Criteria for High-Risk Clinical Trials

For clinical trials, NIAID defines “high-risk” as a clinical trial that involves any of the following:

  • A nonroutine intervention, i.e., an intervention that would not otherwise be provided for the condition under study in the facility where the study is being conducted.
  • An unlicensed product.
  • A licensed product for an unapproved indication.

NIAID funds high-risk investigator-initiated clinical trials (IICTs) through two notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs):

For advice on what level of risk your research entails, discuss your plans with the scientific contact listed in one of the following NOFOs.

Note, NIAID may determine that your IICT application proposes high-risk research or substantial staff involvement is necessary for other reasons. In these cases, NIAID will ask you to apply for a U01 or convert your award to a U01 after award.

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