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Share Your Perspective on NIH’s Plan to Safeguard Scientific Integrity

Funding News Edition: October 20, 2023

The draft NIH Scientific Integrity Policy establishes the appointments of, and roles and responsibilities for, the positions of NIH Chief Scientist and Scientific Integrity Official.

NIAID Recognizes and Supports At-Risk Investigators

Funding News Edition: October 20, 2023

An at-risk investigator has had substantial, independent NIH funding as a principal investigator and, unless successful in securing a substantial research grant award in the current fiscal year, will have no substantial research grant funding in the following fiscal year.

News Briefs and Worth Repeating

Funding News Edition: October 20, 2023

I-Corps Deadlines and Dates for FY 2024 Cohorts Announced; Materials from CHIVIM Clinical Studies and Trials Available; Small Business Collaboration with Resource-Limited Institutions.

Does Your NIAID Grant Opportunity Have Questions and Answers?

Funding News Edition: October 20, 2023

Any time you read an NIAID notice of funding opportunity, build a habit of checking whether there is an associated questions and answers page.

Guidance to Accompany Our Interim Financial Management Plan

Funding News Edition: October 20, 2023

NIAID has not reduced competing or noncompeting awards in some time, but we do so now in light of budget uncertainty.

Why Criterion Scores Don’t Add Up

Funding News Edition: October 20, 2023

The criterion scores reflect the views of the assigned reviewers while your overall impact score reflects the scores of all the panel members who voted.

NIH Seeks Implementation Research Projects to Help End HIV

Funding News Edition: October 20, 2023

Apply if you can expand or improve engagement and re-engagement in HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and care services, or improve strategies to deliver integrated HIV prevention, treatment, and care services to address co-morbidities and co-infections.

Help NIH Advance Rheumatic Heart Disease Research

Funding News Edition: October 20, 2023

Help discover innovative methods and strategies to support the eradication of Rheumatic Heart Disease, which remains endemic in low- and middle-income countries and low-resource settings.

An Initiative to Support Senior Administrators from Low- or Middle-Income Countries

Funding News Edition: October 20, 2023

Our goal is to improve oversight of NIAID grant awards and compliance with NIH funding policies and federal research funding requirements for NIAID-supported foreign institutions.

A Summary of Outcomes from Our September Advisory Council Meeting

Funding News Edition: October 4, 2023

NIAID Acting Director Dr. Hugh Auchincloss provided remarks on the Institute’s administrative, budget, and scientific news. He was followed by guest speaker Dr. Ted Pierson, Director of NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center, who discussed recent scientific advances and ongoing research priorities.

Expanded Opportunity to Conduct Basic Research on HIV Cure Strategies

Funding News Edition: October 4, 2023

NIAID will support basic research into novel mechanisms that contribute to intervention-mediated viral control and reductions in reservoir size as well as experimental, innovative targeted intervention activities.

Apply to Create a Diagnostic Center of Excellence for the Undiagnosed Diseases Network

Funding News Edition: October 4, 2023

Successful applicants will demonstrate that they have the appropriate expertise, resources, and infrastructure needed to conduct advanced diagnostic evaluations at their site.

Focus of Funding Opportunity—Interventions to Improve Health in Native American Populations

Funding News Edition: October 4, 2023

Design interventions with consideration for sustainability within the communities where they are tested, and with the flexibility to be readily adapted, disseminated, and scaled up to other communities where culturally appropriate.

An Acronym to Know—Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP)

Funding News Edition: October 4, 2023

In a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives, you'll broadly consider how diverse perspectives can advance research outcomes, in addition to bringing equity and inclusion to the science they inform.

News Briefs and Worth Repeating

Funding News Edition: October 4, 2023

Join NIH Webinar on Subaward Rules and Procedures; Eligibility Window for F30 Applicants Is 48 Months from Matriculation; Attend NIAID Workshop on Approaches to Bacteria Antigen Discovery; Answer a Pair of RFIs from NIH’s Office of Data Science Strategy; Change to Organization Eligibility for STRONG Funding Opportunity

Don’t Overlook the Three Types of Overlap

Funding News Edition: October 4, 2023

Overlap may be scientific, budgetary, or commitment related. To resolve concerns around overlap, you’ll need to provide information as part of the Just-in-Time (JIT) process that occurs after peer review, when NIAID is considering the application for funding.

Explore NIAID Topics for Small Business Innovation Research Contract Solicitation

Funding News Edition: September 20, 2023

NIH’s Small Business Education and Entrepreneurial Development program will host an HHS SBIR Contracts Solicitation webinar to discuss the opportunity on September 27, 2023, at 1 p.m. Eastern Time.

Adjustments to NIH Policy for Subawards and Implementation

Funding News Edition: September 20, 2023

This summer, NIH announced planned changes to its policy on subawards—arrangements in which a grant recipient has another organization perform grant-supported research activities as part of the federal award. We previewed those plans in our June 21, 2023 article “Prepare for October Policy Changes on Subawards, Foreign Subrecipients.” As explained in a September 15, 2023 Guide notice, NIH has

Create Research Tools for Difficult-to-Culture Eukaryotic Pathogens

Funding News Edition: September 20, 2023

Help address a deficiency in genetic tools and culture conditions that has blocked the development of medical countermeasures for select human eukaryotic pathogens.

NIH Reissues Parent Fellowship Opportunities; New AIDS-Related F31 Application Deadline

Funding News Edition: September 20, 2023

Fellowship grants provide stipends, tuition and fees, and an institutional allowance. Funding levels will vary depending on the candidate’s experience and proposed Research Plan.

Funding Opportunity on Smart Health, AI, and Advanced Data Science

Funding News Edition: September 20, 2023

The Smart Health program supports high-risk, high-reward advances in computer and information science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, behavioral, and cognitive research to address pressing questions in the biomedical and public health communities.

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