Southeastern Biosafety Laboratory Alabama Birmingham (SEBLAB), located at The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), is one of the 12 NIAID-funded Regional Biocontainment Laboratories (RBL). Construction of this 43,500 square foot research building was completed in 2008 and SEBLAB was fully operational in 2009. Laboratory space includes one BSL-2 suite, six BSL-3 suites for in vitro research, four ABSL-3 labs for small animal studies, and an in vivo imaging suite.
SEBLAB serves as a catalyst for scientific and translational discovery on biodefense and emerging infectious diseases, with a major focus on NIAID priority pathogens. In 2019, SEBLAB enabled UAB investigators with distinguished records in microbial pathogenesis, immunology, drug discovery, diagnostics, and vaccine development to bring their skills to bear on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. It houses state-of-the art scientific equipment and a scientific core research team to help investigators execute cutting-edge research on BSL-3 pathogens and emerging pandemic threats. More information about this resource is available at Southeastern Biosafety Laboratory Alabama Birmingham.
Main Areas of Focus
- The Mission of SEBLAB is to support basic research necessary to develop drugs, diagnostics and vaccines for emerging infections and biodefense, and to provide surge capacity, in the event of a public health emergency.
Who Can Use This Resource
- SEBLAB is available for use by all UAB researchers, other investigators in academia, non-profit, industry, and governmental organizations, for studies of biodefense and emerging infectious diseases. The application process for working in SEBLAB includes the SEBLAB management team review of the work, Institutional Biosafety Committee approval, and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and Institutional Review Board review, as applicable. Once approved, all persons using the facility must complete comprehensive training tailored to BSL-3 and or ABSL-3 containment.
How To Get Started
- Email SEBLAB for more information
Support Services
Email SEBLAB to find out how the UAB SEBLAB core research team can help you execute BSL-3 research studies
- High Resolution In Vivo Imaging (CT, fluorescence, luminescence)
- Spatial Biology (COSMx, Visium)
- Inhalation Exposure and Intrapulmonary Drug Delivery
- Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting
- Metabolic Analysis
- Single Cell Sequencing
- Nucleic Acid Extraction and Analysis
- Protein Extraction and Analysis
- Diagnostic Test Development
Ability to Accommodate cGLP or cGMP Studies?
Animal Capabilities, including species and containment level(s)
- Mice
- Rats
- Guinea pigs
- Hamsters
- Ferrets
- Small Rabbits
Animal Models, including species, disease, and delivery method
- Mice and ferrets (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza; aerosol, intranasal)
- Mice, hamsters, and ferrets (BSL-3 coronvairuses; aerosol, intranasal, intratracheal)
- Mice and hamsters (Post-COVID secondary bacterial and mold infection; aerosol, intranasal, intratracheal)
- Mice, guinea pigs (Mycobacterium tuberculosis; aerosol, intranasal, intratracheal)
- Mice, (Coccidiodes, Histoplasma, Blastomyces, Neurotropic Dematiaceous molds, Candida auris; aerosol, intranasal, intratracheal)
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (e.g. Cow Flu)
- SARS-CoV-2
- Coccidiodes
- Histoplasma
- Blastomyces
- Neurotropic Dematiaceous molds
- Candida auris
Specialized Areas or Major Equipment Available
High Resolution In Vivo Imaging
- MiLabs µCTUHROIFLT In Vivo Imaging System
- IVIS Lumina III
- BIOEMTECH β-Eye and γ-Eye imaging systems
Spatial Biology and Imaging - Tissue and In Vitro Imaging
- ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7
- Agilent BioTek Cytation 10 Confocal Imaging Reader with BioStack
- NanoString CosMx Spatial Molecular Imager
- 10X Genomics Visium CytAssist
- Echo Resolve Upright/Inverted Fluorescence Microscope
Inhalation Exposure and Pulmonary Function Testing
- DSI Buxco Inhalation Exposure System
- Glas-Col Inhalation Exposure System
- SCIREQ FlexiVent Pulmonary Function Testing System
Cell Analysis and Sorting
- Miltenyi MACSQuant Tyto Cell Sorter
Metabolic Analysis
- Agilent Seahorse XF Pro Analyzer
Nucleic Acid Extraction and Analysis
- Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System
- Applied Biosystems ProFlex PCR System
- ProMega Maxwell® RSC 48 Nucleic Acid Extraction System
- QIAGEN QIAcuity digital PCR system
- 10X Genomics Chromium X Single Cell Sequencing System
Protein Extraction and Analysis
- Ella Automated ELISA
- QIAGEN TissueLyser III
Shared Resources
Shared resources offered in SEBLAB are outlined above. Additional on-campus shared resources available to further augment high containment research productivity include the following on campus Institutional Research Cores.
- Advanced Materials Characterization
- Animal Behavioral Assessment
- Biological Data Sciences
- Comprehensive Flow Cytometry
- Comprehensive Genomics Core
- High Resolution Imaging Facility
- Human Imaging
- Macromolecular Structure
- Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics
- Metabolism
- Microbiome Research
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Preclinical Imaging
- Research MRI
- Transgenic & Genetically Engineered Models