Biostatistics Research Branch (BRB)

The Biostatistics Research Branch, Clinical Trails Research and Statistics Branch (CTRSB) and Mathematical Biology Section (MBS) are located within the Office of Biostatistics Research (OBR), Division of Clinical Research (DCR) and supports NIAID staff with statistical advice and assistance. OBR also oversees the Clinical Trials Research and Statistics Branch (CTRSB) to help design and conduct clinical trials in emerging infectious disease outbreaks, and the Mathematical Biology Section (MBS) which focuses on mathematical modeling of clinical and preclinical data with special emphasis on in vivo imaging studies of HIV/SIV pathogenesis.

Briefly, BRB members

  • Engage in collaborative research with NIAID scientists (intramural and extramural)
  • Develop new statistical methods related to any aspect of NIAID research
  • Develop new mathematical models to describe the biology of infectious diseases or immune responses
  • Provide statistical advice and oversight for extramural and intramural research
    • Review or help develop protocols
    • Serve on the intramural Institutional Review Board and on certain extramural data monitoring boards
    • Develop new statistical methods or mathematical models that lead to more reliable, efficient, or insightful scientific inferences to further the NIAID mission

BRB Staff

Contact Information


5601 Fishers Lane, MSC 9820
Rockville, MD 20892-9820
Phone: 301-761-7510
Fax: 301-480-0912​​

Clinical Trials Research Section

As part of the Biostatistics Research Branch, the Clinical Trials Research Section (CTRS) designs and conducts clinical trials in emerging infectious disease outbreaks through innovative trial design, robust data management, sound statistical analysis and effective communication across all areas of study operations.

Clinical Trials Research and Statistics Branch (CTRSB) Staff

Mathematical Biology Section

As part of the Biostatistics Research Branch, the Mathematical Biology Section (MBS) studies mathematical and computational modeling of viral and T-cell dynamics, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antiretroviral therapy, and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)-tracer dynamics - 

MBS staff

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