Chris Van Hollen visits NIH

Edition: August 02, 2023

Feature Article: Explore Our Priority Topics for Small Business Research Projects

To accompany the annual small business parent notices of funding opportunities, NIH assembles a list of scientific priorities for small business awards of interest to its institutes and centers.

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HIV Antibody Testing Kit

Edition: July 19, 2023

Feature Article: Grant Coming to an End? Avoid and Survive a Funding Gap

As long as you have accomplished enough to build a strong case for renewing your grant, apply early so you have time to revise and resubmit without risking an interruption in funding.

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NIH experts care for a patient in Interventional Radiology

Edition: July 06, 2023

Feature Article: New Form to Disclose Foreign Relationships for Small Business Concerns

NIAID will require small business innovation research and small business technology transfer applicants to provide a “Required Disclosures of Foreign Affiliations or Relationships to Foreign Countries” form before issuing a grant award.

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Colorized transmission electron micrograph of a single Nipah virus particle (center, colorized that has budded from the surface of an infected cell

Edition: June 21, 2023

Feature Article: Highlights from June’s Advisory Council Meeting

NIAID Acting Director Dr. Hugh Auchincloss discussed administrative, budget, and legislative updates, as well as recent scientific findings. Then Dr. Steven Holland, Director of NIAID’s Division of Intramural Research, described key research accomplishments at our intramural laboratories.

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Dr. Steven M. Holland serves as director of NIAID's Division of Intramural Research

Edition: June 07, 2023

Feature Article: Successful Sample Applications Demonstrate Good Grantsmanship

To observe how other applicants approach grantsmanship, examine the text sections of the successful example applications—particularly the Specific Aims and Research Plans.

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Students working in the lab beside one of their postdoc mentors.

Edition: May 17, 2023

Feature Article: Quiz Yourself on NIH Grant Funding Terminology

How familiar are you with NIAID’s application and grant terminology? Test your knowledge by taking our quiz and pay attention to the explanations for each answer.

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A HISTEP student checks the eye color or her fruit flies during a genetics experiment.

Edition: May 03, 2023

Feature Article: There’s More to Biosafety and Biosecurity Than Select Agents

Review key terminology like dual use research of concern, enhanced potential pandemic pathogens, select agents, and recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules.

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Colorized scanning electron micrograph of Ebola virus particles both budding and attached to the surface of an infected VERO E6 cell

Edition: April 19, 2023

Feature Article: Address Just-in-Time Requests and Bars to Award Quickly

While most of the just-in-time information we request is routine, be aware that certain codes and comments in your summary statement can indicate a funding restriction or bar to award.

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A photo of a woman and man sitting at a desk filling out paperwork.

Edition: April 05, 2023

Feature Article: Highlight Preliminary Data in Your Next Application

Focus on what reviewers would like to see in your application: enough information to convince them that your proposed project can be accomplished and is likely to have a high impact.

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Researcher checks western/moisture blots to know if proteins bind to antibodies.

Edition: March 16, 2023

Feature Article: Generate Your Own Lists of Recently Funded Grants

You can create a list of recently funded NIAID grant awards to better assess the direction of preferences and priorities for NIAID peer reviewers and program staff.

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Colorized scanning electron micrograph of Group A Streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes) bacteria and a human neutrophil.

Edition: March 01, 2023

Feature Article: Stay on Top of SAM Renewals and Organizational Registrations

NIAID cannot provide grant funds to organizations with an expired System for Award Management (SAM) registration; this includes competing and noncompeting awards.

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3D print of hemagglutinin (HA), one of the proteins found on the surface of influenza virus that enables the virus to infect human cells

Edition: February 15, 2023

Feature Article: Reviewing NIAID’s Application and Award Counts for FY 2022

We share the number of R01-equivalent and R21 applications that NIAID received in the previous fiscal year (FY) as well as how many awards NIAID made in turn.

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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in cross-section landing on the surface of a human respiratory endothelial cell. Single stranded RNA (colorized purple) is shown wrapped around a nuclear protein core capped by large L proteins.

Edition: February 01, 2023

Feature Article: Appreciation for 2022 NIAID Peer Review and Committee Volunteers

On behalf of NIAID and our research community, we express our deepest gratitude to fiscal year 2022 review and advisory group volunteers for donating their precious time and effort.

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VRC scientists working with a Biomek Nxp robot, which is used to set up and harvest cultures of HIV patients' B cells that are used in the discovery of novel HIV neutralizing antibodies.

Edition: January 18, 2023

Feature Article: Top Ten Things NIH RePORT and RePORTER Can Do for You

Use custom crafted queries to learn what active research projects represent the cutting edge of your field, find potential collaborators for future projects, and much more.

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Bar graph shows number of active projects at each NIH institute and center.