You may be able to find funding for your research from other government agencies, non-profits, philanthropic organizations, foreign governments, and trade groups.
Before committing to apply outside NIH, you may want to assess your other Options if Your Application Isn't Funded as well.
Considerations for Applying Outside NIH
You could look for funding opportunities from the National Science Foundation or other government agencies outside of the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS).
You should also look beyond the government. See Finding Foundations and Other Funding Sources. By checking the organizations and databases listed there, you can find opportunities from non-profits, philanthropic organizations, foreign governments, and trade groups.
Once you move beyond PHS, you don't have to worry about NIH policy on overlapping applications, but you do have to remember the following rules:
- If your application is scientifically distinct from an NIH award, you can accept all awards.
- If you're funded for research that overlaps with an NIH grant, we will adjust your support accordingly when we negotiate your award.
Learn more in Approaches for Staying Funded.
If you’d rather not apply outside NIH, you may want to assess your other Options if Your Application Isn't Funded.